The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, November 01, 1886, Image 2

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    The Daily Reporter,
Ever j body.
W.D. Howell»’ farce the Mouse Trap,
n. c. IREI.AXI» a co. publishers .
Having the most complete and best
ought to be just the cheese.
If ever any man had cause to cry, selected stock of goods on the west
M i b*< ri |»l
“save me from my friends." that man is
Bv Carrier per week............... • •......... 10 oents
Mr. Bayaid.Just think of them! Keiley, side, outside of Portland, as conceded
(Payable on Satorday.)
Single Copy.................
Sedgwick. Phelps. And the champion by all commercial men, and my fa­
By Mail Woenta per Month 1 In Advance.)
of these is Phelps, with his tiuuk-
Kate« tar Sdvertiwinw
cilities for buying being equal to or
Will be made Mtiafaetory to ail applicants. eyisiu.
Chauncey Depew says that “Adonis’ better than any house here, I am pre­
Nov. 1, 1886 fell Hat in London at first, ami that the pared to furnish you with Dry Goods,
McMinnville. Or.
more Englishmen went the less they
laughed, till finally the Prince of \\ ales Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods,
w< nt and laughed. He (loseu’t know Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Glassware
Four weeks from next Monday both why the prince laughed, hut thinks it and Crockery, at prices as low or
must have l>een purely an act of inter­
furna< es of congress will blow in.
lower than any house outside of Port­
national courtesy.
All the new«; at your door; six
The N. Y. T imes heads its eastern land, and if you buy upon same terms
time» a week ; only ten cents ; every­ dispatch thus: “The Bulgarian crisis
as you do when you go to Portland,
body rend» it. The Daily Rejmrter.
has now reached a quite acute stage.”
The worst thing for the republican This country has reached a quite acute buy in quanities paying cash, I en­
party that happened in the forty-eighth stage, also. The acuteness of our gage to compete with the retail houses
congress was the defection of forty­ stage, however, is mostly delveloped of Portland on the same class of goods,
in the shoulder-blades of the ballet.
odd democrats l»v which the passage of
save and except Sugar, Salt and such
It is stated that Christine Neilsson
the Morrison bill through the house was
lias her bed chamber papered with goods as freight figures up on so that
prevented. The most unfortunate thing sheets of music from the operas in
it cannot be done. This does not ap­
for the republican party that has hap­ which she has sung, while her dining­
ply to some cheney houses who would
pened thus far in the forty-ninth con­ room is papered with the hotel bills
gress was a similiar defection prevent­ that she has collected in her tours a- bait you by selling some special arti­
round, the world. She retires to the cle at a sacrifice, and making it up on
ing the passage of another Morrison
dining-room when she wants to sing
some other articles. I t shall be
bill through the house. But for the high.
former the democrats could not have
Hon. Abram Hewett, democratic can­ straight business . I especially invite
earned the presidential election of ’84, didate for mayor of New York city is purchasers, to call and make an in­
even with the Baud stained vote of the not in love with the present adminis­ spection of the goods and price, be­
crime solidified south. But for the tration. He has never crossed the
threshold of the White House since fore buying elsewhere. All goods
latter there would lie no chance for a i
President Cleveland entered it, and to I marked down during clearance sale
democratic majority in the next house. be elected now would place a big, fat,
will be sold at clearance sale prices.
Randall and his followers have kept presidential bee in his bonnet. His Prices of all goods will be plainly
the democracy from making the free nomination aganst Henry George, marked on them, apd no clerk is au­
trade issue in such a way as to perma­ compels the latter to remark “that the thorized to make any cut or deviation
democrats are too Tammany for us.”
nently retire that ¡»arty. A.e republi­
on them, and will be discharged for
The time-worn but vital saying that
cans to be grateful for this?
money makes the equine animal of the doing so before he has authority.
The action of the Chicago strikers
feminine gender show speed, is more S mall P rofits and Q uick R eturns
in returning to work under the ten- than a saying. It is a truism, and the is the M otto . CASH IN HAND
hour rule was wise. That M-. Powderly fall elections in various states prove it. or SHORT CREDITS must be the
and the Knights who follow his lead The prohibition party acting as a dem­ R ule .
advised such a course, is not tn be ocratic annex, is threatening dire re­
venge on the republicans in about all
doubted. Mr. Powderly declared the
the close states. What grievance the Family Grocery Store,
eight-hour movement premature last prohibition brethren have to be re­
spring and he has seen nothing to venged for is not clearly perceptible.
1 bird Street, McMinnville, Oregon.
change his mind That the eight hour
The October calender of the Supreme
day cannot be maintained in Chicago court of the United States contains
against the ten-hour day in every other 1.103, cases the largest ever known.
If congress does not do something to
(Suocessor to L. ROOT.)
industrial center is as ¡»lain as a pike­
relieve the pressure there will be no
staff. To attempt to enforce it by boy­ such thing as speedy justice obtained
Dealer in
cotts or strikes could only result in in this Initiated land of freedom. The All Fresh Goods, Groceries. Flour, Bacon, and
disastrous failure. The sinking work­ trouble has l»een hitherto that there
G'.asswaro and Crockery.
men certainly deserve credit tor having have been too many legal tinkers with
pet plans for the reorganization of the yrGooda delivered to purchasers in the city.
maintained a quiet, ¡teaceable demean­ court.
or during the susj»ensi<»n of work,giving
AdviM-ates of female suffrage will
Japanese Cleansing
no occasion for the services of Pink­ take fresh heart on reading the news
erton’s detectives or the city ¡»olice in from the sixth district of Michigan,
preserving order or protecting ¡woperiy. where a fusion candidate for congress
H. < . ’IANEE, Manufacturer and
When one thinks that burlesque ac­ was nominated largely through the
M»le Poprielor.
tresses, opera bauffe singers, jig dan­ instrumentality of Miss Strickland,
who is Iq-rself the assistant prosecuting This preparation is unequalled for cleans-
cers, table turners, and stock gamblers attorney ot Clinton county, and a can­ lnq garments of all soiled spots. Paint. Tar
dine every day at Delmonicos or simi didate for prosecuting attorney. The trrease. etc . eradicated instantly. Give it a
’rial, ,4? It may be had of vour druggist,
lar establishments, it is enough to cause local prophets sav that she will succeed meal agent. or by addressing the undersign­
a heartfelt sneer at civilization, free in her own canvass. All this is with­ ed. Agents \\ anted.
out the aid of any male supporter or
dom, and “this wonderous, wonderous defender, so far as is known.
age," to find that there are in London,
Sunset Cox, envoy extraordinary
the center of the earth’s* wealth and and minister plenipotentiary of the
greatness, thousands of men and wo- United States to Turkey, returned to
men who cannot find employment, and New York just in time to run for Con­ Hatr Cutting. shaving and Sham,
pootng Parlor.
who arc compelled to beg for bread. gress. He is reported to l»e as brown
as a butternut, and as happy as a clam.
What a small ¡»otato of ar. affair is the
We have too many men in that body
health of Emperor William or Chancel­ whom* idea of dignity is summed up in
lor Risinark, the government of Bul­ a six-by-ten swagger. Mr. Cox is not
C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor.
garia, or the prospects of England in that kind of a man. He draws enough
Snoorweor to A. C. Wyndham.)
Egypt, compared with the portentous to venture with all sail set into the
of legislative fnn aud not L m «1 im and children’s work a snecialtv An.
that after two thousand years of
«yla of Hair Cutting desired, with 1.earner*.
strain the timbers of dignity a bit.
(. hrisUaniiv and the accumulated re­
A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON
Have a Few
That they will
sell for case
They also have a SMALL LOT of
Etc., Etc.
That will also be sold
Low for Cash.
They have a few
That will be sold
Low for Cash.
When you want anything in that line yon
will consult your own interest as well u
ours to call and see us. We think wecanaoit
you. Try it.
A. H. & O 0. HODSON.
Successor to D. C. Narver,
Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon.
The Largest
In Yamhill County.
Undertakers Goods
J. Harv. Henderson,
15c SHAVING 15c.
little off-col­
“ a
d**'T”s,on* warranted.
sults of science, strong men,
ifaouj. This statement may
of view. ,vliufh. h ¡r dr*“in< • specialty. Hot or
ands, saatch m vain k>t honest work.
Hut it is the truth.
on,y ’Sc«»- Third
C and D, McMinnville, Or.
Burial Robes and Shrouds
Co n <«t a nt I • a * on Hand.
Hearse Furnished.
Parlor and Chamber Sults
TO ORDER at prices which defy all
Make no purchases until you price my stock
Just Received at
Direct from New York.
Buy Fashionable Goods From the
Head-quarters of Fashion.
McMiMVftte, »r.