■4 The Daily Reporter, D. C. IRELAND 4 CO. PUBLISHERS, Minnville, Or. - Oct. 27, 1886 Wanted, to rent a small dwelling in oMinnville. Inquire at this office. A bargain, horses for sale. Inquire Mrs. M. C. 8. Young, McMinnville, ■egon. All the news; at your door; six nes a week ; only ten cents ; every- dv reads it. The Daily Reporter. Baxter & Martin are selling a full lb. can of Java coffee for $1.00 ; and row in a fine China hand-painted ip and saucer. Will a few friends of the Reporter bo do not file the weekly edition, nd us a few copies of the date of ?tober 14th, 1886. All members of the Band of Hope e requested to be on hand at the M. , church, Saturday at 2 o’clock, to ake arrangements for a concert. Buiter, 40 to 50 cts.; eggs, 25 to 30 ; inis, 14 to 15 ; shoulders, 8 to 9 ; sides, ) to 11; potatoes, 50 to 60 cents per ishel; chickens, $2 to $2.70 per doz- i; green apples, 25 to 50 cts. per box. Portland business men are beginning ,) realize what a benefit was the M hanics’ fair. A few thousand dollars rein circulation in the city to-day |iat were not there three weeks ago. Where are those patrons who wished 3 pay us in cabbage and potatoes? Ve only ask for information, there are ilenty of both ai tides at the stores for ash. And we much rather buy and ell for cash. Smokers are invited to call at Col- ard’s Shooting Gallery and try his lew five and ten cent cigars. He has he best brands in the market, induci­ ng Ben. Fostner’s Seed and Hull; ley West; Sterling ; Natural leaf. etc. Eli T. Branson, while climbing over fence at the bouse of Wm. Savage n the 25th, let his rifle slip through his and, the trigger being struck in some fay by the fence, the gun went oft', lowing oft' the thumb from his left iand. Dr. Tyler Smith assisted by )r. Michaux, dressed the wound. A teacher has partly promised to ®8wer the communication of Old eacher, respecting points of modern eaching. We do not always indorse he sentiments of correspondents, but •ur time is not always at command to '•ake the needed responses. The Re •orter columns however, are open in >11 such cases. Samuel M. Smith peacefully died •ear Roseburg Sunday night. He has *en partially demented for several -cars. He leaves a wife bi Portland, ’here his remains were brought for 'urial. Mr. Smith came to Portland rom Boston in 1853, and in 1854 he '•■•I T A.Davis foimed a co-partnership n the drug business. He. was com­ piled to retire from active business ltc about ten years ago. ‘s'\eral new cases of typhoid are re- i*°ded in this city this week. Certain- no less than four. Now it is time * Settling Was done. Drainage and ’t i : ii Y In the City. CARRIAGES Ladies, do not fail to call and sec this splen­ did selection, which embraoes all the Latest Styles in Vogue B Street, between Third and Fonrth. MRS. H. P. STUART, The English sparrow introduced into Third street, between D and E. — o— this country as a beneficial bird, is j^yWe still have a few Buggies. Haoks OPPOSITE THE GRANGE STORE, now so destructive that plans are being and Carriages of home manufacture on McMinnville, Oregon. hand. laid to prevent its alarming increase r^"Carriage Painting and Repairing a and spread, if not to exterminate it. Specialty. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. GIVE US A CALL. It is said that its work annually distroys about four million dollars of the crop Hair Cutting, Minving and Mlinm* of rice in the southern states, and the Late of Independence, having purchased the pool ng Parlor. planters in that section are wild to find TEAMS AND TRI CKS some exterminating process. In view C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. of these facts the question of further Of Logan Bros & Henderson, offers his services in that line to the public, and will (Saooessur to A. O. Wyndham.) protection for a Mongolian pheasant in Guarantee Satisfaction Ladies and children’s work a specialty. Any this state might be considered, as farm­ style of Hair Catting desired, with ncataesa. To all who favor him with their patronage. Hair dyeing of all descriptions warranted. ers complain fully as much of its ra­ He will keep a wagon specially adapted to the Fancy hair dressing a specialty. Hot or delivery of parcels, trunks satchels, etc., for vages as did the fanners of the sparrows ' the aocomoaation of the publio. Orders left cold baths always ready, only J5 cts. Third at the stable will be promptly attended to at I street between O and D, McMinnville, Or. when they first began to multiply. SAMUEL GOFF, 15c SHAVING 15c.