A Betaine** Proposition to MISCELLANEOUS. of good goods. Scrub stock and stui Everybody. is not wanted anywhere. The mer­ chants and buyers will meet you more O. C. IRELAND * CO. PUBLISHERS. E. B. FELLOWS, Having the most complete and best than half way for good goods. It is Naafcecriptieu Kales. Successor la D. C. Sarver, selected stock of goods on the west By Carrier per week ......................... 1° oenta i true there is but one house in Portlam Third Street, McMinnville. Oregon. (Payable on Saturday.) to-day prepared to carry butter in hot side, outside of Portland, as concede! Single Copy........................... .""."1.^ By Mail W cents per Month (In Advance.) weather, but how long will it be, if the by all commercial men, and my fa­ The Largest Hate« far Advertising articles are forthcoming, before refrig­ cilities for buying being equal to or Will be made satisfactory to all applicants. erators and refrigerator cars are nu­ better than any house here, I am pre­ Oft. 19, 1SS6 merous enough to supply all demands. In Yamhill County No hand-to-mouth policy will accom­ pared to furnish you with Dry Goods, plish the object; hut go to work, like Clothing. Gents’ Furnishing Goods, HE EE HITTEJ! A\'f> H.t(VN. sensible men and women, and the Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Glassware Practical experim mt at Broadmeads time will be very short indeed unti and Crockery, at prices as low or have settled the fact that there is not you quit “ waiting for a dollar a bush­ lower than any house outside of Port­ a grass or any other article so profita­ el ” for wheat, without money enough ble for pasture a< rape Farmers in the house to pay for your county land, and if you buy upon same terms would do well to look into this matter. paper. It is n fact referred to by Mr. as you do when you go to Portland, Mr. Gammie will furnish the most Knapp that Oregon dairymen had buy in quanities paying cash, I en­ abundant proof of its excellence. Be­ never vet been able to supply the gage to compete with the retail houses sides being profitable from a commer­ home market. Oregon is still import­ of Portland on the same class of goods, cial point, in consequence of the value ing butter and cheese from Illinois, save and except Sugar, Salt and such of the seed for oil; it furnishes the Iowa and California. We have the goods as freight figures upon so that Burial Robes and Shrouds best of feed for both cattle and sheep. advantage of climate and of the im­ it cannot be done. This does not ap­ Constantly on Hand. Without so much as an apology to portant item of transportation ; and ply to some cheney houses who would Hearse Furnished. any body who aspires to criticise our there is no danger of overstocking the bait you by selling some special arti­ intentions, whether in Bellevue or La­ market for years to come. But if such cle at a sacrifice, and making it up on fayette; we shall pursue the even ten­ was the case, as Bro. Paulsen remark­ some other articles. I t shall be Parlor and Chamber Suits TO ORDER at price* which defy all or of our way and endeavor to convince ed then our dairymen need only learn straight business . I especially invite competition. the fanners of this county that it is what the markets want, in what form purchasers, to call and make an in­ Make no purchases until you price my stool thoirduty to keep better stock and pro­ butter was most desirable. Large spection of the goods and price, be- B. B. FELLOWS, duce more grass. At a meeting of amounts of butter have been shipped ore buying elsewhere. All goods dairymen in Portland last Friday, Mr. into mines simply because some one marked down during clearance sale Knapp, a pioneer in very many enter­ learned how to ship it in tin cans and will be sold at clearance sale prices, prises that have added largely to the ceep it fresh The tins were lined ’rices of all goods will be plainly Have a Few prosperity of Oregon and Washington with a thin coating of beeswax and marked on them, and no clerk is au­ territory, alluded to Washington’s fare­ lermeticnlly sealed. Dairymen in thorized to make any cut or deviation well address, wherein the father of his Denmark knew how to put up butter on them, and will be discharged for country admonished us that “eternal so that it would keep in ships for a doing so before he has authority. vigilance was the price of liberty.” year or two years, even crossing the S mai . i . P rofits and Q uick R eturns Diversified farming is forced upon us icat of the equator twice. There was is the M otto . CASH IN HAND as s necessary condition to prosperity. no reason why Oregon dairymen could or SHORT CREDITS must be the That they will Possessing as we do a prolific soil and not learn to put up butter so it could R ule . A. J. APPERSON. mild climate, with an abundance of >e shipped into mines, or remain fresh pure water, we have all the elements during long sea voyages. Mr.Paulsen I CITV TRK k favorable for dairying, and the busi­ mentioned a Grant county dairyman ness will naturally come to the front who did quite a business in sending They also have a SMALL LOT of and become a leading industry as sure­ butter into mines in tin cans lined Hardware. Tinware, Etc., Etc., ly aa water finds its level. There is then with wax. Dairymen have now a hope­ no industry that needs more the fos­ ful future for their business, which That will also be sold tering care of the sensible editorial they can pursue with the same assur­ fraternity, and grass is as essential to ance of success and profit as that which Low for Cash. the pursuit as milk itself. Then there attends any other branch of agricul­ They have a few is another point : Breed to proper ture. Having purchased the Strain property, and permanently located in McMinnville. an> PLOWS, HARROWS, stock. Root out the scrubs. A scrub ready to do all kinds of Truck and Deliv­ Dr. Haines and Goucher assisted bv SLEDKRS And bull calf is its dangerous to the farm ery Work at short notice. All goods en as a scrub editor is to the communitv. Dr. Young and Loughary removed an trusted to our care will be oarefully handled, RAIA WA«ON9 and promptly delivered. Also keep on hand ovarian tumor from Mrs McGrew. When a man comes here with coin to Wood of all kinds as cheap as the cheapest That will be sold buy cattle, sheep or swine, show him The tumor weighed 16 pounds, the Orders left at the City Drug store will be promptly attended to. J. J. COLLARD Low for Cash.. good »lock. There can benorcaaona- operation reflects great credit on the Drs. of Yamhill, as it was neatly and excuae for not doing this, because you want anything in that line you Family Grocery Store, will When consult your own interest as well as Broad mead* is not the only place in skillfully done and oilers the only onrsto call and see us. We think we can suit At last ac­ Yamhill county largely interacted in means of saving life. von. fry it. A, H. & O. O. HODSON. the matter of importing the best blood counts the lady is doing well. Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. in America. We have it right here at home, and the man who does not use JUST RECEIVED! —OF— it to improve his Hocks and herds (Successor to L. ROOT.) An Immense Stock of will get left. Beef, Butter and Bacon Dealer in is what the producer* should turn their NEW SHAPKS, NEW FEATHEBS, All Fresh Soods, Groceries. Flour, Bacon, and attention to. and grass is at the bottom NEW FLOWERS, of all. That w ehave the grass we again Glassware and Crockery. Just Received at refer to that collection at the board of NEW MATERIAL. MFGooda delivered to purchasers in the city. immigration room* It has nothing <2. AYMONS’ to do with the price of litigant adver­ The Moat Elegant Stock of tising. We lielieve with Bro. Knapp, fashionable that the legislative assembly would do >1 Il.I.I IV ICH y Hair Culling, shaving and «ham. a good thing were it to create a dairy paaing Purler. ochoolmaater and »end hint out on a In the City. Direct from New York. 15c SHAVING 15c. lecturing tour through every county do no< fail to Mil and eee thin apian- in the state, and when he gets to Belle­ C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. did MlMUon. whioh embraoea all the Th« DlHx Reporter. FURNITURE HOUSE Undertakers Goods A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON HEATING & cook Stoves SELL FOR CASH VERY LOW. J. Harv. Henderson, NEW STOCK CLOTHING - McMiurJle Balh. vue or Lafayette he ought to be accom­ i panied by the fool-killer to get in his work upon our critic*. Oregon stock raiser* and dairymen need have no fears of ever producing an overstock Late*« styl«« tn V.ifn« MRS. H. P. STUART, iSuoeeaeor to A. 0. Wyndham.) Ladies and children's work a aneci.it» wyl. of Ha.r Cutting demwj ^th nZata^ OPPOSI! E THE GRANDE STtiRK, “•Minsvilto, Os^on "5 a «P^hy- Hot or <”I-T M Third mw« beewee. C and D, MeMinaviih. Or. L Buy Fashionable Goods From the Head-quarters of Fashion. FALL STOCK RECEIVED. mas F. B. bcm , NcMIaavill*. Or.