The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, October 18, 1886, Image 2

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stituencies who disapprove their re­ A Business Proposition to
TM Bel»!
fusal to consider the Morrison tariff
These are Boyle, of Pennsylva­
Having the most complete and beat
nia, Ellsberrv, Geddes, Warner and
Succeaitr tu I». C. Narrer,
Nubeorlptien Bales.
selected stock of goods on the west
By (lamer per week. ..................... lo oents La Fevre of Ohio, Henly of California,
Third Street, MoMinnville, Oregoa.
(Payable on Satardav.)
Iron and St. Martin of Louisiana, and side, outside of Portland, as conceded
HingJe C m /.............................. 1 “
By Mail 10 oetiU per Mouth (In Advance.) Martin of Alabama. An effort was by all commercial men, and my fa­ The Largest
Kai«« far ASiertikiug
made by the protectionists to defeat
Will I m - mads satisfactory to all applioanta. the renomination Blanchard of Louis­ cilities for buying being equal to or
iana, Scott of Pennsylvania, ana Outh- better than any house here, I am pre­
Oct. 18, 1886
McMinnville, Or.
In Yamhill Cour
waite and Hill of Ohio,because of their pared to furnish you with Dry Goods,
votes in favor of calling up the Morri­ Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods,
son bill, but the mass of their demo­ Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Glassware
Will be paid for the recovery of a cratic constituents sustained them. and Crockery, at prices as low or
lost package of T he W eekly K epor From which it will be seen that the lower than any house outside of Port­
tkr , October 14th. Namesof subscrib­ free trade idea is gaining friends
land. and if you buy upon same terms
er* are printed u|>on each paper. among the democrats.
Mr. Black, in his letter of accept­ as you do when you go to Portland,
Leave at the postoffice in this city or
at this office.
D. (’. I keland A Co. ance to the democrats of Pennsylvania. | buy in quanities paying cash, I en-
expi esses himself strongly upon the I gage to compete with the retail houses
liquor question. “The democratic1 of Portland on the same class of goods,
Buffalo Bill. has denied over $100,- denial of the right of prohibition,” he I save and except Sugar, Salt and such
** implies
1 i »1 itta the
tlio flliti»
1 goods as freight figures upon so that llurial Robes and Shrou
duty of regulation
000 with his Wide West show tin says, “
and though the just power of the it cannot be done. This does not ap­
past year.
Constantly on Hand.
William Newman dropped dead at state does not extend to the prescrip­ ply to some cheney houses who would
Hearse Furnished.
the ¡Mills ill Chelsea, Mass., while vot­ tion of drink, diet and dress of the in­ | bait you by selling some special arti-
ing. It would be interesting to know dividual man, it does extend to the ■cle at a sacrifice, and'making it up on
what ticket William was voting when prevention of any abuse of his private some other articles. I t shall be Parlor and Chamber Sut
he slipped his soul, as those cheerful right effecting his neighbor or society straight business . I especially invite
TO ORDER at prices which defy all
creatures who sees special providence at large, and 1 favor the enactment of purchasers, to call and make an in­
Make no purchases until you price my 3to
in every sudden death would be able any law, however stringent, which spection of the goods and price, be­
to rectify their political attitude.
may be necessary to that purpose, and fore buying elsewhere. All goods
That between in any event, the rigid enforcement of marked down during clearance sale
a moldy tradition and a faded remini­ those now in existence.” Mr. Black will be sold at clearance sale prices.
scence. James R. Doolittle, of Wis­ is likely to lose some solid democratic Prices of all goods will be plainly
Have a Few
consin. is trying to break into the fif- votes upon such an issue, even in marked on them, and no clerk is au­
tieth congress.
thorized to make any cut or deviation
Anarchists are still rampant in Eu-
The American stage is just now on them, and will be discharged for
rojie. In Vienna recently a plot was conspicuously occupied by the heroes doing so before he has authority.
discovered to destroy the city and as­ of foreign scandals. Mrs. Langtry S mall P rofits and Q uick R eturns
sassinate Emperor Francis Joseph. The has gathered her American dollars in is the M otto . CASH IN HAND
plana were frustrated by the authori­ profusion from a well-worked shadow or SHORT CREDITS must be the
of a scandal with the Prince of Wales rule .
Boston is the subject of a good and she is here again to repeat the
many sneers for its love of beans, its agreeable operation. Miss Cameron
blue-stocking and spectacled women, is also here with an indignant bus
its affectation of culture, its grief over band who goes to jail or dogs her
They also have a SMALL LOT of
the departure of Sullivan and its about the hotel to keep up a lively
many other eccentricities, but when scandal, and with a live English lord
Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc.,
Boston women start the reform of always kept within the lines of a lusci­
That will a Iso be sold
cheeking their bonnets at the theater ous newspaper story highly seasoned
cloak-rooms, in order to let the audi­ with scandal : and now Miss Fortescue
. Low for Cash.
ence ace something besides millin­ is here, fresh from a spicy breach of
They have a few
ery, the old town looms up as one promise cast' with another live Eng­
Having purchased the Strain property, and
which theater-goers generally must lish lord. It would seem that the permanently located in McMinnville, ana PLOWS, HARROWS
ready to do all kinds of Truck and Deliv­
fall in love with.
English heroes of the stage believe ery Work at short notice. All goods en
Apart (rum any question regarding in a juicy scandal as the best possible trusted to our care will be carefully handled,
promptly delivered. Also keep on hand
tlu* Monroe doctrine, the completion recommendation to the American and
Wood of all kinds as cheap as the cheapest.
That will be sold
Orders left at the City Drug store will be
of the Panama canal would be a gain lover of the drama.
promptly attended to.
Low for Cash..
to ooinnierco and the prosperity of this
coast that justifies favorable mention.
•‘Simmons Liver Regular has done
When you want anything in that line you
will consult your own interest as well a
The opening of that canal would put me more good than all the physic I Family Grocery Store,
ours to call and see ns. We think wecansoit
the Columbia river V.(MM) miles nearer ever took. 1 suffered from ind'gestion
you. Try it.
A. H. & O. O. HODSON.
New York ; it would ¡>ut London, Liv- for the past five years, at last 1 was in­
Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon.
er|K>ol and Havre 14,(MM) miles nearer duced to try the regulator by Dr.
to uh , and would enable a saving in Thus. Mason, and it cured me. I am
freight, time, insurance, risk and ex­ a painter by trade, and suffered with
(Successor to L. ROOT.)
pense generally of ocean transporta­ lead colic ; since taking the Regulator
Dealer in
tion, that would be of mutual benefit I do not suffer at all.—A. P. Tripod.
and resultant gain.
All Fresh Sc oil, Srocerles. Flour, Bacon, and
Master Painter, Macon, Ga.”
Ry the death of Senator Pike, Sena­
Slauwaro and Crockery.
Just Received at
tor Dolph may become chairman of
'n «HKIF1»
;^T*Goods delivered to purchasers in the city.
the committee un claims. At present
Mi. Dolph is chairman of the commit­ October 17th at the residence of the bride's
parents, near Dundee, by Rev. J. Hoberg.
tee on coast defenses, and it is not Nicholas «Vali and Cornelia M. Keys.
thought that he will relinquish the
Hair Cutting, shaving and «ham*
chairmanship of that committee to
poeing Parlor.
lake the place made vacant on the
Notioe ia hereby given that the oo pertner-
Direct from New York.
flrat named committee, which is one 1 ship heretofore existing between the under
15c SHAVING 15c.
Undertakers Grooi
A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON
J. Harv. Henderson,
of the most important in the aenat«, signed, in the grain and warehouae buainoM.
C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor.
in McMinnville. Yamhill oonnty, Oregon, ia
but is not likely in the near future to by mutual eoueeal d I Bool red. in consequence
,Suoaeeeur to A. C. Wyndham.)
other matter* requiring the attention of
figure eo prominently in legislation m of
Mr. Oook, but Mr Gellowav will continue ae Ladle« and ohildreu'e work a specialty. Any
the committee on coast defense*.
usual at the earoe plane; thankful foe pact
style of Hair Cutting deaired,with neatueaa.
fa rota and hoping to merit a oonttnuanee of
Nine Randall democrats have been th*
Hair dyeing of all deecriptions warranted.
Fancy hair dream ng a specialty. Hot or
d^featod lor nomination by their con­ 1 ____
MeMianvUto, Oregon. Ont. 1«. IMS. XXtt cold baths always ready, only S&'ets. Third
street between 0 end D, MeM inn villa. Or.
Buy Fashionable Goods From the
Head-quarters of Fashion.
MIM r. B. BCM,