A Business Proposition to MISCELLANEOUS. him,” to which object, he says, his Everybody. whole life will be devoted. The Albany Bulletin passes censure D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. Having the most complete and best on the jury of Marion county that ac ftMb.crlpllon Bates. ■ selected stock of goods on the west By Carrier per week ........................... 10 oents quitted Miss Mattie Allison of com­ Have a Few (Payable on Saturday. I plicity in the killing of Campbell. It side, outside of Portland, as conceded Btngla Copy......................................... 2 By Mail tOomta per Month (In Advance.) regards her as the instigator of a crime by all commercial men, and my fa­ Hate« fer Advertiain« that laid one man in his grave and cilities for buying being equal to or Will be made Mtiafactory to all applicants. , ■*» ■' $ »*? : î sent another to the gallows. better than any house here, I am pre­ See what it is to be a great man. Glad­ Oct. 27, 1886 McMinnville, Or. stone gets stung by a wasp and the pared to furnish you with Dry Goods, ' » , • .1 -r ■’ fact is heralded by telegraph all over Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, THE APPROACHING WARS That they will the English shaking world. Natur­ Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Glassware We feel conqielled to aav that at ally the story grows to such an extent and Crockery, at prices as low or this moment the continent of Europe, that Gladstone himself is forced to from head to foot, seems broken out take notice of it and telegraph the ex­ lower than any house outside of Port­ ■11 over with the scarlet rash of inter­ act ttuth of the matter. land, and if you buy upon same terms They also have a SMALL LOT of national haired France. Germany, A Vienna paper has a telegram from as you do when you go to Portland, Italy, Austria and Russia «re to be the Sofia saying that the Russian par­ buy in quanities paying cash, I en­ Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc., chief combatants, and Russia Mem« tisans there have received a report gage to compete with the retail houses That will also be sold •bout ready to make the first move on that two Russian ft ig-ites have arrived the checkerboard of nations. Bulga­ at \ arna. The Bulgarian government of Portland on the same class of goods, • • ” • I ria has just declared with great vehe puts no faith in the report and consid­ save and except Sugar, Salt and such They have a few mence of suffrage, that Russia must ers that it was invented with the object goods as freight figures upon so that PLOWS, HARROWS, remove hut meddlesome hand ; France of intimidating the people. it cannot be done. This does not ap­ SEEDERS And ■ays that England must get out of The disposition of the thrifty tem­ ply to some cheney houses who would Egypt ; Germany is expecting an at perance farmers of Iowa, as noted by RAIA W AGONS tack from Russia on one side and the World’s correspondent, to be will­ bait you by selling some special arti­ That will be sold Erance on the other ; Slav and Teuton ing to sell their corn to local distiller­ cle at a sacrifice, and making it up on can no longer keep belligerent hands ies, provided the whisky is sold out­ some other articles. I t shall be off of each other. If England stays side the state, reminds one of the vir-l i straight business . I especially invite When yon want anything in that line yon I out of the general fight, it will be only tue of the woman who experienced | i purchasers, to call and make an in- will consult your own interest as well ai ours to call and see us. We think we can suit because of the report that she is en­ religion at a revival. “Finding that I you. Try it. A, H. A O. O. HODSON. tirely unprepared and that war would my jewelry was dragging me down to' spection of the goods and price, be­ All goods to her be nothing but calamity. The hell,” she remarked. “ 1 took it off and i fore buying elsewhere. marked down during clearance sale Danes are ready for the insurrection gave it to ray sister.” Successor to D. C. Narver, will be sold at clearance sale prices. against their own government, «nd H e do not find fault with Mr. third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. you can not put the tip of your finger George for crying out against the Prices of all goods will be plainly on the map of Europe without touch­ misuse of illgotten wealth, nor for pro-! marked on them, and no clerk is au­ The Largest ing ti threatened territory. Nothing testing against the real oppression of I thorized to make any cut or deviation but 3.000 miles (if ocean can keep us the poor. But we think it is wrong to ! on them, and will be discharged for out of the fight, and great wisdom at | mark the difference between property!' doing so before lie lias authority. Washington will be necessary,or some­ i honestly acquired and property dis-i In Yamhill County. dis­ S mall P rofits and Q uick R eturns how, in some of the unexpected ques­ | honestly obtained, chiefly is the M otto . CASH IX HAND chiefiy from trail-' fran­ tions that may arise, our country will [cluse chise or special privileges voted bvl' by or SHORT CREDITS must be the be involved. When the sword starts legislative bodies that were corrupted RULE- A. J. APPERSOX. the plow atop«, and the harvest fields to grant to private greed what should of Europ« will become h pasture have been bestowed with a view to ground for the cavalry horse«, and be the public g<»»d. gullied with the heavy wheels of the The Telegram informs us that Cecil supply train. I nies* the preventing Be* be. the defaulting clerk of G. Shin­ hand of Providence interferes there dler A Co., has been brought back to great demand for our breadstuff« 'V .a* his old home, ami now occupies a -, and the work of our factories, but who felon s cell in the Multnomah county can look with any satiafaction upon a Riirial Robe« and Shrouds jail, llis immediate companions are pros|s«rity for our nation which shall CITY TRICK. Constantly on Hand. two horse thieves and a murderer. It be built on the woes of other nations? I is well that Mr. Beebe did not succeed Having purchased the Strain property, and Hearse Furnished. In spite of the dispatches, we still | located in McMinnville, am in remaining in foreign lands He is permanently iea.ix u. do all kinds of Truck and Deliv­ think it too late in the history of the 1 now learning, what he apparently ery Work at short notice. All voods c world for civilization to go back to I trusted to our care will be oarefully handled failed to have learned before, that aj promptlv delivered. Also kee'p on hand barbarism and continental cutthroat-J • crime committed by a gilt-edged dude I and Wood of all kinds as cheap as the cheapest. TO ORDER at prices which defy all ( rders left at the Oily Drug store will be cry. I he world never had in it so competition. .is none the less a crime, and that al promptlv attended to. .J J. t'OLL ARD Make no purchases until you price my stock. much great statesmanship ns now, and | prison, like Love, levels all ranks. E. B. FELLOWS. surely there ought to lx» enough ca- ■ I here is a little better feeling to-day Family Grocery Store. parity coming out from St Petersburg in wheat ’ • - circles. Advices generally and Berlin, Rome, Pans and London I of good tenor, and a better feeling i iuto some immediate congress of na­ third Street, McMinnville. Oregon. —OF— tions to settle by consolidation and ' manifest. Portland may l>e quoted treaty that which the unsheathed rather better than at the close of iast swords of Europe arc about to settle 1 week, most recent transactions being Successor to L. RO< >T.) at a slight advance. For choice valley in massacre Our voice is for peace. ♦ 1.25 haslæen paid, and is now quoted Dealer in •lust Received at for desirable parcels, although the fig­ All Fresh 3:ods, Grsceries. Flour. Sacoa, aad EDITOR fAL NOTES Il 1« rumored that Michael Davitt, ure is deemed too high by some. It is Glassw&r: and Crockery. the Irish patriot, is als>ut to l»e mar- understood that this limit went out ^Goods delivered to purchasers in the city. fashionable riosl to Miss Yore. an Oakland heiress. Saturday. L so. and advices do not Mrs Cornelia M Stewart, wife of the weaken, it must be the ruling figure. Japanese Cleansine late millionaire dry goods merchant For Walla Wall« lllâ.i 1.16| is freely A. T. Stewart, died suddenly at her named, the extreme for round lots. Direct from New York. residem e in New York city on Sunday hx|x>iters having shi|»s without wheat, I«. In reapoMe to renewed and presanig or wheat without ships, are working NloMinnviiie • ru- * vregon. app als Mr Charles IhJk* has finallv against each other, and this help« the and emphatically d«-fe^ ,o cuter price«. Receipts continue liberal and public life “until he ha> disproved 'le're u no scarcity of loading -luff gnw and ut.ju« odwmniea against fall stock received The best paper on the West side. MISS F. E. HI SS, McMinnville. Oregon Th» P«ily Reporter. 1 « C ENT» 1 < A PR IC E . T H R E E 1 A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON HEATING & COOK SELL FOR CASH VERY LOW. 1 Low for Cash. á ■( a 1 ai Low for Cash. E. B. FELLOWS, I c FURNITURE HOUSE c Undertakers Goods * Parlor anfl Chamber Suits 1 NEW STOCK J. Harv. Henderson, CLOTHING M ILLINER Y, -—CREAM—- I Buy Fashionable Goods From the Head-quarters of Fashion. . McMinnville, Or. A ar i I , ja o IIS h 11 Ilia ire na I V