VOL. 1. M c M innville , O regon NO. 49. The Daily Reporter, M"N1 AV CORRESPONDENT. NOV EMBER 1. 1886. PRICE TWO CENTS. haw improved animals and machinery farmer wcut to get their drafts • he intelligent as»- of which, ami the I cashed, or to buy drafts, or get money BUSINESS POINTERS Entered in the Postoffioe at McMinnville for land combined, assisted by capital, to carry on the various enterprise» of Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ Permit me to call your attention to! ond Class Matter._____________________ as we have beeu able to eulist it in our | the country. For years no manufac­ the tact that the world and the people behalf, we have succeeded in building turing enterprise could tie started, no ate lit iug in an age of progression. Its up the city of Portland, which is to-day, I des elopements of the country carried WEEKLY REPORTER pio^icssivc in thought, progressive in and will foi al! time, be a Metropolis. 1 on without the aid ami assistance of deeds, and progressive in industry and Sixteenth Year M Publication. Because she has the start and all the Ladd and Tilden. To them we applied jlrMlSSI ILLE - - OREGON the building up ot all the varied busi­ elements necessary to maintain her po­ for the necessary capital to assist us in ness relations of life, liberty, and the 0 C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. pursuits of a happy life. Things are sition. She has concentration of peo­ our various busiuess enterprises, and ple aud business men endowed with I but few who had any foundation to I). C. IREL.A W A. Co., not to-day what they used to be in the energy, pluck, grit, combined with : PlBElslIEHS. days of our forefathers. All things are capital to take care of herself. Tacoma, build a hop»- upon whether it was in not now done as our daddies did them. Seattle, Astoria, Yaqtnua, ami all shape of a farm, a factory or a building, Weekly subscription Rate». were turned away without such aid as One copy per year in advance • - • $2.'j0 Our children are not content and satis-' these other rivals may snap ami snarl. Mr. Ladd felt he could give. For years If not paid in advance - . - - 2.50 tied to do, or with what children did Io oiubs of three or five, when accompanied and more in times long gone by ; hence It is like an unwise buffalo attacking there was no great enterprise started old Mt. Hood, expecting to remove it anywhere in the state that his house with the cash. $1.5») per year each. Two names for six months each to count as one they have progressed out ot the prime­ by the force of his horus. We might was not interested in, and did not as­ yearly subscription. val days, and are demanding some­ admire bis pluck and grit, but he lacks sist it. To him probably more than to The Daily Reporter. thing higher and better than of yore. the combination requisite to success. any one man does Oregon anil her peo­ T he D aily R epobteb is issued every day in the week except Sundats, and is delivered They demand and are entitled to a These places may, however, aud doubt­ ple owe present greatness. Next I in the city at 10 cents per week. By mail. 4" j higher and better education than of less will iiecome business centers, and would refer to Hon. D. 1'. Thompson, cents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ yore. The competition is so great it is to the people of their vicinities each another one of our great men, who like vertising same as for T he W eekly K epubteb . necessary they should have it; the a metropolis, like Portland is to ns. Ladd, came here a poor boy but with Advertising Rates. means, by reason ot this process, places But to take it from us, never; with energy and grit acquired sufficient by lw. Im. 3lii. , 6m. 12tus SPACE. our schools, churches etc., in reach ot such combinations she, ami the people grubbing stumps and pulling bark off One inch............... |1 56 3 1» J HO 7 00 10 Oo Five inches « Col. 3 00j 5 00 9 <10 18 00 30 CO them and you. This is the outgrowth behind her, must and will go ahead, fir trees, footing it all the time until he 5 00 6 00 18 00136 00| 78 00 Eleven in. A “ Twenty-two inches 40 00[12 Pro­ forts of mind power and its union with talists by taking up the individual man. years, whether locks anil canals, rail­ grammes. Posters, and all descriptions of labor and capital in Oregon since that Not havingat my command their whole roads, factories, or what not. work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ time. Since 1843 Oregon has progress­ history and givingit from personal and , Then there is Jacob Bros, of the Ore­ vinced. D. C. IRELAND A CO. ed out of a barbarous stifte; it has by only a partial knowledge, it may not In­ gon city wooleu mills, who came here been reclaimed from the sav­ complete or perfect as it ought to be; alone from the father land as green E. E. GOUCHER. M. D. progress age, aud to-day is occupied by a civil­ or as creditable to the individual as it boys, and started with their packs on ized and enlightened people; with their should appear in abler hands, but for their backs. Like Ladd and Thompson PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. cities, schools and churches; has this the purpose intended I hope to give they soon got far enough to realize the MoMnnmLLB ... O beoon . ' been done by labor or laboring men! sufficient to produce the desired result. necessity of having a partner in busi­ No. It is the result of the powerof some First I will mention W. S. Ladd. Is he ness, or the assistance of capital. They Office and residence, oorner of Third and gigantic mind or minds conceiving that the Monster Monopolist lie has been got it, ami to-day, as a result, they and this country could be reclaimed and pictured out to you? Let us see. I do , Brown Bros., of San Francisco, own D streets, next to the postoffice. become the home of happy people not care whether be came from aI and control one of the largest woolen IAS. m ' cain . h . hubley . drawn here from the civilized worlds. New England state or from Missouri. mills on the Pacific coast. All the rest Having conceived the thought, next Suffice it to say that he came here a combined in Oregon would not equal McCain & Hurley, came the more practical question of poor boy, ami when he reached Port­ them in the amount of capital invested, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW how, and by what means, these results laud instead of waiting aud looking number of employes or the consump­ AND NOTARIES PlBLIl could be accomplished. That rascally around for the best 640 acres of land, tion ot the wool prodneta. They are Lafayette, Oregon, vuirtne called Prudence suggests that a gift to the settler, as many of us did, shipping their goods by car loads, com­ Especial attention paid toabstraotsof title the men who conceived the idea were thereby possessing ourselves of peting with factories in nearly every siffi settlement of estates in probate. wealth through the munificence of the . state. Oregonians, Just think what too poor to make anything out of it; so Office—Jail buiding, up stairs. general government, he went to work , must l>e the output of this establish­ Grit, Push and Go-aheadativeness be­ at the first thing he found to do, and as j ment when run up to its full capacity KBS. M. SHADPEX. MISS MAY VESSEX comes indignant aud takes the floor, Portland then was a wilderness. He of three hundred operatives, with all and makes Prudence take a back seat, grabbed out stumps. He continued j the modern improvement that unlimit­ while they show by argument and logic, Shadden & Vessey, that ed capital cau furnish to assist them in at this until he got on to a dray. While 1 a mind capable of such thought is their work. It is immense ; the pay roll thus engaged, the thought flashed in not to be throttled for want of capital, for a single day at Oregon city, is not his mind that this was a progressive Fashionable Dressmakers that the result must and shall be at- tianed, and by united effort Push, Grit age, and that there was something lews than $800, and nearly as much fiy The Taylor System of Cntting and Fit­ aud labor knock at doors of C apital, better in stole for Ladd. But then he more in their establishment at San ting employed. who soon succumb to the trio, and the could oDly conceive the road and with F rancisco. The history of H. W. Corbett, Henry true energy, grit and pluck he started Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay's store. four become united in one common Failing, Judge I)ea»ly, C. H. Lewis, ______ MoMinnville, Or. purpose. Now watch the result. First upon it. As he could not go by cars he Corbitt A Maeleay, Clias. H. Dood, and by far the most important is our went by wagon or horse hack, or if no M rs . A. M c D onald . M iss K. Tnoairro» Hon. Geo. H. Williams, the Darhama* own state, our own farmers and pro­ better conveyance offered, on foot. the Stotts, B. Killin, J. Catlin, C. Sit­ ducers; and instead of only now and Here we see the force of character con­ ton, Knapp Ac Burrell, J. McCracken, then one, whose herds of Spanish, or trolled by »master mind. With energy in short any anil all the older estab­ Pratt’s “Durham” cattle, ranging over and pluck combined, Ladd stormed the lished professional or business men of vast ranges, we find nearly every sec­ castle of capital. We next see him and Portland would be simply a repetition Ia Mrs. H. P. Stuart's Millinery Store, tion cut up int? small farms, cultivated Tilden associated together in a banking of those given. As 1 was writing these OPPOSITE ORANGE HALL, by progressive and intelligent people. business in Portland, where every busi­ Continued on Fourth page. Instead of those vast herds we now ness man of Portland, and nearly every Btok & ¿eb Printing. Fashionable Dressmaking. RcM . O bmooo .