MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. The Deity Reporter-. light and shadow . I dashed us off and I saw her no more. ; Great God! why didn’t I go down too?” He was pressed to go on board the Penrose, but refused, saying: ‘‘Here, among these lagoons, are the bodies of my wife and children, and here I will stop untill I find them.” No tongue can tell how the people have suffered _________- _______ 4 „ THE GREAT TRANSCONTINENTAL BOUT» The tilted moon of Hummers long ugo, Where have they drifted away from mei- Coald 1 but follow, and forget to know, Xnd know but what I must forget, and so Drift on, and on throughout eternity i 11 1 I'M HI Illi III 1 1 IHI1 III II 1 • i There is a voioe 1 hat oomes when we a.-e old in the last few days. From out the blind eclipse of days gone by ; I I ■——■“ Strange whispers through the heart when it The Salem Statesman wants the is cold, Albany Bulletin muzzled, but it don’t DW^X********************»********«*******»»*^ When nearly all theptoiy has been told, know just how to go to work to do it. !llllUI1l!l1l!|iHK DINING CAR LINEWWWWiW And the pooreyes are weary, worn anddty. THE DIRECT ROUTE! NO DELAYS! FASTEST THAI Thy yellow light of waning eventide MISCELLANEOUS Playa o’er the uplands as they greet the To CHICAGO and ail pointsEl dawn, Tickets sold to all PHOMIXENT R And in the heart there must somewhere hide Throughout the East and Seuthn I Old memories that will not be denied— TO EAST BO I \\b P ASSEAGERSJ Sweet, O most bitter sweet, that they are gone. BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE Strangs silenoe of the soul. What can I say? ------- TO TAKE THE------- I oan no longer weep, O skies above; I have no heart to die, nor live, nor pray. O meadow moon and stars, so far away, And thy dear face itill farther. O my love. JACIFICT WOHTHEOf JAILROi R 11 SHOREST! J( Watch This Art Gdlery. BEST! 1 l QUICKES Lowest Rates And see that your ticket reads via Portland and EWTQHJA1< NOTES. St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, = Pabloff, the Alaskan volcano, is in a state of eruption, brought about, no To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other route«. Emigrant Sleeping Cais are run on Regular Express Train« doubt by the Jones-river controversy. Length of the Line. Berths Free. Members of the jury who convicted LOWEST RATES! «dEl-------- ST QUICKEST -------- o-------- the anarchists, at Chicago are being GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, threatened, in different ways, and it is probable that some of them will pay D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent. the price of the verdict with their lives. Major J. A. Cole was the first acific nailroad, OVERLAND TO CALIFOI opular Route, to whom friends of the anarchists paid icturesque anges. va their respects by openly terrorizing and This is the time of year when The Oregon and California threatening members of his family. Merchants all begin to show Fast Time, Sure Connection, New Equipment And Connections. ’ 'S J. B. Greiner, whom Capt. Black quot­ TIME, 2j DAYS, low prices. We realize that 225 Miles Shortest ed as being prejudiced at the beginning Fare from Portland to San Fraocial 20 Hours Less Time. to Sacramento, $30. ®f the case, has received several threat­ permanent trade cannot be Close connections made at Ashlaki Accommooationa unsurpassed for comfort ening letters. Foreman Osborne is al­ made unless one has the cor­ and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH stages of the California, Oregonanli than by any other route between all stage company. so reported to have received letters of rect styles and correct prices. LESS in Willamette valley and San Franoisoo. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY a threatening nature, though he refuses East Side Divikien. We are selling goods at aston­ BETWEEN PORTLAND6 DIU to allow them to be published. If Vlall Treia. ishingly low prices on the mer- men who stand by the law and do their Altin LKAVE. Portland 7:30 a . m . Ashland...... We know duly as Americans citizens, are to be its of our wares. 9:30 p. m . Portland.....Oh Ashland. threatened, and perhaps their lives that there are no better styles Albany Express Trail* ' DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS, ~. , Aitm LBAVK. sacrificed by desperate outlaws, who of Clothing, no better fitting, 4S3O p. m . Lebaion....Sl> Portland....... (Except Sundays.) Lebanon 4 • • 4:45 a . m . Portland... 10*1 acknowledge no restraint, we have •r, no better made than ours, and Leave Corvallis at 2 p. m. Leave Ya­ Pullman Palace Sleeping Ci come upon sad times indeed. Secretive quina at 7:10 a. m. daily between Portland and AahW we believe that no one in Mc ­ crime must be roughly handled and The O. oof supporting her broke, and sfc s^k «ordin« u, meVu æ ¡SX fateF.tti?..!!«!» »«oordli.ê to wrè bdor* my eyes. I held on to the K» 1 |6, p®*weeV- ’p™ youngest child, named Pearl.^p^ti^e longer. The child addressing mq^aid: Taps I'm tired; won’t you walk with I . aQ1® roof I was on was <*v No. 2 Washington St., Portland, On Only Route via Yaquina Bay To San Traacisoo. JOHNSON & FORCE. in ' CITTM I ■now crumbling to piecea. I told the Jnteoneto kiss she put both Aor little anna around my neck and JBWW ts< then a wave ■ to 4