McMI NN VILLE, OREGON, OL. 1. Ph© Daily Reporter PRICE TWO CENTS. OCTOBER THE WEEKLY REPORTER MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. or bluster T he reached its pa­ trons October 21st enlarged in size and otherways improved. If all who are indebted will pay up, by New Yeats day we will give further evi- dences of what is in store for our readers. Ask your neighbor to sub- scribe. We are sending the paper from this date until January 1st. 1888 (fifteen months nearly), to You and 1'^17 to your neighbor , two copies for $1.50 each, when cash accompanies the order, provided you are not in arrears for papers already furnished ( you. Call and see us always when in the city. Without any brag jred in the Postoffloe at MoMlnnvillefor ■ansmission Through the Mails as Seo­ W eekly R eporter ul Class Matter. rfiBKIiT REPORTER. Sixteenth • ty The Taylor System of Cutting and Fit- kg employed. ■m. ’4. Fw*. t-e— — 1 • . ju ir.r ' bird street. Next to Bishop A Kay’s store , ¿toghwpis. Or Dr. Turner is performing remarka­ ble operations and cures at the Inter­ national hotel, Portland. Don’t forget that it takes cash to run a newspaper, and that subscription ac­ counts, though small, ought to be paid promptly. Butter, 40 to 50 cts.; eggs, 25 to 30; hams, 14 to 15; shoulders, 8 to 9; sides, 10 to 11, potatoes, 50 to 60 cents per bushel; chickens, $2 to $2.70 per doz­ en ; green apples, 25 to 50 cts. per box. Subscribe for the Reporter, and pay for it when you subscribe, and we will pledge ourselves to give you more news, for less money, than any other paper in the Willamette valley. The Daily will help the weekly 100 per cent. The newspaper of the day, the suc­ cessful journal of the future is the journal that trusts to the intelligence of its readers ; that avoids foolish con­ troversy ; that gives all the news in the freshest and most reliable shapes ; that stamps integrity in every column of its pages, and that advances with the matchless progress of the best civilization and the best government of the earth ; and right here you have it for only ten cents a week, daily ; five cent* weekly. Announcements of births, marriages and deaths are always published, when furnished, withou/ jcbkrge, but .’they must be handed in in writing. This is the U»«aria>le.nite igfli newspaper offices and from it there is no deviation. Other items of information a reporter will Also th* t Give me a oall and be satisfied. —Where you *^ll— W. T. BAXTER. «• i r F. J. MARTIN. * New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of t ,. iizli: & Martin 00 10 00 00 30 00 00 78 00 00 132 00 Ae beg leave to annonnoe to the publio it we have just added a large stock of new relties to our business, and make a special- of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, dements, Business Cards, Ladies’ Calling rds. Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ mimes, Posters, and all descriptions of rk. Terms favorable. Call and be oon- loed. D. O. IRELAND A CO. • < best quality the country affords. ALWAYS FIND Reading Matter,” “Second Page,” or bird Page.” NEWS AND NOTES. •¿’"Local notices in reading column on ird page: One insertion, per line lOcents Feed chopped every Friday at the o insertions per line ......... 15 “ ree insertions per line ............ . 20 “ Barnekoff & Co. warehouse in Me­ the month per line . 25 “ &9“Obituary notioes, resolutions of Cuu- Minuviuo. ement, etc., to insure publication in the We will take your order for a Victor porter, must be accompanied with instruo- nsf&nd the name of the proper person or fire proof family safe. See advertise­ sons to whom chixges fer the same are to ment in Weekly Reporter. made. IAS. m ’ oain . Beef, Pork, Matten, Sausage, Trlp% and everything in the line of meats, of the Best of Bolognas Show the Weekly Reporter to your neighbor and ask him to become a subscriber. Two copies, to separate ad­ iF Above rates slightly advanoed for pre- red positions; “Top of Column,” “.Next dresses if desired, one year $3.00. re inches M Col. [ven in. X “ [enty-two inches Here is where you oan get your moneys worth in 4« . ' i v t Huocessora to A). HUFKEfj Third street, McMinnville, Otego*,!.* -< H. —IN THE— LATEST^STYLES. ta to tan » . ». * , , , . t ) Vl> Furnishing Goods of all kind, nndjabov* all THB LOWEST PRICES. Also ag*nt* for the A new, neat and dean stock. Every arti*l* A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Cronk«, tkilorsff^ GlBMware, Cutlory, Cased Good«, To- >« Carrying a full line of all goods made by bacon, Pij*» and Cigar». Brownsville Woolen Hill, these oeiebrated mills. Tre.h Trait and ▼*g*lablM in BILL LOGAN. BUSS LOO AN. WATT HVNDEB8ON. LOGAN BROS. 4 HENDERSON, Proprietors of the old established and well Give me a eall. Inspect mv «took,! and Ï will guarantee prie** to suit you. known TO THE PUBLIC. JMclMHiinville ——— LIVERY, FEED AND SALE stable. We are prepared at all hours to furnish We would annoonee that Fine Carriage«, Hack* and Saddle Home«, Are turnihg out large'amc'id« of And everything in the Livery hire, in good shape -------op--------- At ReaMonable Rate*. W The Very Beet QiiaBty First Class Immboj ** 4 ll di” ri »« 'if hi TRANSIENT STOCK LEFT Not to b* equalled by any mill in YamhiU with ns will reoeive the best of car* and at­ oounty, notwithstanding report* of com* un­ tention. Logao Brea 4 Isadsreoa ........................ —■—-........ »»■■ • ■ ■ principled parti** to th* contrary. W1 WILL SZLL DOOM AHD WINDOW! McMINNVILLE At 45 per oent. diaoount from list pri**| ■ Mouldings at V' oenta per hundred fe*t. ¡usiness College, Any Thing In the Line of Hardware At auoh price* that will defy oomp*ti- tion. Remember NO ONE FIRM HAS EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO CUT RATES. I m N ow Open. If we do not have in stook what you want, Attention Is respectfully Invited to thia we have mad* arrangement« to got BUSINESS SCHOOL. any thing you may want, without dely. We salt you to got Its facilities for thorough praotioal instruc­ prioea elsewhere before you make parchaeM. tion; actual basine** department a specialty JONE# Jk CO. where currency, bank check, drafts, etc., are used. Class, or private instruction day or McMinnville, June Ut, Mil ! drf. evening. College Journal sent free on ap­ plication. O- R Hioows, Prin. W. t. OABBOKM. A, SL*A0WV. Cor. 3d and C Streets, OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, Crayon Portrait Work a Specialty. e.Q,Bpx4pi.L4(ll Q, R. RIQGlJi&JWn. eumsko ’ j S abket J.s » St u» m**t* o*n b* fógni Wb*r* the best of ' meat* oan always alwaysb*f ***« and at ib*. most hMhwïü'l reasonable prioea. wber* ito ¿i. 7?G7i 'ÄinSTklte th* loin of b**f NdivTSsd MWhtiifTm A oi* W. F. COLLARD, Yours traty, Dealer in Guns, Pistol*, Ammunitio*, Cutlery, Fin* Pishing te4kte, Cl gate) i m .«* —•"’* vaattl notices have m be funriahed So the Third 8tr**t, Opposite lUMinavUla next time you g< r myriad or are born, tat !« "»-I Oaaoaa You !»*♦• no one ur atDMvnt ycrarsen. McMnnmuB . Panlwu* D. C. 1KRLAAB*CS., H3S15S PfcftÄ,