M c M innville . O regon , The Daily Reporter, Entered in the Postoffioe at MoMinnville for Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ ond Class Matter. __ ________________ WEEKLY REPORTER Sixteenth Year of Publication. yic.YIlN N VILLE - " OREGON E. L. E. WHITE. o c. IRELAND. D. C. IRELAND & Co., PUBLISHERS. . -O-------------- Weekly Subscription Rates. One copy per year in adyanoe - - - $2.00 If not paid in advanoe - - - - 2.50 To olnbs of three or five, when accompanied with the cash, $1.50 per year eaoh. Two names for six months each to count as one yearly subscription. The Daily Reporter. T he D ailt R epobteb is issued every day in the week except Sundays, and is delivered in the oity at 10 cents per week. By mail, oents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb . Advertising Rate«. lw. ~ SPACE. One inch............... «1 50 Five inches if Col. 3 00 5 00 Eleven in. X" T wen ty-two inches 10 00 ln>. 3 00 5 00 6 00 12 'XI 3m. 5 00 9 00 18 00 30 00 6m. 7 00 18 00 36 00 «0 0(1 12ms 10 00 30 00 78 00 132 00 gjr Above rates slightly advanced for pre­ ferred positions: “Top of Column,” “Next to Reading Matter,” “Seoond Page,” or “Third Page.” gf*Local notices in reading column on Third page: One insertion, per line lOcents Two insertions per line 15 “ Three insertions per line ............... 20 “ By the month per line 25 “ ¿¡»"Obituary notices, resolutions of con- dolement. etc., to insure publication in the Reporter, must be accompanied with instruc­ tions; and the name of the proper person or persons to whom charges for the same are to be made. leek & Jeb Pristine. ’ll À.J We beg leave to announce to the public that we have just added a large stock of new novelties to our business, and make a special­ ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ vinced. D. C, IRELAND & CO. E. E. COUCHER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Me M inn ville tin - O begon . Offioe and reaidenoe, oorner of Third and D streets, next to the poetoffioe. IAS. m ’ oain . h . hvbley . McCain & Hurley, ir '$1 L( ATTORNEYS. AT-LAW AND NOTARIES PI BLIC Lafayette, Oregon, Espeoial attention paid to abstracts of title »nd settlement of estates in probate. Offloe Jail buiding, up stairs. t MM. M. SHADDEN. MISS MAT VESS BY Shadden & Vessey, Fashionable Dressmakers ^e^or ^yRkem°f Cutting and Fit- Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay’« store, _____ McMinnville, Or. ♦ A. M c D onald . M is « K. T hobuto * Fashionable Dressmaking. I“ Mr». H. P. Stuart’« Millinery Stör«, OPPOSITE GRANGE HALI«, NOVEMBER A’£IF.S AND NOTES. One of Hank Vaughn’s old friends robbed him of $600 while he was asleep in his room at Walla Walla. McIn­ tyre, the thief, had been befriended by Hank that night. He was caught, but had spent $150 of the boodle. Col. Frank Parker of the Statesman, will most likely be appointed register of the land office at Walla Walla. Senator Dolph has strongly endorsed him. The office is worth $3,000, a little billet not to be sneezed at these piping times of low salaries. Work has been suspended at the mills of Jones 4 Co. up in the moun­ tains for the winter, and Messrs. Flett and family, Beecher Walker and wife, and all the hands are now in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Flett will not remain in the valley. There are no facts or conditions which justify republican support of protect­ ion democrats for congress. A protec­ tion democrat is an anachronism, the appelation is a misnomer. The man who opposes the great central tenet of his party’s creed should get out and unite with those with whom his views accord. Now that Geronimo has decided to take up his residence in Florida, we venture to hope that the democrats of that state will no longer be inconsola ble for the absence of their distinguish­ ed senior senator, the Hon. Charles W. Jones. Time, at last, makes all things even. The K. of L. made a mistake in not letting the fate of the condemned an- archists severely alone. They had no occasion for any reference to men with whom they have nothing in common. The resolution that they adopted will be a powerful weapon in the hands of their enemies. A Portland paper says that the suc­ cess which attends Dr. Turner is some­ thing wonderful. During the week he has straightened quite a number of patients who have been crosseyed from birth. His process is painless, and the patient runs no risk of injury to the eyes. Those afflicted in this manner should not fail to see this eminent physician while he is in Portland. There is to be a band tournament at Pendleton, June 23, 24 and 25,1887, open to all ameteur bands in Oregon, Washington territory and Idaho. There will be $1,200 given in premi­ ums as follows : First premium, $400; second, $200; third, $200, and $200 first premiums, $150 second, and $50 third for boy bands. The entrance fee will be $1.50 for each member of bands wishing to compete. If our band gets in it can waltz away with the first prixe in good shape. This city always did possess the “boss band of the state, and it should enter the contest and not loose it« reputa­ tion, We will assist a move in that direction. Read the Daily Reporter. PRICE TWO CENTS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. CITY MARKET FRED. F. KELLER, Prop Successor to W. F. Bangasser, YAMHILLCO Third St., Opposite YAMHILL CO. D on ’ t F orget the P lace , Bangasser's building, Cor. B and Thi'd St«» Here is where yon oan get your moneys worth in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Tripe, and everything in the line of meats, of th« best quality the country affords. Also the Best of Bolognas —Where you will— ALWAYS FIND Give me a call and be satisfied. W. T. BAXTER. F. J. MARTIN. New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of Basier i Martin — IW THE— LATEST STYLES Furnishing Goods of all kind, andjabove all THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents for the Suooeaaors to Al, HUSSEY, Third street, MoMinnville, Oregon, ta tai tarn A new, neat and clean stock. Everv artici« A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks, Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To- Carrying a full line of all goods made by baoco, Pipes and Cigars. Brownsville Woolen Will, these celebrated mills. rreeh Fruit and Vegetable« in RUS8 LOGAN. BILL LOGAN. WATT HENDEBMON. LOGAN BROS.“ « HENDERSON. Proprietors of the old established and well known McMinnville LIVERY, FEED AND SALE stable. We are prepared at all hours to furnish Give me a call. Inspect my stock, and I will guarantee prices to suit you. TO THE PUBLIC We would nnnonnoethat Fine Carriages, Hacks and Saddle Horses, Are turning out large amounts of And everything in the Livery hire, in good shape -------- or-------- At Reasonable Rates. The Very Best Quality First Class Lumber TRANSIENT STOCK LEFT with us will receive the beet of enre and at­ Not to be equalled by any mill in Yamhill oounty, notwithstanding reports of some on- tention. Logan Bro«. & Henderoon principled parties to the contrary. WE WILL SELL DOOES AND WINDOWS MoMINNVILLE At 45 per oent. discount from list prio«; Mouldings at 6o cents per hundred feet. Business College, Any Thing in the Line of Hardware Cor. 3d and C Streets, OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, At suoh prices that will defy oompeti­ tion. Remember NO ONE FIRM HAS EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO CUT RATES. I m A ow Open. If we do not have in stock what you want, Attention ia reapeotfully invited to this we have made arrangements to get BUSINESS SCHOOL. any thing vou may want, without dely. We ask you to get Its facilities for thorough practical instruc­ tion; aotual business department a specialty prioes elsewhere before you make purchase«» where ourrenoy, bank check, drafts, etc., are JOBS A CO. used. Class, or private instruction day or MoMinnville, June 10, ’HO. evening. College Journal sent free on ap­ plication. w. ». QABanoN. a . «. oAtnrr. ----- AT THE----- Crayon Portrait Work a Specialty. P. O. Box 101. G. R. HIGGINS, Prin. ni» W. F. COLLABI), Dealer in Gun«, Pistol«, Ammunition, Cutlery, Fine Pithing Uckle, Cigar«, Etc. Where fbere the beet t>e*t of meats mesta can alwaya always be found and at the moat most reasonable price«, pt where ___ the _____ loin of J L beef is divided with i our our custotB- ouetota- _ J L up in the latest styl««, era. Meats done O| an 1 good weights given. Give us a «all. Yours Univ. W. J. Garrison & Co. D C. IRELAND & CO. _____ Third Street, Opposite McMinnville M c M inntill * EURISKO MARKET. Fine Job Printers, McWinnville, Grefon.