The Daily Reporter 1). C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS, McMinnville, Or. - Nov 1, 1886 City election day. Vote for Wortman. Mr.’Galloway delines. We do not need any cranks to run he McMinnville ship of state. W. H. Bingham is now on the sick t, but is improving. Vote for no man who is opposed Aunt Polly and Uncle Ezra. Do n’t ask any questions. Read mr ticket and vote as you please. Voters; do your duty to-day. The eves of all nations are turned upon McMinnville this morning. Behold the statue, while we take the L iberty of E nlightening the W orld that the I place to get your printing is from I p. C. I reland & Co, fine job PRINTERS. Collection day. First of the month. Tommy Kay, of Sheridan, was in the city yesterday. Call at the Eurisko Market this a. m. Uncle Jeptha has something fine for you. And while there observe those magnificent new meat blocks, connect­ ed by a beautiful marble slab, adorned with choice cuts that are tempting to the palate of an epicurean. It is a general invitation to a feast. If the west side engine used at the station in this city last Friday and Saturday evenings had as much as a ball of candle-wicking added to its es­ cape leak pipe, to stop that whistling noise, people in that neighborhood would not have become so “tired” as they did listening to the never ending nuisance. The robbers at Ashlaud, Wisconsin, reversed the matter. They locked the cashier in the vault, took his money, and went to Canada themselves. Having recovered his health and re­ turned to work, Secretary Manning now issues an order directing all em­ ployes of the treasury department who on account of illness, are represented >y substiutes, to report in persou or ose their entire pap during absence, His own long leave probably gave him an opportunity to study the evils of the »resent system. Hear Our <ìentle Voice. To bust the town. Oppose improvements. Mistrust its public men. —OF Run it down to strangers. M c MINNVI l LE. - OREGON Lengthen your face when a stranger talks of locating in it. J acob W ortman ... ...... President Vice-president It a man wants to buy your property I). P. T hompson , .. J ohn W ortman ... ............. Cashier charge him two prices. It he wants to buy anybody else, in- Transacts a General Bunking busineM. terfere and discourage him. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made on favorable terms. Retuse to see any merit in the scheme Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers that does not directly benefit yon. on New York. San Francisco and Portland. It you can’t hog everything, judge Office hours—from 9 a. tn. to 4 p. m. everybody by yourself, and accuse them of doing it. Do not support the Reporter. Ex­ JOIIX WORTHAV plain to the editor how much better Represents following sterling compan­ and cheaper the New York Herald or ies: London the A Liverpool Globe, North World is. British A' Mercantile, Commercial Union But if you really have the interest of tire Association, German American, Fire­ Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo your home in view, and want the place man's Nevada, State Investment. to grow and prosper, take our advice Wheat insurance a specialty. and I.. «. SI ITKR H. H. DANIEL. Don’t fret. Talk about it. SUITEil? & DANIEL, Write about it. Proprietors of the Beautify the streets. Patronize the merchants. LAFAYETTE MILLS Be friendly to everybody. Dealers in Advertise in The Reporter. Elect good men to all the offices. Don’t grumble about hard times. Keep your sidewalks in good repair. LAFAYETTE, Yamhill Co.. OREGON. Avoid gossip about your neighbors. We desire to inform the public that we have Do your trading with your home lately added a line of Rolls to our merchants. gether with the necessary machinery to Sell all you can and buy all you can make an Revolver Lost. at home. A No. I Article of Flour, On the road between McMinnville If you are rich, invest something; And have the same in successful operation. and Sheridan, Monday night, October employ somebody, be a “rustler.” While we do not claim to make If you don ’ t think of any good word 25th, a Smith <» I «’ITT TRUCK in telling the public about it. For Recorder, B. F. Fuller. Remember that no man does as much Having purchased the Htrmn property, iiud For marshal, J. O. Rogers. permanently located in McMinnville, am for your town as the editor. Every For councilman, Rev. E. Russ, J. to do all kinda of Truck and Deliv­ paper sent out is an advertisement of ready ery Work short notice. All goods en­ W. Gault, W. T. Baxter, W. D. Wright, . the business, the resources and enter­ trusted to our at oaro will be carefully handled, promptly delivered. Also keep on hand L. Root and H. A. Tucker. prise of the place; and people abroad and Wood of all kinds as cheap as tho cheiqwHt. I get a better idea of it from the Report­ Orders left at the City Drug store will be A Bargain. promptly attended to. .J J. (OLLARD. er than from any other source. The Exchange hotel of North Yam­ hill, containing twenty-two rooms in Ever since we came here we have Oregon Kidney Tea. all, two stories high, is offered for sale begged the farmers to write for the Nature’s own Remedy for cash, or exchange for real estate. Reporter. A county paper to be com­ Will speedily relieve and ixr- The house is well known to the travel­ plete should have news for all inter­ mauently cure all the various ing public, and doing a good business. ested, and pray who in this county difficulties nrising from a disor­ The present proprietor’s reason for dered condition of the are more interested for what is en ­ selling is that he is too far advanced LIVER AND KIDNEYS. in age to attend to it, and is determin­ lightening to them in their calling than the farmers? It is perfectly harmless and ed to sell if an opportunity is offered, oan be given to the most deli­ Every lady not in health should even at a sacrifice. In fact he is bound cate woman or ohild. For sale to sell it if a customer comes. North consult Dr. Turner,International hotel, by all dmggests. Yamhill is as rapidly improving town Portland. H neli .. H ittuhu A W oodw abd , as any on the west side, is the center Advertisers can take their choice, Wholesale Agents, of a large trade, the starting point for Portland, Oregon either daily or weekly, at the same old Tillamook bay, the resort for hunters and sportsmen in the summer season, rate. No advance in the price. We’ve and this is the best chance for a good come to stay, if you say so. man in the whole state. P^jr, further Pears are splendid, and apples very particulars address this office,or-apply to J. Delap, North Yamhill, Oregon. cheap, but potatoes are a little scarce. First National Bank FIRE INSURANCE. The Best Roller Flour o K T I Í I M i