miscellaneous business . REPORTER DIRECTORY. ..Th® Daily Reporter. STATE OFFICERS. I Jos. N. Dolph United States Senators .. . • j j jj. Mitchel) Representative in Congress.. ..B. Hermann . ,Z. F. Moody Governor................................. ,C. B. Moores Governor’s Secretary........... R. P. Earhart Secretary of State............... ’’ F. E. Hodgkin Assistant Secretary............. Ed. Hirsch State Treasurer..................... A. F. Wheeler Assistant Treasurer............. E.B. McElroy Supt. of Publio Instruction .. W. H. Byars Olerk Retool Land Board ' Ê. P. .,____ t .......... Dr. Josephi Supt. Insane Asylum ... ... Geo. Collins Supt. Penitentiary Geo. K. Jackson '.Varden Penitentiary ... , W. P Lord Supreme Judges............... . ? R. S. Strahan I W W. Thayer The African Race. THE GREAT TSftKSSSSTJJi.f.KJAi' R2 ORTHERUnACIFICT) AILI We recently met with a well-known colored porter of a Pullman car, who runs from Atlanta to New York. His I , name in Augustus L. Grant, and he IMI«Hfl • m. < M 11« lives at No. 250 Havne street, Atlanta, Ga. He said : “ I would like to pub­ lish for the benefit of consumptives and for the comfort of their friends, how I have been rescued from a con­ sumptive’s grave. I know that many jj(>^MJIGIGKM******************o*************M*XMH people think the colored people do not inillllllllllHTHE DINING CAR LINE.'/.V^y^y DISTRICT JUl’GES. have consumption, but I know from First Distriot............................. L. R. Webster THE DIRECT ROUTE! NO DELAYS! FASTEST TR ---------- o---------- Second Distriot..............................Robert Bean experience that it is a great mistake. Third Distriot................................ K. P. ^ol,te a. To CHICAGO and all points! Seven years ago I became a subject of Fourth District..................... E. D. Shattuck T LiflTXrSSL Tickets sold to all PKOIXEU) Fifth District..................... Frank J. Taylor MU YV ww w WIWW wwsr Throughout the East and this forlorn disease, and was so pro­ Sixth District..................... M. L. Olmstead nounced oy my physicians. My lungs CITY OFFICERS TO ».AST IiOLVI> PASSENGERS! became badly effected, my cough was Mayor.................................... Hon. J. W. < owls NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BI awful, at times almost shaking me to Reoorder.......................................... J- J • Spencer CF BE CAREFUL AND DO ------ TO TAKE THE Treasurer.............................. ...........J. L. Kogers pieces. My general health broke down Marshal ............................. Geo. Kauffman and so declined that I became helpless Street Commissioner............. ..C. A. Wallace COUNCILMEN. and reduced in flesh almost to a shad­ And see that your ticket reads via Portland and D. C. Narver. ow Terrible night sweats ; no appe­ Wm. Campbell, J. S. Nash. Geo. W. Jones, tite or digestion ; more and more pain S. T. A. Turner. A. Manning, in niy lungs. I suffered more and To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. COUNTY OFFICERS. Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains more ; my cough became exceedingly Senators.... j R. P. Bird Length of the Line. Berths Free. ........ ( J. W. Watts exhaustive, discharging great quanti- |R. R. Laughlin LOWEST RATES! ------- HT QUICKEST ------- o-------- ... - F. N. Little tidk'of pus and consumptive matter. Represent tives GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, iChas. Lafollett I had in the meanwhile the best treat­ Judge L. Longhary .Geo. W. Briedwell ment ; some of the best physicians Clerk Sheriff T. J. Harris A. D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent, proscribed for me, and became inter­ Treasurer W. W. Nelson Wyatt Harris ested in my case. But after two or Assessor j J. S. Hibbs ailroad, acific OVERLAND TO CALIFi three years’ treatment, finding that I Commissioners ‘' i Geo. Dorsey OnT" oute. opular School Supt J. A. C. Freund anges. icturesque ver VIA continued to grow worse, they one by Surveyor Jeff. D. Fenton one abandoned the case until at last ( oroner D. C. Narver Fast Time, Sure Connection, New Equipment Th6 Oregon and California A J. Nelson And Connections. they were all agreed that it was only Sheep Inspector TIME, 2| DAY8. 225 Miles Shortest a question of time with me, and the Fare from Portland to San Frans« 20 Hours Less Time. tihie was thought to he very short. In - to Sacramento, $30. this condition, with one foot as it were Close connections made at AM Aocommoeations unsurpassed for comfort We would announoe that and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH stages of the California, Oregonui in grave, and making my preparations LESS than by any other route between all stage oompany. to go through! the dark waters of death, in Willamette valley and San Francisco. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.! one of my physicians mentioned to me Ea«t Side Diviaion. Are turning out large amounts of HETWEEA PORTLHBliM a remedy which might be tried as a The Very Best Quality Mall Train. last resort. His reasoning was that -------- or-------- LEAVE. .7:30 a . m . Ashland..... 1 To San Franoisoo. Portland consumption being nothing more than 9:30 p. m . Portland.... k Ashland. ulcers on the lungs, why is that a Albany Expre»« Trail. DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS, ASM LEAVE. remedy which will cure an ulcer on 4:00 p. m . Lebanon....9i Portland Not to be equalled by any mill m Yamhill (Except Sundays.) 4:45 a . m . Portland...Ill the body will not cure ulcers on the Lebanon oounty, notwithstanding reports of some un­ lungs? At his suggestion I procured principled parties to the contrary. Leave Corvallis at 2 p. nt. Leave Ya­ Pullman Palace Sleeping quina at 7:10 a. m. daily between Portland and Aahli a bottle of Swift’s Specific and began WE WILL SELL DOOES AND WINDOWS The O. & O. R. R. Ferry make«« Oregon and California, West side, trains At .. 46 ,?? r oent disoonnt from list prioe; to lake it. I felt so much benefited with all the regular trains on the * oonuect at Corvallis. Mouldings at 6»• oents per hundred feet division from foot of F street from the first h»ttle that I persevered The Oregon Development Company’s West Side Diviiism in the use of it. and my improvement Any Thing in the Line of Hardware BET. PORTLAND ANQ COM« At such prices that will defy oompeti­ FINE Al was almost as rapid as it was wonder­ Mail Train, aun tion. Remember LEAVE. ful. My ap|»etitc came back to me, NO ONE FIRM HAS EXCLUSIVE McM ’ nvillel Portland... 7:30 a . m . Steamship my digestion was gotxl, my strength 1 MoM’nville 10:13 A. M. Corvallis. J RIGHT TO CUT RATES. Corvallis. .. 1:30 p. m . Ma&Tnviil«. i If we do not have in stock what von want NAILS was rapidly regained, my lungs healed MoM ’ nville 3:44 p . m . Portland... I we have made arrangements to get From Yaquina, T ___ L San Francisco, From over nicely, luy cough left me gradu­ At Corvallis oonnect with trains U any thing von may want. Snnjay........... Oct. 10 Monday ... Oct. 4 without dely. We ask you to get [vr^«y ,.......... ■“ 22Saturday... . “ 16 Oregon I'aoifio for ally, and I went to work with a new prices elsewhere before you make purchases. Wednesday...Nov, 3 Thursday.. “ 28 Itaÿitùui lease on life. Fur the last four or five ^?nd?y.......... “ IS Wednesday Noy. 10 Express Trais, __ JOXES A: CO. Saturday.... “ 27! Monday .... months I have not lost a day’s wages McMinnville, June 10, ’86. “ 22 LEAVE. | ( .OIUpanI reserves the right to ohange Portland... .4:50 p. M. MoM’nnUe ; nor felt a symptom of that terrible dis* sailing days. Fares, between Corvallis and MoM’nville .5:45 a . M.iPortland.... earn* that had brought me so near the San Francisco. Rail and Cabin, $14; Rail Looal tickets for sale and and Steerage, $9.88. brink of the grave. My physician three at the company’s up-town offloe. For information apply to Pine and Second streets, lie«“ months agopronounced me sound and cipal points in California oano! . CBLA8. C. HOGUE, Acting Gen. F. and Pass. Agent. well—not a trace of lung trouble. He cured and baggage checked at w F ______ _______ __________ Corvallis, Oregon floe, Corner F and Front . to-day, July 16th, made another exami­ Frieght will not be re°elve“2;b ... ..xS* Ä nation, and tells me that my lungs are five o’clock p. m. on^ei ■ .y) oents according to room and child who has weak lungs, is to I I find ■ mor^thun On® Huncirwii • Inka 8. 8. 8. It cured me sound and appHeafion./»r "can SdX & y^fMial men. well after all the doctors and all other • •»’*. Trade-Mark», C.; h all other ■* f medicine had tailed, and 1 want every *• ' A«»mumeat«, and their rirft/in t v?T?U Bein Holder. Imted 8’itaa, Canada. England, Fra- sufferer to know it" and o*h»r foreign ec-.inrrl»- t -w Pfcr.'HMhnrtnnticwardon rraa-xiablatc «I II ® 2d A VV11 so.ld ladot in For sale by Rogers A Todd. Treatise ^■ pii worth fun ran. Writ. forteS on blood and akin diseases mailed *• «• BBKWBTKB, Holly, Mich. free. Tha Swift Specific Co, drawer F°r sal« at thinofflce 3. Atlanta, Georgia, 157 W. 23d street, >’ ‘ ’iri . taa««. I I X BEST! XI QUICK SHOREST! St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS- No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Or R P TO THE PUBLIC Only Route via Yaquina Bay First Class Lumber New York. * ’ a QCa »OEJQl. j.1 Ampia roam to car® w >• li.’. it t Newitabt TW«