VOL. 1. NO. 44. M c M innville , O regon , T uesday , O ctober 26, The* Dsttly Reporter« miscellaneous . ¡‘HICE TWO CENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. Entered in the Postoffioe at McMinnville for Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ ond Class Matter. BISHOP & KAY. CITY MARKET, WEEKLT REPORTER ■THE CLOTHIERS Sixteenth Year of Publication. yic.tll NN VILLE - - OREGON OF ---------------- O---------------- D. C. IRELAND. isso E. L. E. WHITE. — YAMHILL CO., II. C. IRELAND A; Co PUBLISHERS. Third St., (Opposite O Weekly Subscription One copy per year in advance - - - $2.00 If not paid in advanoe - - . . 2.50 To clubs of three or live, when accompanied with the oasli, $1.50 per year each. Two nameB for six months each to count as one yearly subscription. Tlte Daily Reporter. T he D aily R epobteb is issued-every day in the week except Sundays, and is delivered in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40 cents per month in advance. Rates for ad­ vertising same as for T he W eekly K epobteb . Advertising Rate*. YAMHILL CO. BANK D on ’ t F orget the I’ i . ai e , FRED. F. KELLER, Prop., Suooeasur to W F. BangasHtir, Hangaeeer’e building. Cor H mid Third St*. —o— Here is where yon can get your money** worth in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage. Tript, and everything in the line of meats, of th« beat quality the country ailords. Also the Beat of Bolognas. (live me n call and be satisfied. —Where yon will— W. T. IIAXTKR. CLOTHING 8PACË. __ j iw. i lm. | 8m.J (ini. ■ 12m- $1 50 3 00 5 00 7 00 10 00 One inch ... Five inches X Col. 3 00 5 00 9 00 18 00 80 00 5 00 6 00 18 00 80 00 78 00 Eleven in. M “ Twenty-1 wo inches 10 00 12 00 30 00 00 00 182 00 F. J. MARTIN. New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of Gixier Ü Mirili This is the time ot' venr w hen Above rates 61ightly advanced for pre IN THE Kuocvaaors to Al. HOSEY, ferrod positions: “Top of Column,” “Next Merchants all begin to show Third street. MoMinnville, Oregon to Reading Matter,” “Second Page,” or low prices. We realize thnt “Third Page.” *-if~Local notices in reading column on Third page: One insertion, per line IDoents permanent fade cannot be Goods of all kind, andiabove Two insertions per line 15 “ made unless one has the cor­ all Furnishing THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents Three insertions per line 20 “ for the By the month per line 25 “ A now, nest au ’. clean Mock. Every article ^STObituary notices, resolutions of oon- rect styles and correct prices BrownNVille Woden Bill, A N<>. 1. Fruit Jara, Butter Crock», Colored dolement, etc., to insure publication in the (ilsHAWnre, Cutlery, Caaotl Goode, To­ Reporter, must be accompanied with instruc­ We are selling goods at aston­ Carrying a full line of all goods made by bacco, Pi|MNi nnd Cigure. tions; and the name of the proper person or these celebrated mills. persons to whom charges for the same are to ishingly low prices on the mer­ ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Freeh Trult and Vogetablwe in Honson. be made. its of oui wares. We know BUSH LOGAN. BILL. LOGAN. WATT HEN I »KBHON. i (óve me a call. Inspect my stock, and I Book & Job Printing. that there are no better styles LOGAN 3H0S. & HENDERSON. will guarantee price» to mil you. We beg leave to aimounce to the public of Clothing, no better fitting, Proprietors of the old established and well 1 that we have just added a large stock of new known novelties to our business, and make a special­ no better made than ours, and TO THE PUBLIC. ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Business Cards, Ladies Calling we believe that no one in Mc­ LIVERY. FEED AND SALE We would announce that Cards. Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ stable. We are prepared nt nil grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of Minnville is selling Clothing .hours to furnish work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ vinced. D. C. IRELAND A CO. Are turning out large aiuocnt* of Fine Carriages, Hack« and as cheaply as we are. I Naddle Horses, The Very Best Quality We only ask an inspection ------- or - -— And everything in tty> Livery hire, E. E. GOUCHER, M. D iu good shape ot our goods and a comparison Al Reasonable Kale«. ol prices. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. TRANSIENT »TOOK LEFT ta F« tom M c M innville BISHOP it KAY. O eegon . - Offioe and residence, corner of Third and D streets, next to the postoffioe. h . hubley jas . m ’ oain . First Class Lumber S. C. FOHCB. C D. JOHNSON. .JOHNSON & FORCE. McCain & Hurley, i Lafayette, Oregon, Especial attention paid to abstracts of tith and settlement of estates in probate. Office—Jail buiding. up stairs. MISS MAY VEHSrt Shadden & Vessey Third street. Next to Bishop A Kay’s store MoMinnville. Or. W. F. COLLARD, WAGOUS, HACKS. VUMTU. CARRIAGES, Be. Etc. , K. T hobnto » Dealer in Oun*, Pistols, Ammunition, Fashionable Dressmaking B Street between 4 hi*» Snd Foorth. Th fra street. be’weer P end E. :arwe .*«! m and l arrivtt In Mrs. H. P. Stuart’* Millinery Store. OPPOSITE GRANGE HALL. M c M tnwtclub O. B. HIGGINS, Prin. MSMEJS worn First-Clnss M iss At such prioee timi will defy competi­ tion. Remember NO ONE FIRM HAS EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO CUT RATES. I n N ow Open. If we do uot hnvo in stock what you want, Attention is respectfully invited to this we have made arrangement« to get BUSINESS SCHOOL. any thing yon may want, without dely. We nak you to get Its facilities for thorough practical instrno­ prioee elsewhere before you make purchase*. tion; aotaal bn sine as department a specialty where currency, bank oheck, drafts, etc., are JOAEM A < O. used. Class, or private instruction day or MoMinnville, June to, ’Htt. evening. College Journal sent free on ap plioation. O K H iggins , Prin. w. j. oAnnmi, i h . gaunt . P. o. Box 101 I-ÿT" The Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ ting employed. O**oo*. Cutlery, Fine Fishing tackle, Cigars, Etc. on iring a ran teed. QTV» ’ Any Thing in the Line of Hardware Cor. 3d and (3 Streets. OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK. Crayon Portrait Work a Specialty. Fashionable Dressmakers M r *. A. Me D on Aim. Business College, —MAl U r ACTUHEK8 OF— ATTORN KYS-AT* LA W AND NOTARIES PUBLIC MBS. M. SHADPEN. Not to bv equalled by any mill In yamhill with ns will reoeive the beet of cure nnd at­ county, notwitint imling reports of Home un­ tention. Logan Bros. & Hondarson. principled parties to the contrary. WE WILL SELL DOO US AKD WINDOWS MCMINNVILLE At 45 Dsr oent dieoount from list prieej Mouldings nt 6“ cent« per hundred feet Third Street, Opposti« McMinnville Bath*. M c M ixntiixi O bmoi EURISKÖ MARKET. Where the beat of meats oan always be found and al the most reaaonnble prioee, where the loin of beef is divided with our custom­ er». Meats done up In the latest style«, an good weights given. Give us a cell. Yours truly, W. J. Garrison A Co. D C. IRELANB A ( O., Fiixe Job Printers, SIcHinnTlIle, Oregaa.