OL. 1. M c M innville , O regon , S aturday NO. 48. The Daily Reporter, il ear Our Gentío Voice. itered in the Postoffioe at McMinnville for [’rananiiaaion Through the Mails sb Sec- jnd Class Matter. IEEKLY REPORTER. Sixteenth Year of Publication. - - OREGON ---------- O---------- , C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. [cniNNVILLE 1). c. IRI LAM) eV Co., PUBLISHERS. ---------- o---------- Rates. le copy per year in advanoe - - - $2.n0 not paid in advance .... 2.50 > olubs of three or five, when accompanied with the cash, $1.50 per year eaoh. Two names for six months each to oount aB one yearly subscription. The Daily Reporter. T he D aily R epobteb is issued every day the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered the city at 10 oents per week. By mail. 40 nts per month in advanoe. Rates for ad- rtising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb . Advertising Rates. Weekly Subscription space . lw. 1 lm. 41 Ive inches M Col. 3 5 léven in. X “ weiit.y-two inches 10 5«) 00 00 00 3 5 6 12 00 »10 00 00 I 3m. 1 6m. | 12ni9 5 (M) 7 OO 10 00 » 00 18 00 30 00 18 00 36 OO 78 00 30 00 60 00 132 00 ISF’Above rates slightly advanoed for pre- irred positions: “Top of Column,” “Next > Reading Matter,” “Second Page,” or rhird Page.” «r Local notices in reading ooluiun on hird page: One insertion, per line lOoents wo insertions per line 15 “ hree insertions per line 2u “ y the month per line 25 “ ibituary notioes, resolutions of oon- jlement, eto., to insure publication in the eporter, mujt be accompanied withinstruc- uns; and the name of the proper person or jrsona to whom charges for the same are to » made. leek & Je* Priatiaff. We beg leave to annotmoe to the public tat we have just added a large stock of new avelties to our business, and make a speoial- - of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, ;atements, Business Cards, Ladies Calling ards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro- rammes, Posters, and all descriptions of ork. Terms favorable. Call and be oon- ¡noed. D. C. IRELAND A CO. E. COUCHER. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. r.Mnmrn.i.i . O bego N. Offioe and reeidenoe, oorner of Third and streets, next to the poetoffice. 4A8. M’OAIN. H. HÜBUY. McCain & Hurley, TTORNEVN-AT-L.AW AND NOTARIES Lafayette, Oregon, Especial attention paid to abstracts of tith id settlement of estates in probate. Offioe—Jail buiding, up stairs. I. M. SHADI'EN. MISS MÀI VE8SBY Shadden & Vessey, ashionaMe Dressmakers (SFThe Taylor System »f Cutting and Fit- ag employed. street. Next to Bishop A Kay’s store MoMinnville. Or. A. M c D onald . To bust the town. Oppose improvements. Mistrust its public men. Run it down to strangers. Lengthen your face when a stranger talks of locating in it. If a man wants to buy your property charge him two prices. If he wants to buy anybody else, in­ terfere and discourage him Refuse to sec any merit iu the scheme that does not directly lienelii you. If you can’t hog everything, judge everybody by yourself, and accuse them of doing it. Do not support the Reporter. Ex­ plain to the editor how much better and cheaper the New York Herald or World is. But if you really have the interest of your home in view, and want the place to*grow and prosper, take our advice and Don’t fret. Talk about it. Write about it. Beautify the streets. Patronize the merchants. Be friendly to everybody. .Advertise in The Reporter. Elect good meu to all the office*. Don’t grumble about hard times. Keep your sidewalks in good repair. Avoid gossip about your neighbors. Do your trading with your home merchants. Sell all you can and buy all you can at home. If you are rich, invest something; employ somebody, be a “rustler.” If you don’t think of any good word don’t say anything about anybody. Remember that every dollar invest­ ed in permanent improvement is that much ou interest. Be courteous to strangers that come among you, so that they may go away with good impressions. Always cheer on the men who go in for improvements, your portion of the cost will be nothing only what is just. Don’t kick at any proposed necessary improvement because it is not at your door or for fear that your taxes will lie raised fifty cents. Don’t use rubber stamps ou your let­ ter heads, that is a deiul give away on your business, on the town and the live newspaper published in it. Get your letter heads, envelopes, business cards, etc., printed at the Reporter of­ fice. Never condemn the Reporter unless ithasfairly misused you. If it has dealt with you unjustly writeto ns, orjeome to the office and tell the editor about your case, if he is wrong he will lose no time in telling the public about it. Remember that no man does as much for your town as the editor. Every paper sent out is an advertisement of the business, the resources and enter­ prise of the place; and people abroad get a better idea » rewtai Baths. thèir calling lightening M c M ixntilu • OtNtt neaussvllte, orerra. than Che farrvUr*? «. Fine Job Printers, In Mrs- £L P. Stuart’s Millinery Star*. OPPOSITE GRANGE HALL. i