— plain in detail, his body is placed in The Osib Reporter. circuit with a powerful coil—there stands a conventional figure of Justice D. 0. IRELAND 4 CO. PUBLISHERS. with bandaged eyes, holding the bal­ •aabaeripti«a* Hate«. ance in het left hand and the sword By Carrier per week.... lOoenta in her right. The criminal having ta­ (Taxable on Satarday. > * By ail W cents per Moe*h (In Advance.) ken his seat, the proper functionary is Rate« tar Advertising supposed to read over the record of Wit! be made satisfactory to all applicants. his crimes and the sentence of the law1. This ceremony completed he folds up Oct. 25, 1886 McMinnville, Or the document and places it in the s “■ scale pan, the arm of the balance de­ UNCLE EZRA INDORSED. scends, closes the circuit and all is In the Oregonian two days following over. U ncle E zra ’ s last letter to the Re­ CORRESPONDENCE. porter, we find this from England, as a business pointer: AMITY. A letter to a leading Chicago flour Pears are splendid, and apples very house from one of the heaviest flour handlers of England is to this effect: cheap, but potatoes are a little scarce. “ We admit that our requirements Amity is quiet. Business firm, this year will be larger than usual, and tiiat we must look to America for health good and our school flourish­ supplies. This is indisputable. So ing. long, however, as you send us nightly Borne of our citizens attended the offers on a steadily declining scale, we mechanics fair and some are now away will keep our hands off, and only take enough for immediate needs. Be sure to Salem on church business. The funeral of Mr. SanderB was and cable me at once when you think bottom has been reached, as we largely attended and the sermon, will want to buy heavily.” The fore­ though short, was sweet and full of going is the spirit and nearly the lan­ guage of the letter, and others of prac­ meaning. Thanks for the R eporter in its tically the same import are received daily.” splendid new dress. It is a real fire­ People who read the letter of U ncle side friend and should find a welcome E zra cannot fail to see that our peo­ in every household in the county, but ple are no worse off than the flour we are so busy that we come up slow- producers, but there is a striking simi­ ly with our part of news. larity in the methods of doing the E.S. L. business. The Freshwoman class of Wellesley SERG. 8. PRKNTI88. college numbers 150 young women. Mrs. Mary J. Prentiss, widow of Rer- Altogether there were 900 applicants geat 8. Prentiss, publishes in the New for entrance, but only 545 can be ac­ Orleans Picayune an open letter to the commodated. Rev. W. H. Milburn, taking him se­ verely to task for certain criticisms of Prentiss in his lecture. Mrs. Prentiss Oar flgam ut th« LovtiU says: “If, therefore I now address you, it is because I feel that I have not long to live, and I wish before I die to bear witness to the character of my husband, which I do not hesitate 1*0 to pronounce the noblest and purest I have ever known. Permit me to state too to you that he was utterly devoid of selfish ambition, living only to serve his country and his fellow-men, and desiring to be remembered only by fio those he loved ; that his fortune was ¿00 lost by the decision of the supreme Tro court of the United States, involving his title to the Vicksburg commons ; £ that he died of a disease inherited from his father, and that his death was has­ tened by the fatigue and exposure of This is the time of year when the presidential canvass of 1848. and Merchants all begin to show by overwork in his efforts to extricate himself from his financial difficulties.” low prices. We realize that A Business Proposition to Everybody. miscellaneous . A. H. & 0.0. HOD Having the most complete and best selected stock of goods on the west Have side, outside of Portland, as concedec by all commercial men, and my fa­ cilities for buying being equal to or better than any house here, I am pre­ pared to furnish you with Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, That they will Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, at prices as low or lower than any house outside of Port­ VERY LOW. land, and if you buy upon same terms They also have a SMALL LOT as you do when you go to Portland, Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Q buy in quanities paying cash, I en­ That will also be sold gage to compete with the retail houses of Portland on the same class of goods, Low for Cash. save and except Sugar, Salt and such They have a few goods as freight figures upon so that PLOWS, HARROWS, it cannot be done. This does not ap­ NEEDKRN And ply to some cheney houses who would HAIM WAOOJ bait you by selling some special arti­ That will be sold cle at a sacrifice, and making it up on Low for Cash. some other articles. I t shall be When you want anything in that line, straight business . I especially invite will consult your own interest ai purchasers, to call and make an in­ ours to call and see us. We think vecui you. Try it. A, H. A O. 0. HODS spection of the goods and price, be­ fore buying elsewhere. All goods E. B. FELL0W8, marked down during clearance sale Successor to ». C. Narrar. will be sold at clearance sale prices. Third Street, McMinnville, (taget Prices of all goods will be plainly marked on them, and no clerk is au­ The Largest | thorized to make any cut or deviation on them, and will be discharged for doing so before he has authority. In Yamhill Couitf. S mall P rofits and Q uick R eturns is the M otto . CASH IN HAND or SHORT CREDITS must be the bulk . a . J. APPERSON. HEATIHS i COOK SELL FOR CAS] FURNITURE HOUSE Undertakers 1 CITY TRUCK. Burial Robes and Shrw Constantly on Hand* Hearse Furnished. Haring purchased the Strain propertv. and nW1 ¡“McMinnville, am ready to do all kinds of Truck and Deliv- "tHhort notice. All goods en ‘rested to our care will be oarefullv handled. RwQtS ,i.d«hver*d. Mao keep on hand TO ORDER at prices which defy*H Wcx>d of all kinds as cheap as the oheape«t competition. Orders left at the City Drug store will be promptly attended to. J. J. COLLARD Make no purchases until you priesa*!*” E. B. FELL*** Parlor and Chamber Soft Family Grocery Store, Third Street, McMinnville. Oregon. permanent trade cannot be made unless one has the cor­ There is now being exhibited at J. Harv. Henderson, Lei|»aig an apparatus for putting crim­ rect styles and correct prices. (8ucoessor to L. ROOT.) inals to death by electricity. 8o long We are selling goods at aston­ Dealer in M it b necessary to retain capital pun ishingly low prices on the mer- bhinent upon our statute book it may We know All Fresh Good*, Groceries. Flour. Bacon, and be well that the electric method b the its of our wares. Slurwaro and Crockery. moat merciful and least repulsive pro- that there are no better styles I^-Cb>ods delivered to purchasers in the city. 0MS that could be devised for carrying of Clothing, no better fitting, the sentence into effect. But if such Japanese CleansinF no better made than ours, and means are ever adopted in this coun­ try, the details will certainly not be we believe that no one in Me- ----- CREAM—t carried out in the theatrical manner Minnville is selling Clothing .................... - which commends itself to the Leipzig as cheaply as we are. MoMiunville . . . amateur. In thb apparatus, behind We only ask an inspection the chair in which the condemned of our goods and a comparison man b to take his hb seat- -and by ol pnoes. ¡J«l M.QI. o“, Xííi,”'. Z*" ''"Mi»!. means of which, as we need not ex­ NEW STOCE —OF— A SHOCK fW DEA TH. BIBHOP A KAY. M c M inn ville. Oregon clothing Just Received at C. SYMONS’- FASHIONABLE ^ Ml DEINER Ii Direct from New York. Buy Fashionable Goods From * Head-quarters of Fashion FALL STOCK RECEIVE* RIM F. K. **r**’~ ■HUM**1*