MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. While in Portland. Mr. Mackay, the bonanza millionaire, successfully dodged the live reporters of the press, THE GREAT D. C. IRELAND A CO. PVBM8HER8. and escaped uttering even the slight­ Oct. 16, 1886 est word that could be distorted into McMinnville, Or. an interview. A Western Union mes­ senger boy seems to be the only one HEPOR1ER DIRECTORY. who has had the honor of a confiden­ .......... .... lw i■■■■■■ i■ l■ ■ iin n K n*«MM4*»iMM>lM»lH*MMal STATE OFFICERS. tial conversation. The boy was actu­ o . (Jos. N. Dolph United States Senators.... • j H Mitchell ally running along the street when Representative in Congress.... H Hermann Mr. Mackay saw him and remarked Governor....................................... A ’ Moody SHOREST! X BEST! QUICKEST;] Governor’s Secretary................... C. B. Moores to his private secretary : “ That’s the ********************************* **********!■ Secretary of State....................... R. P. Earhart Assistant Secretary.................. F. E. Hodgkin kind of a messenger boy to have. I IIIHIIIIIIMIIt'FIIE DINING CAR CIXKfJtt/tl/JlU/tlt State Treasurer............................ Ed. Hlrsoh tell you lie’s a daisy.” “ Yes, and THE DIRECT KOI TE! NO DELAYS! FASTEST TRAINS! Assistant Treasurer............ A. F. Wheeler ------- O ------- you ’ d be a daisy too, Mr. Mackay, ” Hupt, of Pub ic Instruction E. B McElroy T o CHICAGO and all points EAST, .State Printer ........................ w «• ’Wars was the instantaneous response of the Ta.™-.«! Olerk School Land Board E. P. McCornack IL iu LLOS Tickets sold io all PROMINENT POINT» bright little chap, “ if you’d give me a v Throughout the East and Southeast. Hupt. Insane Asylum................... Dr. losephi Hupt. Penitentiary ............. Geo. Collins job on your new line at $30 a month. ” Warden Penitentiary. .. Geo. K. Jackson TO EAST KOtXD I’ASSEXUEKS! ( W. P Lord And the millionaire was not more sur­ Supreme Judges....................... R. S. Strahan rFBE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SUM I W W. Thayer prised at being so well known than at ------ TO TAKE THE------- the bright eye for business of the Ore­ DISTRICT njDOEH. First District............................ L. R. WebHter gon twelve-year-old. Second Distriot............................. Robert Bean The Indian war veterans of the Third District................................ R. P. Boise Fourth District..................... E. D. Shattuck north Pacific coast will meet in Port­ Fifth District.................... Frank J. Taylor And see that your ticket reads via Portland and Sixth Distriot.................... M. L Olmstead land on Wednesday, November 3d, for C1TX OFFICERS the purpose of comparing notes. On Mayor..................................... Hon. J. W. Cowls Recorder......................................... J. J. Spencer the < veiling of that day an address Treasurer........................................ J. L. Rogers will be delivered by Hon. Elwood To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full Marshal ............................ Geo. Kauffman Evans, of Tacoma, Washington terri­ Length of the Line. Berths Free. Htreet Commissioner.............. C. A. Wallace QUICKEST TIME! COUMCTLMKN. tory, under the auspices of Multno­ LOWEST RATES! ------- o --- D. ( Narver, Win. < uiupbell. mah camp No. 2. I. W. V., to the gen­ GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, J. S. Nash. Geo. W. Jones, T. A. Turner. eral public, on the “Indian . war of No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. 8. A. Manning, COUNT» orncKM. 855-6; the authorities and the people 1. D. ( II HILTON, General Western Passenger Agent. | K P. Bird Senators............. of Oregon and Washington territory ......... 1 .1. W. Watts i R. R. Laughlin vindicated for which a charge will acific ailroad, OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA Represent lives F. N. Little opular oute. fi'lias. Lafollett be made for admission, to meet ex­ OntF" ver icturesque anges. VIA J udge L. Lotighary penses and possibly t(f assist the camp < lerk .Geo. W, Briedwell The Oregon and California R. R. The Fast Time, Sure Connection, New Equipment Sheriff I' J. Harris in carrying on its good work And Connections. Treasurer W. W. Nelson ecture room at Masonic Temple has 225 Miles Shortest Assessor TIME, 24 DAYS. Wyatt Harris 1 wen secured for that purpose. The I J. S. Hibbs ■ Fare from Portland to San Franoisoo $32; 20 Hours Less Time. Commissioners 1 Geo. Dorsey to Sacramento. $30. citizens of Portland are too well ac ­ School Hupt J. A. C. Freund Acoommocations unsurpassed for comfort Close connections made at Ashland with Surveyor Jeff. D. Fenton quainted with Mr. Evans to need to and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH stages of the California, Oregon and Idaho < orouer D. < Narver LESS than by any other route between all stage company, Sheep lnspeotor A J. Nelson be told that a rich treat is in store for in Willamette valley and San Frauoisco (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) them and much to interest the student .... .... . Ea#l s*«1« Division. A ASHLAND Only Route via Yaquina Bay BETWEEN PORTLAND The McMinnville Reporter, daily of history. Hail Train. edition, has been enlarged to a four Here are some thoughts and figures ARRIVE. San Francisco. Portland LEAVE. ...7:3 oa . m . Ashland .4:15 a . m . column folio ; presents a neat typo­ that young men will do well to pon­ To Ashland .. 9:3o p. M. Portland .4:25 p . m . graphical appearance, and is brim-full der over : Suppose a man begins life Albany Express Train • HAII.Y I’ OiSIAGEH TWAINS, LEAVE. , £ of news. Messrs. Ireland A Co. a re with economical habits, and by rigid arrive . Portland... .4:00 p. m . Lebanon .9:20 p M. 1 Exoept Sundays.) rapidly pushing their paper to ti rat self-denial accumulates $10,000 by Lebanon ...4:45 a . m Portland 10:05 ___ a . M. place in the newspaper ranks of Ore­ the time he is twenty-five. This sum Leave Corvallis at 2 p. nt. Leave Ya­ Pullman Falace Sleeping Cars quina at 7: 10 a. m. gon, and are sure to meet with tile HUC- will have increased to a competency 'i’h ailiV ket,ween Portland and Ashland. Oregon and California. West side, trains .uni R- Ferry makes connection cess their enterprise merits. 11 illsboro when he desires to be free from the connect at Corvallis. with all the regular trains on the east side 1 ndepcndvnt. division from foot of F street. cares of business, and he can then, 1 he Oregon Development Company’s West Side Division. We spent one hour in the pavilion and indeed for years before, have the BET. PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS, FINE Al Mail .Hail Train. at Portland yesterday forenoon when pleasure of laying out his money free­ LEAVE. ARRIVE ARRIVE. tho employes only were present, from ly and without fear in gratifying his Steamship Yaquina City A- M' Mo M’nville. 10:12 A. m . MoM nville 10:13 a . m . Corvallis.. .12:25 12:25 p. P. m M. . lack of time to visit it any more op­ tastes or doing good. But if he is in­ Corvallis 1:30 p . m . MoM’nville. 3:43 p . m . KAILS portunely. That hour was well put clined to humor his tastes when From Yaqnina, F From San Franoisoo, McM nville 3:44p m . Portland.. . 6:15 p . m . Sunday ........... Oct. 10 Monday At Corvallis oonnect with trains of the in, and about what we observed we young—to buy, we will say, expensive Friday ......... •* Oct. 4 << 16 22 Saturday.... Oregon Pacific for shall write more in detail soon. One furniture or to mingle too freely in Wednesday. ..Nov 3 Thursday... « 28 \yi(/uùta Hay. Monday. 15 Wednesday. Noy. 10 suggestion we offer this morning, viz : [society, so that he never saves at all Saturday >< « 22 27 Monday........ Exprès« Train. That the name should be changed to until he is five and forty—what good i> J'XAVE. arrive . The Company reserves the right to ohange H ■ • - « p- M MoM’nville. .8:00 p. M. The Pacific Northwest Exposition. will ten thousand dollars do him sailing days. Fares, between Corvallis and McM nville .5:45 A. M. Portland ... .9:00 a . m . San Francisco, Rail and Cabin. *11: Rail Mechanics’ Fair too mild a term. then? It is; of course, good in itself, and Looal tickets for sale and baggage checked Steerage. $9.88. Pi^en0O^a,,y ®.ap town offioe- corner of There is much more to be seen in the but as the foundation of a competency For information apply to l ine and Second streets. Tickets for prin- ( H AS. C HOGUE, Cnlifornia can only be Ppro- Portland pavilion than in Chicago, such a sum is wholly inadequate. It Acting Gen. F. and Pass. Agent. enred and baggage cheoked at company’s of- region and population considered, by ' would only amount $40,000 at 65. and Corvallis, Oregon ^F’rieXt1 wm nn?.Front streets Portland.Or. about 500 jH'r cent. Hf. th,»1 n>Ot be received for shipment not to a competency till long after after hve o doc» p. m. on eitner the east or ST CHARLES HOTEL, west side divisions. The newspaper reporter will run three-score and ten. One dollar at 21 E. P. ROGERS, r MULTNIR, Prop.. R. K oehler . is worth $120 at IK>. and $100 spent in G. F. A P. Agent. over town to get a good item and you Manager. Corner Third and B streets can help make the paper more newsy 1 foolery and finery before five and RCHINNVILLE . . OREGON New house! New ftirniture! Unsurpassed bv dropping a line about local hap­ twenty is simply 13,000 dollars thrown iu the oo untry Rates—*! to $2 per dav ac­ penings That’s the way a paper ;s away from that provision which cording to room. Single meals 25 cents made. by printing the news, and the should be made for the time when Lodging. 25 to 50 oents according to room Board and Lodging. $4 to $6, per week. Two more news* papci -prints the mort' work must be a burden. Fine Sample Rooms for commercial men Give me a call and see for yourself. interesting it is. Little or big items of nont w ill bo at all times thankfully Brewster’» Patent Rein B< V I» < . IRELAND A < o.. received and greatfully appreciated I PU r'd ‘ li do*. in One »«rent Don’t take it lor granted that "they »day«, on» dealer »old 6 d-v in lit day* Sampl«» worth U.K rre- Write for torm* Xnow all about that. ' The presump­ E. E. BREWSTER, Holly, Mich. tion is no on« knows it but you ; tell K* For sale at thift office. HEX DERSOX BROS. the reporter and he’ll be sure to tell Ample room to care for horse«. Livery everybody—the next morning. WcJlinnvillr, Oregon Th* Daily Reporter. TRANSCONTINENTAL route ORTHEOnACIFICnAILROAM N LOXVuSL X ììorthmu wifcllaitarail -^===St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS,===- P R CITY Fine Job Printers, STABLES. I OrwonRt K* re*?°5,1ab4® ra*«« any where in Oregon. New stable Third 8t., McMinnville.