The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, October 28, 1886, Image 3

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    The Daily Reporter.
cMinnville, Or.
Oct. 28, 1886
From store to store
We harry o’er
he oity’s ample spaoe,
And ever find
The merchant mind
wake in every place,
he dull, slow oreeping days are past,
nd enterprise is orownded at last!
What ills betide
The men who hide
heir lights -if such men be!
Those poor, supine,
Who think a “ sign ”
he world will surely see!
ome will, of oourse, but many won’t;
jon’t trust a “ sign,” then, merchant, don’t!
The truly wise*'
Still advertfeej'
| For that’s a “ sign ” indeed,
Whioh in and out
Will go about,
■Till tens of thousands read
■Tour name, your business, thus ar*»known,
I And enterprise exclaims: “ My own!”
Miles Hendrick has at last settled
■ down to business in Astoria.
' J. L. Ladd of Amity was in the city
¡yesterday enjoying the rain storm.
Ladies’, mens’, boys’ and girls rub­
ber boots and overshoes at G. E. Det-
Henderson Bros, took in over 1,200
bushels of finest quality oats yesterday
at 35 cents.
J. A. C. Freund took in North Yam­
hill yesterday with a buggy, and the
rain took him in likewise.
James Harvey has had a very en­
joyable visit in the city this week with
old time friends, J. Harvey and Will
Don’t forget that it takes cash to run
a newspaper, and that subscription ac­
counts. though small, ought to be paid
Baxter & Martin are selling a full
5-lti. can of Java coffee for $1.00; and
throw in a fine China hand-painted
cup and saucer.
All members of the Band of Hope
are requested to be on hand at the M.
E. church, Saturday at 2 o’clock, to
make arrangements for a concert.
Butter, 40 to 50 cts.; eggs, 25 to 30 ;
hams, 14 to 15 ; shoulders, 8 to 9 ; sides,
10 to 11 ; potatoes, 50 to 60 cents per
bushel; chickens, $2 to $2.70 per doz­
en ; green apples, 25 to 50 cts. per box.
That was a welcome shower yester­
day afternoon and evening. It was
such a rain as makes a mans coat
shrink upon him. The plows can all
work in Yamhill county now.
The taffy social at Grange hall was
not badly demoralized by the storm.
Every one present enjoyed it. The
ladies of St. Janies Episcopal church
deserve all praise for their efforts to
please, under all circumstances.
Smokers are invited to call at Col­
lard’s Shooting Gallery and try his
new five and ten cent cigars. He has
the best brands in the market, includ­
ing Ben. Fostner’s Seed and Hull;
Key W est; Sterling ; Natural leaf, etc.
And now come» the report from Al-
bany that a sick salmon has been cap-
tured there. He had turned gray in
•pota-sn hia pilgrimage up the river,
his dorsal fin wasjniMing. and he ap?
Peered generally rheumaUe. •
The Grange hull meeting Monday
night adjourned to meet to-morrow
night and place an anti-saloon ticket
in the field.
Peter (.Trant won the Astoria foot
race by four feet. Five thousand dol­
lars changed hands on the result. His
competitor was Geo. Noland.
All Indian war veterans are spec­
ially invited to be in Portland Nov. 3d,1
where arrangements have been made
for them to attend the address of Hon.
Elwood Evans.
There are now in all three hundred
and sixty-one lock boxes in the Mc­
Minnville postoffice, and everybody
can be accommodated with one at the
astonishingly low rate of twenty-five
cents per quarter.
Messrs. Colby and Crossett are the
gdests of B. F. Fuller while in the
citjr. They go from Here to Skletn, and
¡will be in attendance at the state con­
vention of Spiritualists. Remember
the lecture at the Opera house this eve­
ning. Seats free.
John Wortman vlàitêd Salem on
Tuesday, in company’ with Supt.
Freund. He reports thé capitol city
actively engaged in the work of eman­
cipating itself from the inocuous insui-
tude so many’ years characteristic of
its most able-bodied citizens.
Revolver I. oat.
On the road between McMinnville
and Sheridan, Monday night, October
25th, a Smith à Wesson 5-shooter re­
volver. The finder will be suitably’
rewarded on leaving the same at this
Editor Reporter:
Please oblige me by publishing this
challenge. I will run Wm. Martin, of
McMinnville, a 75 yard or 100 yard
race for $500 a side, on any track in
Oregon, within three weeks after the
race is made.
E dward R ea .
Astoria, Oregon.
First National Bank,
MoMINNVIULE, - - - -
J acob W ortman ...................... President
1). I’. T hompson ............. Vice-president
J ohn W ortman ......................... Cashier
Trun.'«acts a General Banking business.
Interval allowed on time deposits.
Cvllevtiona made on t'r.vonible terms.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfan
■ 'U New York, San Francisco and Portland.
Office hours—from V a. in. to 4 p. m.
Represents the following sterling compan­
ies: London A Liverpool A Globe. North
British A Mercantile, Commercial Union
Fir.' AsaooiHtion, German Amorioan, l'ire-
tnan’a Fuud. Hartford, Commercial, Anglo
Nevada, State investment.
Wheat inaoranoe a specialty.
IJ. «. aVITMKi
This is the time of year when
Merchants all begin to show
Proprietors of the
low prices. We realize that
permanent trade cannot be
Dealers in
made unless one has the cor­
rect styles and correct prices.
We are selling goods at aston­
ishingly low prices on the mer­ We desire to inform the public that we have
lately added a line of ltolla to our Mill,to­
its of our wares. We know gether
with the necessary machinery to
make an
that there are no better styles
A No. I Article of Floor,
of Clothing, no better fitting, And have
the same in snoceMfhl operation.
While we do not claim to make
no better made than ours, and
we believe that no one in Mc­ The Best Roller Flour
Minnville is selling Clothing
In the State;
as cheaply as we are.
We do claim to make an article
We only ask an inspection
Second to None.
—AS A—
of our goods and a comparison
ol prices.
FamHy Fibwr,
s. O. FOHCB.
And far better than can be made on
Stones alone.
Wo have been to much expense to make
this change, and believe we deserve a liber­
al share of pnblio patronage, and ask a fair
trial. We guarantee reRiiltH.
<aiiii Loat or Stolen.
October 25th, from my wagon be­
tween McMinnville and my shingle
camp 17 miles northwest of town. A
45-70 Marlin rifle, new, boxed, with
gun cover and two boxes of shells. It
is supposed the gun was taken by a
couple of tramps who begged a ride.
A suitable reward will be paid for the
recovery of the same, left at the gun
shop of W. F. Collard, in McMinnville.
Henry Dunzer.
A Bargain.
Having purchased the Htrain property, and
permanently located in McMinnville, am
ready to do all kinds of Truck and Deliv­
ery Work at Hhort notice. All goods in­
trusted to our care will be carefully handled,
promptly delivered. Also keep on hand
Wood of all kinds uh cheap as the cheapest.
Etc. Etc.
Orders left at the Citv Drug store will be
promptly attended to.
B Street, between Third and Fourth.
Third street, between D and E
The Exchange hotel of North Yam­
hill, containing twenty-two rooms in
all, two stories high, is offered for sale
for cash, or exchange for real estate.
The house is well known to the travel­
ing public, and doing a good business. pjyW’e still have a few Buggies, Hacks
and Carriages of home manufacture on
The present proprietor’s reason for hand.
fW“Carriage Painting and Repairing a
selling is that he is too far advanced Specialty.
Perfect satisfaction guaranteed.
in age to attend to it, and is determin­
ed to sell if an opportunity is offered,
even at a sacrifice. In fact he is bound
sell it if a customer comes. North
Lat» of Independence, having purchased the
Yamhill is as rapidly improving town
as any on the west side, is the center TEA9K AND TRUCKS
of a large trade, thé starting point for Of Logan Bros. A Henderson, offers his
Tillamook bay, the resort for hunters servioee in that tine to the pnblio, and will
and sportsmen in thé summer season, GnirâBlée RMfstactfoa
and this is the best chance for a good To all who favor him with their
man in the whole state. For further HawiH
delivery of
partieulars add«» “hKioifiae, Or apply the aoco
tion of
at the «table will be promptly attended
to J.Déiap, Nôrlh T JjnMILOiefüïu
Oregon Kid ney Tea.
Nature’s own Remedy
Will speedily relieve and per­
manently cur« all the various
difficulties arising from a disor­
dered condition of the
1 '
’ It ts perfectly harmless and
can be given to the most dell*
oate woman or ahild. For sale
¡by all drugg eats.
Bssix, Hsrtsm A W ood «xts,
Wholesale Agents,
Portland, Oregon.