MISCELLANEOUS. grand father, Jerome Bonaparte, mar­ A Business Proposition to Everybody. ried Miss Patterson an American girl, against the will of his brother, the em- D. C. IRELAND 4 CO. PUBLISHER». Having the most complete and best peror Napoleon, and was forced by Nub»<*riptioii Hate*. imperial decree to repudiate her and selected stock of goods on tlie west By Carrier per week............... 10 oeut8 Have a Few (Payable on Haturday.) . ( marry Catharine of Wurtemburg, and side, outside of Portland, as conceded Hingie Uopy.................. By Mail 10 cents per Month (in Advance.) the issue of that marriage was the by all commercial men, and my fa­ Kate* for Adverti*ing father of the young man who is now cilities for buying being equal to or Will be made aatiafaotory to ail applicant«. in San Francisco. The Philadelphia News says that better than any house here, I am pre­ McMinnville, Or. - Oct. 30, 1886 Washington has so far passed beyond pared to furnish you with Dry Goods, i the time of its resusitation that it is Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, EDITORIAL NOTES. almost beyond gratitude; it has re­ Boot« and Shoes, Groceries, Glassware That they will placed old Versailles as a sylvan or If Mr Blaine and Mr. Cleveland and Crockery, at prices as low or should again be the nominee« for the virgin capital, created solely for court lower than any house outside of Port­ presidential office it will be time to and legislative purposes. It is multi­ VERY LOW. land, and if you buy upon same terms tell why the former would and the plying small resorts in its environs at They also have a SMALL LOT of ¡»resent, and the river beaches down as you do when you go to Portland, latter would not l»e elected. Judge Hliattuck astonished those in toward the bay, though generally in­ buy in quanities paying cash, I en­ Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc., the court room last week one day by fested by mosquitoes, are sought after, gage to compete with the retail houses That will also be sold the announcement that no citizens esj>ecially during a long session of of Portland on the same class of goods, should act a« jurymen in that court congress. Low for Cash. Senator Jones, of Florida, still draws save and except Sugar, Salt and such whose names do not appear upon the They have a few his salary, although he has not been I goods as freight figures up on so that aaarament roll. Who wants to live in a town where present a single day since he fell in it cannot be done. This does not ap­ PLOWS, HARROWS, SEEDERS And there is a population crowded together love at Detroit. There is a law which ply to some cheney houses who would so closely, as to make it almost im­ says that the secretary of the senate bait you by selling some special arti­ BAIN WAGONS possible to And a yard big enough in “shall deduct from the monthly pay­ That will be sold cle at a sacrifice, and making it up on which to dry clothes. New Yorkers ments of each member the amount of Low for Cash. feel it when they emigrate from his salary for each day that he has some other articles. I t shall be been absent from the senate, unless straight BUSINESS. I especially invite Oregon. When you want anything in that line yon Never place fresh eggs near lard, such member assigns as the reason for purchasers, to call and make an in­ will consult your own interest as well u ours to call and see ns. We think we can suit fruit, cheese, fish or other articles such absence the sickness of himself spection of the goods and price, be­ you. Try it. A. H. egin. The New York ¡»»¡»era are coming addition to turn over the stocks, sure­ out strong against all " dcadheadism," ties and mortgages given him by Man­ (Successor to L. ROOT.) more especially in the matter of free nix to insure him against loss. Hoad­ Burial Kobe» and Sliroud» Dealer in passes given by theatrical managers ley is of course liable for the amount of Ins bond ; the securities behind the to newspaper offices. There are many Constantly on Hand. All Froth Good», Groceries. Flour, Bacon, ac’ objections to five passes, but an over­ bond are a personal matter and could Hearse Furnished. Glaaewaro and Crockery. whelming argument Against the aye- not have l»een touched. By surrend­ these he makes himself a poor fetTGoods delivered to purchasers in the city. Parlor amtil Chamber Suits tern is its direct interference with per­ ering man. ■ TO ORDER at prices which defy all sonal liberty. A candid journalist Children have rights which should competition. Japan.». Cleansing stultifies himself whenever he accepts Make no purchases until you price my stook. be willingly accorded to them, but in such “ favors,” if not in a moral sense, E. B. FELLOWS. this country they are rapidly forget­ ...... CREAM...... he loses financially by it. .tlitiiufacturer aud Dr. George G. Green of Woobury, ting the corres|M>nding duties. Grown H. C. flANF.i; Hole I’-oprietor. N. J., who has made over *1,000,000 people seem to have no duties which MoMinnville ... Oregon. out of the manufacture and sale of children are b und to respect, and if This preparation is unequalled for cleans­ —OF— ing garments of all soiled spots. Paint, Tar, patent nualicines, has not been adver­ this sort of thing progresses at the Grease, etc , eradicated instantly. Give it a present rate, men and women will trial. I4T"It may be had of your druggist, tising his medicine in tiie newspa|H«rs local agent, or bv addressing the undersign­ long for the parental despotism of for the past two years, but instead has ed. Agents Wanted. H. M A NEE, McMinnville, Oregon been advertising by means of almanacs b-uropean society, which keeps child­ Just Received at and on country fences. "As a result,” ren in their proj»er ¡»laces. This conies says Dr. Green, "1 find that I have lost from lack of early training. Maternal C. SYMOAS’ some of my business. I have tried instinct is the finest characteristic of human nature in its proper place, but every way and find that the most profit­ able of all is newspaper advertiaing, so a theater or a church is not the proper llair Cuttlu*. Minving and Sham­ FASHIONABLE pooing Parlor. 1 will return to it. Thia year 1 shall place for a nursery display. The child may want to go, and cry plentifully •¡»•nd *300,000 in advertising. ” 15c SHAVING 15c. Prince Napoleon, the grand son of for that purpose, but a mother who has Direct from New York. respect for the rights of other people Jerome Bonaparte is a guest at the Pal­ C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. ace hotel in Ban Francisoo, an event will not inflict a child in arms upon a (Suooeeeor to A. 0. Wyndham.) that ie causing much common! by the public meeting. Buy Fashionable Goods From the pre- of that city with great eclat Advertisers can take their choice, Ladies and children’s work a specialty. Any Head-quarters of Fashion. The history of the Bonaparte family other daily or weekly, at the same old style of Hair Cutting desired.with neatness. does not savor highly of any superior rate. No advance in the price. We've Hair dyeing of all descriptions warranted. Fancy hair dressing a specialty. Hot or FALL STOCK RECEIVEO. nobility of character. The princes' I come to stay, if you say so. cold bathe always ready, only IScto. Third Th© Daily Reporter. A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON IZ tail SELL FOR CASH FURNITURE HOUSE TTndertakers Goods J. Harv. Henderson, NEW STOCK CLOTHING - M c M ìmtì II c M illiner Y, street between 0 and D, McMinnville, Or. MIM r. E. BESS, McNIiwstville« Or»