A á J < Ö. I C ( » Busliie«" Proposition to about twenty years, and cost Ttie Ddfy Reporter. lasted Everybody. France about 1,000,000 lives and the loss of all freedom. So- Mr. George Having the most complete and best D. C. IKELAMP <* feO. PUBLrtWBM. must not start a similar one here, if Nubtcrlplion Hate«. be selected stock of goods on the west By Carrier per week............ .. • .......... W oents he does, remarks the Post, he will side, outside of Portland, as conceded (Payable on Satoruay.) arrested and fined. Single Copy......................... by all commercial men, and my fa­ By Mail M) oents per Month (In Advance.) “ UP TO TIME,'' IM A HORN. Hates for AdvertUIng cilities for buying being equal to or Will lx» made satisfactory to all applicants. Some time ago Uncle Sam thought better than any house here, I am pre­ he might have a muss with Mexico, pared to furnish you with Dry Goods, Oct. 26, 1886 McMinnville, Or. incident to the actions of a tramp­ Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, printer from this side, Ohl Cutting. BA1.ARIF.R OF OONORESSMEN. While this thought was uppermost in Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Glassware The salary of a member ceases on the minds of the red tape manipula­ and Crockery, at prices as low or the day of his death. 1 he salary o tors, the navy department was in­ lower than any house outside of Port­ the successor commences the day after structed to formally proceed, and send the decease of tin- former member, out a private letter to railroad lines land, and if you buy upon same terms though the election may not occur foi along the coast to secure speedy trans­ as you do when you go to Portland, several months. 1 he new member in portation to the sea-board for torpedo buy in quanities paying cash, I en­ Other words, draw-pay for the time .ie boats etc. That was at last two months gage to compete with the retail houses never served. A member is allowed ago ; Old Cutting has saved his neck ; of Portland on the same class of goods, twenty cents mileage each way, or Sedgwick has been to Mexico and got save and except Sugar, Salt and such forty cents a mile one way, ami he can on a rip-tearing drunk with the of­ goods as freight figures upon so that check for the full amount of both ficials. settled the differences satisfac­ trips when be takes his seat. He is torily ; and Bayard is blissfully repos­ it cannot be done. This does not ap­ allowed one hundred and twenty-five ing upon the laurels won by his di­ ply to some cheney houses who would dollars a year for stationery. The plomacy. In fact the whole business bait you by selling some special arti­ members draw their money in differ­ has been forgotten ; but with wonder­ cle at a sacrifice, and making it up on ent ways. Some always overdraw, or, ful facility the red tape of the circum­ some other articles. I t shall be rather, borrow from the head of the locution office unfurls, and last Satur­ bank. They borrow, or get in advance, straight business . I especially invite day the mysterious “private” letter to sums ranging from ten to three hun­ the railways was Bent out. This letter purchasers, to call and make an in­ dred dollars, and 11 *• the epd of the spection of the goods and price, be- month they have nothing. The great calls attention to the fact that in case of war with a foreign nation it is im ­ 1 fore buying elsewhere. All goods majority of the members draw all that portant to have the seacoast secure ¡marked down during clearance sale is coming to them at the end of each from depredations of the enemy, and . will be sold at clearance sale prices. month, particularly those who have in considering this subject, the Prices of all goods will be plainly their families with them. Some of question of transportation of torpedo marked on them, and no clerk is au­ them never see an outside hank, but boats by rail is of great moment. thorized to make any cut or deviation let their salary remain and draw' it On account of the rapidity ’ of such on them, and will be discharged for out in small sums. Others take out transportation, in case of sudden doing so before he has authority. their salaries and place them in other emergency, it is preferable to sending S mall P rofits and Q uick R eturns banks. But this is not done as much boats by water. The writer of the letter, ■ is the M otto . CASH IN HAND as formerly. Most of the members do which emanates from the naval intel ­ | or SHORT CREDITS must be the all their business over the counter of A. J. APPERSON. Congressional bank, and some of them ligence (?) office of the bureau of navi­ rule . gation, then makes inquiry to know pile up checks as high as sixty thou­ what fat ilities the railway addressed sand dollars in a single season. may have for transporting these boats, the cost, route, etc. In view of the NO REVOLUTION ALLOWED. Henry George finds it necessary to fact that the Mexican-affair had been get down lower and lower every day. forgotten quite entirely, these letters say« the New York Post, to meet the cause much surprise, and do not seem demands of the socialists, anarchists, to be understood. It shows one of two and the revolutionists of every sort things: That either such dilatory who are his most enthusiastic support­ system would enable Mexico to eat us Ao I CITY TRUCK. ers, "Just wait until we elect Henry up, before we could launch a torpedo Having purchased the Strain property, and George,” said Justice Schwab on Tues boat ; or that there is another menace permanently located in McMinnville, am ready to do all kinds of Truck and Deliv­ day evening, " and you will see some to call for action. We are rather in­ ery Work at short notice. All goods en­ things in this city that were never clined to accept the first proposition, trusted to our care will be carefully hnndled and promptly delivered. Also keep on hand dreamed of.’ One of those things, it inasmuch as the dispatches say this Wood of all kinds as cheap as the cheapest Orders left at the City Drug store will be appears from a speech by Mr. George, »rivnte letter was prepared about the promptly attended to. J J. COLLARD. is tin American edition of the French time of the excitement over the Cut­ revolution. In addressing a gathering ting affair. And it is not very credi­ of Frenchmen, he said : “1 am pleased table to the heads of department nt Family Grocery Store. to meet you, Frenchmen of this city, Washington interested. here to-night Wherever the struggle Third Street. McMinnville, Oregon. Mr. \ illard reached New York on foi liberty logins, there the sous of Sunday, People out west will be glad France ought to be represented. With to hear of his renewed success, As an all its drawbacks, and horrors, and investor and builder of fortunes for (Successor to L. ROOT.) shortcomings, the great epoch of the those who take hold honestly with Dealer in French revolution, now but a century him, Mr. A illard has not an equal on gone, is about to repeat itself here. All Fresh Goods, Groceries. Flour, Bacon, and either continent, but he cannot hold a Liberty, equality and fraternity em- G.asswaro and Crockery. house together that is divided against (todies the aspiration of every working­ itself. I-iTGooda delivered to purchasers in the city. man in the world to-day. It remains Rembrandt stirred’ up a hornets for the workingmen to re-establish the Japanese Cleansing n?xt in his truthful items about bogus republic; not the republic of the mil- Uonairv and the tramp. What was mineral waters, and Northrup and dunem 177« in tins country, in France Sturgis "plead guilty” apparently, bv it. c. ’•“""b’cturfr and sole 1'oprietor. in 178V, must lH. done over again. Our ordering their ad out of the Welcome. McMinnville - . . Oregon. Perhaps the machinery of their shop forviathucs won u. our This preparation is unequalled for cleans is used to inflate bogus stuff. Our ad­ ng garments of all soiled «¿ota. Pafnt T»r' ,v"er’ ‘hem.” Th» *\ir»wtMcka, horrors, and short- vice to the public is to touch not, taste coming«" of the French revolution not, handle not, unless it cornea from Wilhoit springs. J. Harv. Henderson, --CREAM—- SfSS; *?• McMinnville, Oregon MISCELLANEOUS Have a Few HEATING £ COOK That they will sell for case VERY LOW. They also have a SMALL LOT of Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc, 'That will also be sold Low for Cash, They have a few FLOWS, HARROW*, SFEHEttS And BAIN WAGONS That will be sold Low for Cash. When you want anything in that line you will consult your own interest as well a ours to oall and see us. We think weoansoit you. Try it. A, H. & O. 0. HUDSON’ E. B. FELLOWS, Successor to D. C. Sarver, Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. The Largest FURNITURE HOUSE In Yamhill County. Undertakers Goods Burial Robe« and Shroud’ Constantly on Hand. Hearse Furnished. ’Parlor and Chamber Suits l’O ORDER at prices which defy all competition. Make no parchases until you price my stock- E. B. FEL1.OWS. NEW STOCK —OF— CLOTHING Just Received at g.1 FASHIONABLE M illiner Y j Direct from New York. Buy Fashionable Goods From the Head-quarters of Fashion. fall stock received . MISS F. E. HI SS, McMinnville, Or.