The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, October 29, 1886, Image 3

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¡¡Minnville, Or.
Oct. 29, 1886
?he fair grounds water wheel scared
a ghost story last week.
ir. Wilcox, station agent at this
ce is very ill from typhoid fever.
V. N. Oldham and wife, of Carlton,
re opened out a first class hotel in
i meeting of citizens will be held
Grange hall to nominate a city
:et to-night.
i meeting of citizens will be held
i'remen’s hall to nominate a city
:et to-morrow evening.
'he time for the city election comes
apace. It is about time to pick out
timbers for the several offices.
Cd. W. Fuller reached home a crip­
yesterday, from an accident at Ya­
na which badly maimed his foot,
ohn Evenden proposes to improve
stock in this county,and has bought
lorough-ored Cotswold from Broad-
Jo many hogs are being shipped out
ihe county it is doubtful if any pork
1 be packed at home next winter,
ere is a demand for hogs up in Brit-
It is thought that the state will set
ix of two mills for general expenses,
(-tenth of a mill for Btate university,
I half a mill for debt, making a
il of two and tluee-fifth mills state
'he state board of education have
nted J. A.C. Freund, county school
erintendent of Yamhill county, >a
teacher’s diploma, on certificates
n other states and lower grade cer-
:ates from Oregon.
’he Yamhill lumbering company
e made over ten thousand fruit
:es this fall. The have shipped
X) to D. W. Sears, at McCoy, since
season commerfted. A car load
i day, and a boat load the next,
iince the heavy rain yesterday and
t night the park trees of this vicin-
, the deciduous, are fast dropping
tir leaves, but it is noticeable that
y have no such blaze of gorgeous
■jring as characterizes the native
ssts at this season.
'he Informant editor has been on a
t to the stock farm of Thos. Kay of
»wnsville, where is to be seen a Hol­
in bull ,Tornad, eighteen months
> weighing 1,360 lbs. In a few
rs this farm will produce a breed
horses, cattle and sheep equal to
r in the east. Mr. Kay, like some
er energetic farmers in Oregon,
come to the conclusion that in or-
to make farming profitable, they
st give their attention to stock
he other day an Amity farmer
ire into Dayton with a loackbf wheat,
shed his team on the main street,
¡climbed down from
na tbewagon
the wagon with
remark : “ I’m eith
thet going to find
what causes this < dApression in the
Bt market, or
ebody will get
After th
men had vainly
npted to exp
matters to his
faction '
had their heads
Visit the public school to-day. In­
teresting exercises at 2 p. m.
Levi Gilliam has sold his farm at
First National Bank,
A mity , O r ., Oct. 27, 1886.
Pleasant hill to his son-in-law, John
Esson, of Portland.
Lodge, No. 67,1. O. O. F. Oct. 23 1886, M o MINNVI l LE, ....
All the news; at your door; six the following resolutions were adopted :
times a week ; only ten cents ; every­ W hereas , It has pleased the Al­ J acob W ortman ..................... President
D. P. T hompson .Vice-preaident
mighty to remove from our midst our
body reads it. The Daily Reporter.
ohn W ortman ........................ Cashier
E. W. Conyer’s called at our office late brother, Boughton Everette San­
Transacts a General Banking business.
yesterday and left us sixty apples ders
W hereas , The intimate relations
Interest allowed on time deposits.
which measured over a bushel. They long held by our deceased brother with Collections
made on favorable terms.
were Fall Pippins, Blankins Orange, the members of this Lodge, render it Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Tranafwc
New York, Bar. Francisco and Portland.
20-ounce, and Baldwins, the sight of proper that we should place on record on Office
hours—from # a. m. to 4 p. m.
which would make the mouth of an our appreciation of his services as an
Odd Fellow and his merits as a man,
epicure water.
therefore be it
If stories concerning salmon packers
R esolved , By this lodge, that while
at Astoria putting up rotten fish this we bow with hv.mble submission to Represents the following sterling compan­
late are true, names should be men­ the will of the most High we do not ies: London A Liverpool A Globe, North
less for our departed brother, British A Mercantile, Commercial Union
tioned. They are worse for salmon mourn
Association, German Amerioan, Fire-
R esolved That this lodge tender Fira
than are the shad. Both combined its heartfeit sympathy to the family man’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo
Nevada, State Investment.
will ruin this hitherto grand and profi­ and relatives of our deceased brother Wheat inaaranoe a specialty.
in their sad affliction
table industry of our state.
R esolved , That these resolutions L. U. UTTER.
There are six flat broke men at least
be entered upon the minutes of the
in the supposed “ historical and pub­ journal of this lodge, and that a copy
lishing association of the Pacific of them be sent to the family of our
Proprietors of ths
northwest, got up at Portland. Three deceased brother and that they be
of them owe bills at this office long published in the Yamhill county Re­
Dealers in
overdue. S. Monroe Hubbard, J. F.
W. H. Harrison, Guyon Springer
Cache, Charles E. Streeter, Joseph and J. W. Briedwell, committee.
Sloan, W. W. Copeland, B. F. Dowell
and W. H. Adams, are the incorpora­ Ladies’, mens’, boys’ and girls rub­
ber boots and overshoes at G. E. Det-
We desire to inform the public that we have
lately added a line of Rolla to oar Mill,to­
Everything of a literary turn has
gether with the neoeaaary machinery to
Baxter & Martin are selling a full make an
an ending, except it be the play at a
Chinese theater. This ia evidenced 5-tt>. can of Java coffee for $1.00 ; and
A No. I Article of Flour,
from the fact that the somewhat throw in a fine China hand-painted And have the same in suocesafal operation.
While we do not olaim to make
lengthy, but intensely interesting cup and saucer.
story: “Condemned; or the Galley
Smokers are invited to call at Col­ The Best Roller Flour
Slave,” which has called for so much
lard’s Shooting Gallery and try his
space in the Reporter the past twelve
In the
new five and ten cent cigars. He has
weeks, will be finished November 4th.
do claim to make an artiole
the best brands in the market, includ­
The big statue of Liberty Enlight­
ing Ben. Fostner’s Seed and Hull;
Seoond to XToxxa.
ening the World was dedicated yes­
Key West; Sterling; Natural leaf, etc.
—AH A—
terday. Besides the torch held high
in an outstretched hand, with eight
Revolver Lost.
Family Flour»
lamps of 60,000 candle power, eight
On the road between McMinnville
And fnr better than oan be tunde on
more of 60,000 candle power each, at and Sheridan, Monday night, October
Stones alone.
the feet, incandescent lamps will be 25th, a Smith & Wesson 5-shooter re­ Wo have been to mneh expense to make
ohnnge, and believe we deserve a littér­
placed within the diadem upon the volver. The finder will be suitably this
al share of publlo patronnge, and ask a fair
brow of the statue, giving it the at­ rewarded on leaving the same at this trial. We guarantee results.
tractive effect of sparkling jewels.
That ink eraser sold to banks and
(■mi Lost or Molen.
offices at $15 per bottle costs ten cents
October 25th. from my wagon be-
a gallon at a Seattle drug store. The
McMinnville and my shingle
mixture is simply a solution of chlor­
ide of l’nie, while the reproducing mix­ I camp 17 miles northwest of town. A
ture is simply a mild solution of tan­ 45-70 Marlin rifle, new, boxed, with
nic acid. Stewart does the business 1 gun cover and two boxes of shells. It
in better shape and in less time than is supposed the gun was taken by a
Smithley, and is open to engagements couple of tramps who begged a ride.
to supply the goods at five cents a , A suitable reward will l>e paid for the
quart, retail. Whenever our bankers | recovery of the same, left at the gun
Having purchased the Htrain property, and
run a little short they may call on any shop of W. F. Collard, in McMinnville. permanently located in McMinnville, am
ready to do all kind« of Track and fltoliwa
Henry Dunzer.
drug clerk for a new supply.
ery Work nt abort notioe. All goods en­
trusted to our care will be carefully handled,
We now know, from personal prac­
A BurgHin.
■nd promptly delivered. tlso
Mao keep on hand
tical effect, the unpleasantness of hav
of all kinds as cheap as the cheapest.
The Exchange hotel of North Yam- Wood
Orders left at the City Drag store will be
ing a chestnut gong rung in your ears
J. J. < OLLA RD.
hill, containing twenty-two rooms in j promptly attended to.
upon your beet original joke. Refer­
all, two stories high, is offered for sale ;
ring to the scientific report of W. S.
for cash, or exchange for real estate.
Oregon Kidney Tea.
Ladd’s artesian well by Dr. Everette,
The house is well known to the travel­
who says it is money worse than ing public, and doing a good business.'
Nature’« own Remedy
wasted to go any farther into that| The present proprietor’s reason for1
Will speedily relieve and per­
manently cure all the various
archean rock, solid granite, and that| selling ia that he is too far advanced
difficulties arising from a disor­
Mr. Ladd wished to quit but the con­ in age to attend to it, and is determin-j
dered condition of the
tractor held him to it, we remarked in ed to sell if an opportunity is offered,,
the presence of bystanders that it must: even at a sacrifice. In fact he is bound j
It Is perfectly harmless and
be to Mr. Ladd under such trying cir- i to sell it if a customer comes. North
oan be given to the moot deli­
cate woman or ohlid. For aale
cumstances apparent t^at the con­ Yamhill is as rapidly improving town
by all draggeets.
tractor was “ the greatest bore of the as any on the west side, is the center
H wbix , Hemau A Woorrw a an,
two.” Off goes the gong-jn Bevy Ap- of a large trade, the starting point tor
Wholesale Agents,
Portland, Oregon.
persuu’s pocket, afidiwo sseupds later Tillamook bay, the resort for hunters
and sportsmen in the rammer season,
off would have tomb Ml bead under and this is the beet chance for a good
the sharpened wrath-' of rur jovial man ia the whole state. For further
hed, the
came along and
rpd him, with the explanation :
> trouble is over production. There joiner had not Briggs
blow, And stayed otfc P
oo many farmers out of jail.”
iw </ui
wist bjv uaiviuiij
< US» ini« » to Classe«.
rated th« particulars address this office, or apply
to J. Delap, North Yamhill, Oregon.
M Hw