The Daily Reporter. OVR CONTEMPORARIES. Grant, which is also to be used on one of the new notes, has been engraved expressly for the purpose. The fact is I they were engraved at a time when it was die custom to employ a great many more expert engravers than is now the custom, in order to maintain the high standard of government work, and to prevent bank note com­ panies from obtaining the govern­ ment’s best engravers. In those days a good many cuts were made of promi­ nent persons, which have never been used and which cost large sums of money. There are also a good many which were used for a short time, but the use to which they were put is now forgotten. The cut of Martha Wash­ ington, above referred to, cost $800 to engrave, and it is onejof the best por­ traits of that, lady extant. The vif- nette of Gen. Grant shows the side view, and is the only portrait of him which was ever taken, so far as know) , with a side view. It is very different in appearance from the pictures of Grant with which the public are fam­ iliar, but it will be at once recognized by those who remember Grant as he returned from the war, and as he looked when he first entered upon the presidency. There is no picture or en­ graving which so well shows the firm­ ness of the dead hero’s face as the one about to be used on the new notes. M. M. Banister lias started a semi­ monthly Herald at Dayton. Neat and newsy, hut too high priced for the times, A terrible warning to delinquent subst ribera is contained in the state­ ment that a man who owed an eastern Oregon paper for two years subscrip­ tion ha* been arrested for murder. Ti e McMinnville Reporter discours­ es unctiously about “beef, butter and bacon,” though we hope the three Bs will not be as fatal to him as the three Rs wree to Blaine.—Evening Democrat. The McMinnville Weekly Reporter oomes to hand this week enlarged to an eight-column folio. It is well got­ ten up and presents a neat, newsy face. Success, Bro. Ireland er justly claims this as evi­ be inaugurated with imposing ceremo­ dence of enteqtrise and prosperity. nies on Bedloe’s Island on the 28th, The Reporter is itself a fair exponent has its prototype on these north Paci­ of the life of McMinnville.—Corvallis fic shores. Gazette. REPORTER DIRECTORY. The editor of the Farmington Post stati offices «. was rendered temporarily insane re­ United States Senators .... I Joe. N. Dolph cently by a subscriber paying him two ‘ (J. H. Mitchell year« subscription in advance. It does Representative in Congress ,...B. Hermann Governor...................... . . .Z. F. Moody not do for the public to be thus cruel Governor’s Secretary • • .. .0. B. Moores to the sensitive feelings of the editor Secretary of State... .. R. P. Earhart Assistant Secretary.. F. E. Hodgkin of a country weekly. State Treasurer...... ... Ed. Hirsch Assistant Treasurer.............. A. F. Wheeler The Prohibition 8tar, temperance Supt. of Public Instruction E. B. McElrov organ of the stalo, has been closed out State Printer.............................. W. **.*<.*» H. Byars Olerk School Land Board E. P. MoOornaok by its creditors. There is some talk of Supt. Insane Asylum.. .... Dr. Joseph! resuming, but the men at the helm Supt. Penitentiary .. Geo. Collins Warden Penitentiary.. Geo. K. Jackson have probably realised that talk is 1 W. P. Lord cheap, but it takes money to pay for Supreme Judges........... v R. 8. Strahan I W. W, Thayer type aettiug and white paper. DIUTBICT JUPGBB. The editor of the Olympia Partisan .......................... LbK Webster has forever ruined himself in the eyes ...................... E D Shattuck of hi« anti-monopoly subscriber«. In x, T ,h n'/Z ” ! ...................... Frank J. Taylor the last issue of the paper he says: I 1 rith District............ M. L. Olmstead “The person who picked up an envel­ citv orrrrtM ope containing passe« by the Northern Hon. J. W. Cowls Pacific railroad hence to Portland and '¡"’J*! i».:.;-............. °^K«Än return will pleas«' return them to this Street tommiauoner.................. C. A. Wallaoe office, a« they are of no possible u«e to oorwenjont. any one but him to whom they were W b . Campbell, D. C. Narver. Geo. W Jotm. J. 8. Nash. issued.*' 8. A. Manning, MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. THE GREAT TRANSCONTINENTAL T>OUtt I ORTHERUnACIFICfi AIU0Ü giri tMi*g*u a il i a mi mi in SHOREST! J BEST! Hi QUICKEST! lllllllllllllinTHE DINING CAR LI NE, THE DIRECT ROl'TE! NO DELAYS! FASTEST TBA1D --------- O T I Jtl To CHICAGO and all point»Ui Tickets sold to all PHOMIlNEWT P ms Throughout the East and Southern FLELLHS — W—ww RSTi W TT TO fcAST BCUND PASSENGERS! BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE 8C] ------ TO TAKE THE And see that your ticket reads via Portland and St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Thiw Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Fan Length of the Line. Berths Free. LOWEST RATES! QUICKEST TIM -------- 0-------- GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregoi A. D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent. Popular icturesque Onirn ver ailroad, R oute. anges. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Fast Time, Sure Connection, New Equipment The Oregon and California HI i And Connections. 225 Miles Shortest 20 Hours Less Time. TIME, 2| DAYS. Fare from Portland to San Franoisoo g to Sacramento, $30. Aocommocations unsurpassed for oomfort Close connections made at Ashland n and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH stages of the California, Oregon and Id* LESS than by any other route between all stage company. in Willamette valley and San Francisco. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) East Side Division. BETWEEN POKiL.'.n^^SUi .Hail Train. Only Route via Yaquina Bay To San Fraxicisoo. DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS, UBAVZ. I LEAVE. Portland Lebanon (Except Sundays.) Leave Corvallis at 2 p. m. Leave Ya­ quina at 7:10 a. m. ABBIV* Portland.... 7:30 a . m . Ashland...... 41Rl| Ashland.. .9:30 p. M.lPortland. .«ail Alban y Eipre»! Train* ABBITI. 4:00 p. M. Lebanon....930U 4:46 a . m . Portland... 10Ä U Pullman Palace Sleeping Cara daily between Portland and Ashland! Oregon and California, West «ide, trains The O. & C. R. R. Ferry makes conneej with all the regular trains on the east ■ oonnect at ( orvallis. division from foot of F street. The Oregon Development Company’s West Side Divisiea* BET. PORTLAND AND C'ORTALW Mail Train. FINE Al anam. UÀVI. Portland... 7:80 a . m . McM’nville. lfrlM MoM’nville 10:13 a . m . Corvallis.. . 12:26» M SAILS Corvallis... 1:30 p . m McM’nville. 3.4JM From Yaquina, From San Francisco McM’nville 3:44 p. m . Portland... Sunday........... Oct. lo Monday .... c ’’ At Corvallis oonnect : with train» of good many congratulation« from • • ... \F. N. Little friends of the woman's movement 'Chaa. Lafollett ........ L Loughary throughout the country upon the fact .Geo. W. Rriedwell that he hae «elected the vignette of T J. Harris W.W. Neben Martha Washington lor one of the .............. W'yatt Harris new note*. The superintendent de­ W* A Hibbs .......... ...................... Dorsey serve* credit for the selection, but as a .......... J* A. C. Freund matter of fact, neither the vignette of .......... Jefi. D. Fenton HENDERSON ................ D. C. Narver Martha Washington, nor that of Gen. ...............gA * Nebon Ample room to o*re for teams at as reasonable rates« Oregon. New atabla Third St., 1