I MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. Rings for Bride«. Th$ Diily Reporter. •»Are wedding rrngs expensive? Wei], no; they vary in price, but the deareet TIIE (.RIAT of them would brenx a eomGarntiveiy Wts»r**t*d Hi poor man. Tha ;* the cheapest we One dav. several years ago. while have, fourteen cxrao« vnd not very Addiaor. wa« titOH? in hi* “rarrety’ taicK. an«* it only eo«t* |4. Ini* *K*-n room, revving hie Ca»o, he received 'he .* the moet ext-eas.re I cave in stock, following note from Dick Staale: “Mj wei^nx toqrrab» heavy. *eu *ee; A of darmg A ' iisoc: I am .n that cav.ty the Ene«t gold u*—1 for Tnxnufncturing I • »»»»»»•••• tM 1444 »4 4144444 1444144444441444141114 BC I 4 44 I 4 4M 4 4*4 M4 I 4 I * < 1 || I profanely known a* Gehenna » excava- purpoen. • w*n:y-'.w > exra». and cost* non Mi mom-4 hour* are dacurbed <15. S-em* i.*M*t too wavy t< wear, by eoUeeton and my evening momenta doesn't it? But a ring tn nt w uld gs.l are ma.!e harsh '.f the footstep* of me and we.gt down a w m .n's ringer man I owe. A>ldiaoo. we have al way* wouldn't be nsafrabie to -ome m*r- been good fr.en la. I am a wnig and - ageo, alter aiL Tea. I *eil quite a limilUHHHITHE DIM5G CAR LIA KHH.'nUiiHtH you are a w . z in th;* kingdom by the few f the cheaper >n -9. You w u i •ea— a* E-igar will in the future naturally thin* that as a man only THE DIRECT ROUTE! >O DELAYS! FASTEST THAISS; exprev it but can t you help me out out« one. or at meet two such article- — o Of th 14 fi* ’ n the eourao of hi* life, he would n-r T ••••Ae.X T o CHICACO and all points EAST, Addison aad but little money. In m.rnl «pending a few dollars on it. 7/ - Ticket» »old to all PROKIAEAT POIXTr fact he owed the grocer. the ar her and B< k that « according to how th- v feel, Throu b l>ont the East and Southeast. the candlestick manipulator, but he too. ; aw: ••! g »purs, t_* ricaly orra- to ea t pa ex er “Some men aren't over uriene-i mer.ted -arut a* a of tawdry clotaea, «tool in tae mnld.e rule the purcha»»r’« e.uoice •* guided LOWEST RATES! ^2-------- Tir QUICKEST TIME! ---------- O' -..... al tiu, room. Un the fa *a: a young wo­ pretty muca according to n«w Jte Lady GEXEHAL OFFICE OF THE COJIPAXV. man with a duco.ored eye; iseeide her fee.» a th ut it. They *ay that in En- recimed a woman with bad teeth, while >and the thin, old-faahioned ring i* at the right *’.u>xi worn- n who were not coming .n again, but in New York, a* I. D. <11 4RLTOY, General Western Passenger Agent. grand-mot erly ia aporarance. Dan- I *ay, the ia iee mostly prefer a oroad die* and huanou* bocc* stood around, and n^aw one, an _ __ ____ _________ d -crore marriage and upon ,ae vuult, the scene wa* one anyhow a man generally ia gu.ded nacific I □ ailroad. by OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA r opular fqoute. of fashion and exceseive rehnemeut. i.u future wife’s nclin-tions. and ev- ver icturesque anges. VIA When Addison entered. Steele, who had •rything is done according o how *he «co turning the - rank of a musical in­ feel* a tout it.”—.V. F. J»«, *r. The Oregon and California R. R. strument. arose and said: And Connections. • Hah, here 1* Mr. Addiaon. We are 225 Miles Shortest TIME, DAYS. all glad to see hum Addison, how do KEPI >R 1ER DIRECTORY you find yourself*” 20 Hours Less Time. Fare from Portland to San Franoisco $32: to Sacramento. $30. Addieon wa* disgusted. He_______ __ STATM OFTICEBft. looked Accommocationa unsurpassed for comfort Close connections made at Ashland with at the table, lowled with harn sand­ United States Senators •?** \’,P?2pJ} and safety. T 1„1__ 2__ Fare« and _ " Freights MUCH stages of the California. Oregon and Idaho wiches and »aid. J. H. Mitchell LESS han by anv other route between all stage company. i Representative tn Congress "I thought, «¡r, that my donation B Hermann in Willamette valley and San Francisco Governor.................................... (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) . .Z. F. Moody wa* intended to keep von 'from pris­ j Governor’s Secretary............ C B. Moores on? r Secretary of Stat«................. between R. P. Earhart “Correct you are, cully,” ex< la:med A wit ant Secretary ............. .’tail Train. F. E. Hodgkin »teele, •----- j___ - I am out, we Slate Treasurer....................... t>ut now that | leave . Ed. Hirsch arbive . •hould eajoy ourselves Henry ” ad- Assistant Treasurer.............. P0*13“?1 • • • •7:30 a . u. Ashland.... . 4:15 a . m . A. F. Wheeler Henry. Snpt. of Pub. io in »traction Ashland.. .9:30 P. M. Portland... .4215 p . m . E. B McElroy dressing » boy. -bring „ Mr — Add dison a state Printer......................... W. H. Byars glass ut beer. / An, my dear essayist. Albany Exprès» Train. DAILY PAWEXRER TRAIN«. Olerk School laud Board P. McComack LEAVE. I abbtvv you do not *eem to be' enjoying your- Snpt Insane Asylum ... E. ......... Dr. Josephi ortland.. ..4:00 p. m . Lebanon... .9:20 p m . Except .Sundays.) •eit Hail to »oak your housinold good* Sup».. Penitentiary Geo. CoInns Lebanon.... 4:45 a . m . > Portland... 10-05 a . m . Io keep me out, eh? Glad to hear it. Warden Penitentiary ... Geo. K. Jaokson Leave Corvallis at 2 p. in. Leave Ya­ ( W. p Lord Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars Fine thing to have friend*. Addy -fine Sti prvtue J udgva................ quina at 7: 10 a. m. < R. S. Strahan thing Hadn't been for vou. f wouid The i1/ ^AWteUoPo£lalld nnd Ashland. 1 W W. Thayer Oregon and California, West side, trains with nl?t^>C’ ^ iR’ Fvrry ruakes connectioo have been in jail. A* it ia, I am gn mg connect at Corvallis. onrratcTt rvi um. aivHi « re«nlar trains on the east side a dinner. Say. can’t you lend me *ev- division from foot of F street. entr-nve cents?” Pt?”*................................ «• Webster The ' 'regon Development Company’s These are historical fact*, yet there nl2’tno<.................................Hoben B«»» ' West Side Division. F n-E1 .................................. R- P Boise BET. »’<»«< i l-A’M D A M. CORVALLIS, FIXE Al are literary historian* who say that ’tail Irani, ........................ E D Shattuck Addison mistreated Dick Steele.-Ar- t........................ Frank J- T*’‘°r ^EAV7' q < i ABBIVE. Steamship Yaquina Ci tv Portland*.' Mntaw rrav<6arr. 'txth District....................... M. L Olmstead m A - M - McM ’ nville. 1049 a m . « I Corvailis MoM'nvilk 6 Tw? *’ M' C°rv«llis.. .’12:25 r. M. city omen» WAILS •»ortiw of Oliver Wendell Holrmw. Mc ’ ci riii« P- M - ' lo M ‘ nville. 3:43 p. m . ,Vny?'1.......................................... H,,n F From Yaqaina. Hon. - j J. W. W. • I owls owls From San Francisco, I M0.M nulle 3:44 p . m .,Portland . . 6:15 p . m . Dr. Hoitnes doe* not isvr hit bright llew.rder.................................................. J. J. Spencer Sunday.... .Oct. 10 Monday .... Oot. 4 ( At Corvallis oonnect with trains of the « .............................................J. L. Rogers Friday .... 22 Saturday........... “ 13 thougnts for print and the puohc, but Oregon Pacific for Jnrshel Geo. Kauffman . Hedoeeday Xov, 3 hursday.... “ 2S is often ao wittv while chatting witn street CommiMioner.................... C. A. Wi «4 •> T lhursday.. lto'/tfÙMT Hay. allace Monday. Wednesday 15 Wednesday...Nov. 10 one or two friends a* wa* ever the <4 Saturday COCTtCILMBM. 27 Monday........... “ 22 Express Train. autocrat or professor of the breakfast "'tn. « ampbell. I leave a KAVE. . I ARDT^W D. C Narver, table. A young ph hyaician once asked Gw. The Company reaerv,a^he right to change • sAia M O M" nd ,. ” 4:fi0p i* MoM’nviL^ ^Op m . Portland Joues. J. S. N ash ruling days. Fares, betleen Corvallis and M c M nvdle .6:45 a . m . Portland .’.IS2 Î bus for a su.taolu ________ *tween Corvallis and le motto. “Small 8. A. Manning, T. A. Turner, Sau r ranc.Mso. Rail and Cabin, *14; Ran favor* gratefully received.” wa* the » and Steerage. ‘ * «t thTitlunaTv’i°uJ'!ow"dSiga‘îe 0he0keÎ corm ovneaaa. witty res|Hmsf>. He '* wa* complaining For information applv to % .ïïhr1,“F* 1 R P. _____ Bird in a Conner a. ~ way to a lady of the m.n- ••Venator*.... ~ C HOGUE, ......... I J. W. Watt* | uta portion of honey that’ wu given to cured and Rhfornia can only be pro- Acting Gen. F. and Pass. Agent. |R. R. Laughlin I bim __ __________ him at a noiei notei lea tea' »»A mere triie; Represent'.ti vea • F. N. Little _____________________ Corvallis, Oregon’ tioe. Corner a‘company’s of- FriiS win ¿ 8treets Portland.Or. 'Chas. La fillet t the work of a verv young bee nee in an Judge i,. oik .!•» L. Loughary ** 1 i‘Ue hat inHir. • Did tney give you no 'iati < 11% RLE«* HOTEL, '• m. on either the east or • Geo. W. Briedwell , c-mb. Doctor? ’ she laugftmglv in- Nhenff ’KiaiiiÊ'r E. P ROGERS, T J. Harris r MULTNER. Prop.. qnind P «»sibly one tooth. m»d- Tree «rarer w . W Nelson : G. F. A P. Agent Corner Third and B streets, Manager. *m. Severn, of the now famous writ­ Aaaaanor Wyatt Harns . . OREGON er* ami lecturer* of B<>«toti were (peak­ Comm isaioner* J. S. Hibbs- *1< villAVILLF — New furniture! rnsnrmsaed Geo. Dorsey ing >4 their lecture *xperienoe«, wuen Hehool Su pt Freund I J. A. C. __ _____ _____ ,n l,he »«»try. Rates-m to g2 lwr J))v the subject of pay WM brought urn harveyor Jeff. D. Fenton ------------- b,Dk:,e meals 25 cent*. Each turn. <4 1 te< companv certain * «roñar D. C. Narver Lodging. 711 j .«1 oents according to room I /’IVÌKÌSV. Board and Lodging. to gri. per week Twci r***,T”d Ue *malleet sum. Hheep Inspector A J, Nelson Hue Sample Rooms <4 for ktUroUI mem Mui Ihr H...Uws male a eiltnax by *ay- (live me a call and see for yourself. • l>«t-n. gentlemen. I bad *n- sgwd u. give a lecture for |5 Ah*r 11 IRELAND A CO TRANSCONTINENTAL Cfj p K z P N M Ù3 ui □ ■—i *4 “ROUTE. ORTHEORACIFICnAILROADl SHOKEST! * I QUICKEST! ¿ BEST! non» ^^ - ^! Northern * pacific« Jlailro ad i St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS Xo. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon, O-T" Only Route via Yaquina Bay To San Francisco CITY 1 WM °T*r a grave-looking dem-on u ia- aad sai l. -Mr Hoimaa. we ►4 •« g