The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, October 18, 1886, Image 3

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    The Paity Reporter.
McMinnville, Or.
Oct. 18, 1886
wish them prosperity in life, no mat­
ter what they engage in. Mr. Gallo­
way will continue at the warehouse.
Subscribe for the Reporter, and pay
for it when you subscribe, and we will
pledge ourselves to give you more
news, for less money, than any other’
paper in the Willamette valley. The 1
Daily will help the weekly 100 per cent.
Following invoice of fresh groceries
received at the bakery :
Permanetly Located in Portland, Or.
First National Bank,
J acok W ortman .................... President
The party at Lafayette last Friday
D. P. T hompson , ...........Vice-president
night was a decided success.
J ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier
Desirable town property for sale
Transacts a General Banking business.
cheap. Inquire of E. Russ.
The Most Successful Physician
Interval allowed on time deposits.
Collections made on favorable terms.
The Brown Bear, the finest five cent
and Surgeon in the West.
Sight Exchange end Telegraphic Transfers
Steel cut oat meal.
New Cal. walnuts.
cigar in the market, at Jv Harv. Hen­ Steel
on New York, San Francisco and Portland.
cut oorn meal.
Kerb's soap.
Will be In MCMINNVILLE, October 12, 1886.
Office hours—from Da. m. to 4 p. tn.
derson’s city grocery store.
California oomb honey Sultana raisins.
Mrs. B. F. Fuller has the thanks of Pearl Barley
the editor for many special favors Can peaches (new.)
I’earline wash® powder ronv.
which we duly and truly appreciate. Codfish.
Yeast gems. Tritioum
The temperance meeting at the
J. Todd and wife, and Mrs. C. A.
Représenta the following sterling compan­
opera house last night was very largely Wallace and daughter, Miss Cora, left
ies: London A Liverpool A Globe, North
attended, and developed much interest. for Portland last Wednesday. They
British A Mercantile. Commercial Union
and prompt attention until a cure is com­ Fire Association, German Amerioan, Firo-
Sheriff Harris passed through be­ expect to return to-dav. During the plete. No incurable case will be received for inan’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo
fore 6:30 a. m. to-day, en route to absence of his wife and daughter Mr. treatment. Twenty years experience in the Nevada. State ’nveatiuent.
Wheat insurance a specialty.
Sheridan, apparently upon urgent Wallce has completely renovated their treatment of Chronic Diseases, and Deform­
ities. New. Improved and Scientific Meth­ I.. G. M ITtH.
home, and made it more attractive by ods.
Cures made in a remarkably Bhort
Pomona Grange will meet at Mc­ adding a fine brussels carpet to one of time, and
a positive guarantee given.
Minnville on the 30th day of October, the sitting rooms, and furniture to
Proprietors of the
at 10 a. m. All patrons are cordially match in other parts of the house. I
Asthma., Catirrah, Throat & Luj Troubles LAFAYETTE MILLS,
invited to be present.
There will be a “surprised party” there
Dealeni in
Wm. Holl and family made a flying to^Jay for a Certainty.
trip to Portland Saturday, took in the
It is with many regrets that we note
fair, laid over Sunday, and is home at the departure from our midst of Prof. Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney diseases. Rheu­
matism. Tumor. Scrofula, and all
business this forenoon.
C. F. Houghton, of the McMinnville
skin affections positively cured.
W. H. Bingham and wife attended business college. A letter from his
quarterly meeting at Lafayette yester­ home in California informs him that <W-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS RE­ We desire to inform the public that we have
WARD! for an inourable oase of Hemor­
lately added a line of Rolla to our Mill,to­
day. Bro. Hoberg had them home in his mother is in feeble health, and re rhoids
or Piles! No pain or detention from
gether with the necessary luaohincry to
time for business this a. m.
quires his presence. During the brief 1 I business! Fistula, Ulcers and all rectal make an
Hon. David Goodsell, of Portland, stay of the professor among us, he has ; troubles a specialty.
A No. I Article of Flour,
spent Sunday in this city, a guest of made many friends who wish him God
And have the same in snooeeaful operation.
the Central. He is delighted with his speed on his journey. Mr. G. R. Hig­
While we do not claim to make
trip into the heart of this famous val­ gins, of North Yamhill, has purchased
Female 0omplatnUe
Mr. Houghton’s interest in the Busi­ We have devoted our attention extensively The Best Roller Flour
Miss Rosa Hembree is expected ness college, and will take possession 1 to the treatment of all the different ailments
In the State,
i peculiar to the weaker sex. Afflicted ladies
home this week from her eastern trip. forthwith.
do olaim to make an artiole
Her arrival will increase the happiness j “Every paper,” said the late Hon.i
! gate our facilities for the speedy and perma­
of that household, where she has been I David Davis in a letter to an eastern nent correction of their troubles. Suffer no
Second to Non«.
—AB A—
bo greatly missed by all.
literary paper, “every local paper longer. Come at once and reoeive immedi-
The singing at the quarterly meet­ gives from $100 to $5,00(1 in free lines ■ ate relief, and in a sLort time a f radical cure. Straight Grade
ing at Lafayette yesterday was spendid. for the benefit of the vicinity in
-------- Q----- --
Family Flour,
Our informant, who is a judge of good which it is located. No other agency
And far better thanoan be made on
Eye and Ear,
music, expressed particular delight in will or can do this. The editor in pro­
Stones alone.
We have been to much expense to make
the bass solos by Dr. Littlefield.
portion to his means, does more for We are endorsed by many eminent Ocu­ this change, and believe we deserve a liber­
Wm. Roof sent to this office last Sat­ for his own town than any other men. lists and Physicians in the treatment of the al share of public patronage, and ask a fair
trial. We guarantee results.
urday a sample of potatoes raised on and in all fairness, man with man, EYE. No severe medicines used. Surgical
operations performed on the eye without
his farm east of this city. There were he ought to be supported, not because pain or the use of ohloroform, by the appli­
six potatoes in the lot, which weighed you happen to like him or admire his I cation of the new and wonderful nneaesthetic,
twenty-two pounds; pretty good for writing, but because a local paper is bydroclorate of cocoaine, which has revolu­ SEYMOUR’S oiAMONO
such a dry season.
the best investment a community can tionized opthalmic surgery. Doctor Turner
We have positive evidence of the make. It may not be brilliant or full will straighten cross eyes in one minute, WANTKn IB
without pain or after inconvenience.
■beep «ii.ttfioi.
fact that Old Hard Times is moving of great thoughts but financially it is
Writ« t»r
----- o—-
out of the city. Last week E. B. Fel­ more of a benefit to a community
lows sold a fine black walnut set for than preacher or teacher. Under­
Private Diseases,
$60. and several patterns of the finest stand me, now, I do not mean morally Nervous Debility, Impotenov, Urinary and
carpetings, including body brussels.
or intellectually but financially, and all Private Diseases speedily corrected. Call
Messrs. Whale & Galliher, of Salem, yet on the moral question you will and see ns. No difference what your ail­
dealers in pianos and organs paid the find the majority of the local papers ments are. Thorough satisfaction guaran­
Reporter a social call on Saturday on the right side of the question. To­ teed. Terms reasonable. All letters of in­
quiry should be addressed to
last. Mr. Galliher is an old time day the editors of the local papers do
friend and partner of the junior mem­ the most work for the least money
Boettr A. P. Turner,
ber of this firm. They returned to of any men on earth. Subscribe for
can learn the exact cost
Salem in the afternoon.
and advertise in your local paper, not
of any proposed line of
U ncle E zra ’ s letters are having as a charity, but as an investment.
Consultutron Fr^fr.
Republican clerks in the depart­
wholesome effect. People who wanted
advertising in American
wall paper lost money last week by ments at Washington are represented
trying Portland a whack against home as being somewhat agitated by the ap­
s a
copy, papers by addressing
dealers. We are glad of it. Those proach of the fall elections. The ques­
Late of Indepandenoe, having purchased the
Geo. P. Rowell & Co.t
their county paper, and tion is whether th ?y shall go home to
Newspaper Advertising Bureau.
'ddoni get nipped in such vote. The democratic officials disclaim TEAMS AMI TRICKS
IO Spruce •«., New York,
any interference on their part with
»end lOose. for 1QO-P*ge Fe—pbfob.
Galloway and Cook, whose the free will of the clerks in this re­ Of Logan Bros A Henderson, offers his
bn •V
elations have been of the spect, but at the same time there are servioea in that line to the public, and will
tsant nature, have had to indirect methods which can be em­ Guarantee Ratiataction
to advantage. It is not charged
dirs j
co-partnership in conse- ployed
office holders that any
’ ao many business engage- such methods have been put into To all who favor him with their
Ho will Imo
M»;L •
’n Mr. Cook, in his hotel and practice, but still they feel that the delivery of
, at«., for
of ths publie. Orders loft
rise«. Both are men of conditions are not altogether favor­ at
tbs stable will bo promptly sttwdod to at
and everybody will able.