« MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. They scraped away the wax from the tablet, and there, sure enough, written on the wood beneath, was the message THE GREAT of the Grecian prisoner and his warning to King Leonidas. A LITTLE MAID. Thus Gorgo helped her country a A Prvtty Story of Hundred» of Year» A»o. second time, for if the Spartans had Away off in the beautiful country of ; not known that the army was coming Greece, a long, long time ago, says the they oonld not have time to warn tne Springfield liapublictvn, there liYed a i other kingdoms, and perhaps the ler- 111!HI III I111I IHI III II: I'lHIIIIIIII,!,,,,,,,,, I little maiden, the daughter of a King. aians would not have been conquered. ninnili............. ... Her name wa» Gorge—not a very pretty But a« it was, Leonidas, and the other name, perhaps, to us who are used to Kings called their armies together, and calling little girls Maud ami Ethel and when the Persian host came sweeping IL len, but a strong name, and therefore over the plains the Greeks were ready quite appropriate to the little maid who to meet them, and to fight and die for nilTlllllimirTHE RIMING CAR LlNE/UMffMf/fMt bore it, as you hall see. In those old their beautiful Greece. times there used to be many wars, and So this one little maid of hundreds of THE DIRECT ROUTE! NO RELAYS! FASTEST TBAH|> the country of Sparta, the part of Greece years ago, Princess and Queen, helped were Gorgo lived, was famous fur its to save her father from disgrace and t To CHICAGO and all pointsEASY bravo warriors, who never thought for her country from ruin. And we may Li o Tickets sold to all PROMINENT Poi, Throughout the East and Sontheui a moment of their own safety when feel sure that she was strong and true to MV VY VMS their country was in danger. Some­ the last, even when her brave husband, TO jfeAST o d PASSENGERS’ times these were not good wars, but 1 Leonidas, lay dead in the fearful pass of whit for spite and revenge instead of Thermopylae, and she was left to mourn BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE for freedom aud loyalty to beautiful in the royal palace at Sparta. ------ TO TAKE THE------ Greece. Some wicked man would wish to REPORTER DIRECTORY. avenge an injury he had received, and in order to uo this he would go about STATE OFFICEB8. among the different kingdoms and per­ suade the rulers to jo>n with him anc _ j . <□ x I Jos. N. Doluh United States Senators .... ] j H Mitohell And see that your ticket reads via Portland and try to overcome his enemy; and there would be terrible bloodshed in order to Representative in Congress... .B. Hermann ..Z. F. Moody satisfy one wicked man’s revenge. Governor................................. Governor’s Secretary........... . .0. B. Moores Arist agorae was such a man as thia Secretary of State........... . .. R. P. Earhart To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. T Hu was dissatisfied with his King, ant Assistant Secretary............. . F. E. Hodgkin Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Fall wished to become Che King himself in­ State Treasurer..................... .. Ed. Hirsch Length of the Line. Berths Free. A. F. Wheeler stead. One day he oame to Sparta on Assistant Treasurer... ......... LOWEST RATES! ------- GF QUICKEST E. B. MoElroy this evil errand, and tried to persuade Supt. of Public Instruction ------- o -------- W. H. Byars King Cleomenea, the father of little State Printer........................... GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, Olerk School Land Board E. P. MoCornack Gorgo, to help his base project He Supt. Insane Asylum.... ........ Dr. Josephi talked with the King a long time. He Supt. Penitentiary ... ... Geo. Collins A. D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent. Geo. K. Jackson promised him power and honor ant Warden Penitentiary.... W. P. Lord money if he would do as he wished; R. 8. Strahan still more and more money he offered, Supreme Judges................ W. W. Thayer ailroad, acific OVERLAND TO CALIFORIH and at last the King almost consented. oute. opular DI8TRIOT JVl'OES. But it had happened that when Ans- anges. icturesque VIA tagoras had come into the presence of First District............................. L. R. Webster the King, the King’s little daughter was Second Distriot.............................. Robert Bean Fast Time, Sure Connection, New Equipment The Oregon and California I And Connections. standing by his side w!»h her band in Third Distriot................................. R. P. Boise Fourth District...................... E. D. Shattuck hia Aristagoras wanted Cleomenea to Fifth District..................... TIME, 2| DAY8. 225 Miles Shortest Frank J. Taylor send her away, for be knew very wel Sixth Distriot..................... M. L. Olmstead Fare from Portland to San Francis« 20 Hours Less Time. that it is muon harder to induce a man to Sacramento, |30. CITT OFTICKBS to do something wrong whun there is a Aocommooations unsurpassed for oomfort Close connections made at Ashland Fares and Freights MUCH stages of the California, Oregon nd dear little chihl at his side. But the Mayor...................................... Hon. J. W. Cowls and safety. King said: **No; say what you have to Reoorder..........................................J. J. Spencer LESS than by any other route between all stage oompany. Treasurer............................. . ...........J. L. Rogers in Willamette valley and San Francisco. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) say in her presence, too.” And so little Marshal ............................. Geo. Kauffman Gorgo had sat at her father's feet, look­ Street Commissioner................. C. A. Wallaoe East Side Divistati. BETWEEN PORTLAND A A» ing up into his face with her innocent COUNCIUON. Niall Train. eyes, and listening intently to all that Wm. Campbell, D. C. Narver, LUTI. I. ABBITI was said. She felt that something was Geo. W. Jones, J. 8. Nash, 7:30 a . m . Ashland. Portland wrong, and when she saw her father 8. A. Manning, T. A. Turner. Ashland ... .9:30 p. m . Portland look troubled and hesitate, and cast OOUNTT OVFIÜKBS. Albany Express Train. down his eyes, she knew the strange DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS, ABBITI. UBAVK. Senators....................... I R. P. Bird visitor was trying to make him do .4:00 p. m . Lebanon....Mlt Portland ........................... I J. W. Watts (Except Sundays.) something he did not quite want to do. Lebanon 4:45 a . m . Portland... 1041 (R. R. Laughlin She stole ner little hand softly into her Representatives .. . • ■ • • « ¿F. N. Little Pullman Palace Sleeping I Chas. Lafollett Leave Corvallis at 2 p. ni. Leave Ya­ father's and said: Judge ................... quina at 7:10 a. m. daily between Portland and Ashlui L. Loughary “Papa, come away, come, or this < ierk ..................... .Geo. W. Briedwell The O. A O. R. R. Ferry make« Oregon and California, West side, trains strange man will make you do wrong.” Sheriff ....................... T. J. Harris with all the regular trains on the ad oonnect at Corvallis. This made the King feel strong again, Treasurer ............... .... W. W. Nelson division from foot of F street. ............. and, clasping the little maid's hand Assessor ... Wyatt Harris The Oregon Development Company’s West Side Divlsiea. tightly in his own. he roee and left the Comniissioners . ... i J. 8. Hibbs BET. PORTLAND AND CORT 1 Geo. Dorsey FINE Al tempter and went away with the child School Supt . . Niall Train. ... J. A. 0. Freund ABBIT1 UUTR. who had saved him and his country Surveyor .................. .... Jeff. D. Fenton MoM’nviUe.lO Portland. .. 7:80 a . m . from dishonor. Gorgo was only ten < oroner .............. D. C. Narver McM’nville 10:18 A. x. Corvallis.. .U® Jeare old then, but she was wortny to Sheep Inspector ............. A J. Nelson SAILS Corvallis. .. 1:30 p . m . MoM’nville. Mi • • King’s daughter, because being Mo M ’ n ville 3:44 p . m . Portland... M5 From Yaquina, From San Franoisoo, good and true herself, she helped her WK8T 81 UK STAG! LINKS. Sunday............ Oot. 10 Monday .... At Corvallis oonnect with trama of k Oot. 4 father to be good and true also. Oregon Pacific for McMinnville to Sheridan daily, via Belle- Friday .............. “ 22 Saturday.......... “ 16 When she grew to be a woman she In*L 8lurida“ “ 28 Willamina and Grand Wednesday...Nov, 3 Thursday.... became the wife of a King, and then Ronde Mon Wed. and Sat.; Grand Ronde Monday............ “ 15 Wednesday... Noy. 10 Saturday.... “ 27 Monday.......... “ Express Trala. she »howcil herself as noble a Queen as toOretown Lues, and Sat. 22 ueave . I she had been a Prineeae Her husband v"/- North Yamhill to Nestookton, The Company reserves the right to change Portland -.. .4^50 p . m .IMcM’nville..8« >i- e ’ J* ’ ^ e . u L rt " ’ Irask and Tillamook, Mon was that King Leonidas who stood in sailing days. Fares, between Corvallis and MoM’n ville .5:45 a . m . I Portland■ the narrow paw of Thermopylw with " ed. and Fri. at 6:30 a. m. San Francisco. Rail and Cabin, $14: Rail Local tiokets for sale and baggag* Parker to Buena Vista, daily at 11:30 a. m and Steerage, $9.88. ’ his small army »nd fought back the at the company’s up-town office, For information apply to oonnecting great hurts of the Persians until he and wita^R. £ MMbRny Pine and Second streets. Tickets W CHAS. C. HOGUE, T»<» all hie heroic band were killed. But be­ Tbor. £tKU°6“TH’ oipal points in California oan Aoting Gen. F. and Pass. Agent. cured and baggage checked at oomp>% fore thia happened there was a time Corvallis. Oregon fice, Corner F and Front streetsirons di£7a.°J? a,1M d “ * !r W P> “ • To 8ft,em when the Grecians did not know that Frieght will not be reoeived for the great Persian army was coining to after five o’clook p. m. on either Moant*ii Dale and In- try and destroy them, and a friend of . west side divisions. E. P »Uy i^tn,rdHy. ' a* „To G lenville Mon- theirs, who was a prisoner in the coun­ r. MUX.TNBB, Prop., R. KOEHLER, G.F *r- ind ?riday 11 *• m- To try where the great Xerxes lived, wish­ Manager. ■ oree 1 Saturday. 7 a. m. Corner Third and B streets, ing to warn the Spartans of the ootning Hillsboro to Greenville, Mountain Dale MCMINNVILLE . . OREftON it Ptiriian< to they might prepare, f • New house! New furniture! Unsurnaaaed sent a messenger to King Leonidas. 8in«‘e mealR -5 cents. But when the messenger arrived, all he £ .“0TSS,pthmd,ili-»«”■ HX had to show for hia message was a bare, °* n ? Moor to room. $6, ding pe/vreek. Two white waxen tablet. Tb„ King and all MoCoys to Lincoln and Zena, daily, at 2:30 F?ne 8aii„^in8< Give mi S i J^ “ 9 ! or «» “ “ ««al men. the Lairds pusaled over this strange tab­ wive me a call and see for yourself. let »Jong time, but could make nothing 90,015“ A‘lartJlhey to thin? Th* Oatly Reporter. I TRANSCONTINENTAL T1OUT1 p iTORTHEOnACiriC SMOREST! LfiTTfîS -BEST! (HTCKEST, .LL /LOS B TÂ " St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Or I 0 P R Only Route via Yaquina Bay To San Francisco. SteamtMp Vtqiina ©ity Bay. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, CITY done tor a jaa^ ana did not mean Secretary Earhart has had pigeon holes made inside the vault in his of­ fice, and is filing all the vouchers and valuable papers of his administration away, preparatory to turning that of- fice over to his successor, next Jan- nary. STABLE eta Holder. pvt them—no* ®t *>ld 11 do«. in fe&MS »n7, KUH. ■EKDERHH