VOL. 1. NO. 38. M c M innville , O regon , T uesday , O ctober The Pally Reporter. MISCELLANEOUS A life of mere money-getting is al­ ways a failure, because you will never get as much as you want. The poorest people in thi8 country are the million­ aires, and next to them those who have $500,000. There is not a scissors grinder in New York or Brooklyn so anxious to make money as those men who have piled up fortunes for years. The disease of accumulation has eaten into them. That is not a life worth ----- or living. There are too many earth- quakes in it, too many shipwrecks, too A” 4 Al IT II I I \ many perditions. They build their j JL A AI I~1 I I j I j I J I, castles aud open their pictnres galleries Third St., Opposite and make every inducement for happiness to come, but she will not YAMHILL CO. BANK. So also a life that chiefly strives for wordly approval is a failure. The two D on ’ t F orget the P lace , most unfortunate men in the United States for the next six months will be the two Presidential nominees. Two j treat reservoirs of malediction have' —Where you will— eep gradually filling up, and about I midsummer they will be brimming full, and a hose will be attached to them ! and thejr will begin to play on the two nominees, and they will have to stand and take it—the falsehood, the carica­ ture the venom, the filth, and they will be rolled over in it aud choked with It. The same thing is seen on a smaller scale in the strife for social position. Good morals and intelligence are not ■ necessary; but wealth, or tho show of i — IN THE — wealth, is absolutely indispensable. ' It don’t make any difference how you get your wealth, if you only get it Perhaps you get it by failing four or five times—the most rapid way of Furnishing Goods of all kind, and'above accumulation in this country. If a all THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents man faiis once he is not so very well; for the off; but if be fails twice he is comfort- j Brow iin >ilie Woolen Hill, ble, and by the time he fails three times a full line of all goods made by he is affluent. But when you really Carrying these celebrated mills. lose your money, how quick they will drop you! High social life is constantly in a change—insecurity dominant, BUSH LOGAN. BILL LOGAN. WATT HENDERSON. wretchedness dominant and a life not worth living— Dr. Talmage. WEEKLY REPORTER Sixteenth Year of Publication. • • OREGON ■-O---------- o. c. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. D. C. IRELAND & Co., PUBLISHERS. ---------------- o--------------- Weekly Subscription Kate«. One copy per year in advance - - - $2.00 If not paid in advance - - . . 2.50 To olubs of three or five, when accompanied with the oash, $1.50 per year each. Two names for six months each to count as one yearly subscription, Tlte Daily LATEST STYLES LOGAN BROS. £ HENDERSON. Book & Job Printing. The best paper on the West side We beg leave to announce to the public [ that we have just added a large stook of new ' and the cheapest. « ■ - ■■ - -- S. C. FORCE. C. D. JOHNSON. JOHNSON & FORCE. - MANUFACTURERS OF— Proprietors of the old established and well known le Al <• LIVERY, FEED AND SALE stable. We are prepared at all hours to furnish Fine Carriage«, llaekst and Saddle ll<»r*em, And everything in the Livery hire, in good shape Al Reasonable Kales. The Age of Decoration. A young man called at the box office of the Baldwin Theater the other day aud handed the treasurer a suspicious- looking roll of paper. “Please hand that to the manager, said he. The treasurer looked at it dubiously. ‘Til give it to him, if you like,” he remarked; “but I might as well tell you that he’s got more manuscripts now than he can shake a stick at. and he swdre tho other day that if I took in any more plays he'd”----- “Play!” said the young man, with a snort; “play!—why, what do you take me for, young feller? Do you think I m a play-writer? No, sir! I’m sales­ man in a paper-hanging house. I am, »nd them is samples of our new lines °* papers. Piay! Well, that is gall!” The treasurer apologized.'— San *faHcisix> Argonaut. PRICE TWO CENTS. MISCELLANEOUS CITY MARKET, FRED. F. KELLER, Prop., Successor to W. F. Bangasser, Bangasser's building, Cor. B and Third St«. —o—• Here is where yon can get your money*« worth in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Tripe, and everything in the line of meats, of th« beat quality me country affords. Also th« Best of Bolognas. Give me a call and be satistitsl. w. T. BAXTER, F. J. MARTIN. New Prices ALWAYS EIND New Firm, New Goods, Store Reporter. T he D aily R eporter is issued every day in the week except Sundays, and is delivered in the city at 10 cents per week. By mail, 40 cents per month in advance. Rates for ad­ vertising same as for T he W eekly R eporter . Advertising Hates. I lw. I lm. I 8m. i Oui. I 12ms SPACE One inch............... I , $1 50 3 00 5 00 7 oo 10 (KI I Five inches it Col.. : 3 oo 5 00 9 00 18 00 30 00 oo 78 00 5 00 (5 OO IS 00 Eleven in. X “ Twenty-two inches! 1 10 00 12 00 30 00 60 OO 132 00 3T"Above rates slightly advanced for pre­ ferred positions; “Top of Column,” “Next to Reading Matter,” “Second Page,” or “Third Page.” Xi'”’Local notices in reading column on Third page: One insertion, per line lOcents Two insertions per line 15 (Í Three insertions per line 20 “ By the month per line 25 c. ^©“Obituary notices, resolutions of oon- dolenieut, etc., to insure publication in the Reporter, must be aooompanied with instruc­ tions; and the name of the proper person or persons to whom charges for the same are to be made. novelties to our business, and make a special­ ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads. Note Heads. Statements, Business Cards, Ladies’ Calling Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ vinced. D. C. IRELAND & CO. 1886. The Kinds of Lift; Not Worth Living Entered in the Postoffloe at McMinnville for Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ ond Class Matter, HcJlINN VILLE 19, At the New of Sista £ Martin Successors to Al. HUSSEY, T hird street, McMinnville, Oregon, fei r.w ta A new, neat ami clean stock. Everv article A No, 1. Fruit Jara, Butter ('rocks, Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ bacco, Pipes and Cigar«. Fresh Fruit and Vogotabloa in Season. Give me a cal). Insjwt rnv stock, ami I will guarantee prices to suit you. M1HH MAY VKHHBY« MHH. M. 8HADDBN. Shadden & Vessey, F un Idona'b I c Dressanakers X^TThe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ ting employed. Third street, Next to Bishop & Kay’s store, McMinnville, Or. Misa K. T hobnto W M kh . A. M c D onald TRANSIENT STOCK LEFT with ns will receive the best of care and at­ tention. Logan Bros. k Hcndonon. Fashionable Dressmaking. MoMINNVILLE In Mrs. H. P. Stuart’s Millinery Store, OPPOSITE GRANGE HALL, Business College, M c M innvill « - - OBKOO*. JAS. m ’ cain . r . hurlsy . Cor. 5d and 0 Streeta, OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, McCain & Hurley, Will open October 18, 1886. Attention is First-Class ATTOHNE YN-AT-LA IV WAGONS, HACKS, BUGSIES, CABBIAGES, respectfully invited to thia AND NOTARIES PI BLIC, Etc. Etc. BUSINESS SCHOOL. Lafayette, Oregon, Ita facilities for thorough practical instruc­ Esjieoial attention paid to abstracts of tit)« B Street, between Third and Fourth. tion; actual business department a apecialty B d -ettlenient of estate« in probate Third street, between D and E. where ourrency, bank cheok, drafts, etc., are Offloe .Jail bniding, up ataira. grWe still have a few Buggies, Hacks used Class, or private instrnotion day or and Carriages of home manufacture on evening. College Journal sent free on ap- plication. G- B H igchnh , 1 rin. hand. ¡(^•Carriage Painting and Repairing a P. O. Box 101. C. J. P ayne . Sec. Specialty. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. GIVE US A CALL. E. E. COUCHER, M. D Speaker Carlisle is making a oolleo- W. J. GARRISON. A. H. GAUNT. hon of th« most curious communica- Dealer in Gunn, Pistols, Ammunition, h« receives—such, for instance, M s letter from a Minnesota map, who Cutlery, Fine Fishing tackle, Cigars PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. VAnted an appropriation by Congress J0 PWid« him with a good sleigh. He O bboom . Etc. told what kind of wood ft was bo be Where the best of meats c«n always be found MoMwNvnJJi and at the Tnost reasonable prices, where nisde of, how many bells it should loin of beef is divided with our custom­ Third Street, Opposite McMinnville *»«, and how thiok th« pteel erf the the ers. Meats done up in the latent style«, Bath«. runn,rs should be; agd in a post- good weights give«.' Give us a eall. Offloe and residenoe, corner of Third and btum Intimated that the salvation Yours truly, • / ' : M c M inkvillr • - O rmo ». D streets, next to the poetofflee. * the country depended on the ap- ornpruuon. W. J. Carrlson & Co. EURISKO MARKET. ÊE i