The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, October 16, 1886, Image 3

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    ■r. • • »» VIMMM
McMinnville, Or.
Oct. 16, 1886
Swiss, Limberger a n d California
cheese at the Bakery.
Desirable town property for sale
cheap- Inquire of E. Russ.
C. P. Bishop spent the day in Sheri­
dan yesterday, well pleased with
what was to be seen.
About one hundred tickets have
been sold at the railway station in this
city for the fair.
A. Newman, of Lafayette is the only
Yamhill citizen on the United States
grand jury this term.
The Brown Bear, the finest five cent
cigar in the market, at J. Harv. Hen­
derson’s city grocery store.
C. Grissen is home from Portland,
and has a fine inducement to lovers
of music to call upon him.
Prof. Carl Young waxes eloquent in
his first monthly report of the public
schools of Lafayette. Lick ’em, hit
’em, et mud.
While up in the mountains last
week Mr. Delashmutt found ripe black­
berries green ones and blooms on the
same wild vines.
The Lafayette Register has com­
menced its retrograde movement,
and comes out a seven column in­
stead of an eight column paper.
Show the Weekly Reporter to your
neighbor and ask him to become a
subscriber. Two copies, to separate ad­
dresses if desired, one year $3.00.
The Golden Rule Bazar in Portland
is prepared to supply the interior
trade of the Pacific Northwest this
fall, and they protect the interests of
all who deal with them.
We were unable to take in the fat
stock show at Portland, but U ncle
E zra was there, and will furnish some
wholesome truths concerning it which
he will force our farmer readers to in­
wardly digest.
The first package to come through
the McMinnville post office under the
special delivery system was for G. W.
Terry yesterday from East Portland.
The delivery was made inside of four
minutes by the postmaster.
Horses ought to have as great com­
fort in the stable as it is possible to
give them. Do not construct stables
carelessly. Look to the comfort of
the animals in every
particular o in the
matter of construction.
Following invoice of fresh groveries
at the bakery :
Church Matters.
Band of Hope meeting this after­
noon at two o’clock.
Social meeting at 11 o’clock a. m. to­
morrow, at the Christian church.
Remember the temperance meeting
to-day, from 3 to 4 o’clock, at the M.
E. church. All are invited.
St. James (Catholic) church. Mass
at 10: 30 a. m. on the second and fourth
Sundays of each month. Sunday
school at 2: 30 p. m. every Sunday. J.
S. White, rector.
Services at the St. James church,
John C. Fair rector, at 11 a. ni. and
74)0 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.
Friday evening service at 7:00. Seats
free ; all are cordially invited.
Baptist Church, G. J. Burchett pas­
tor. Preaching every Sabbath at IL a
m and 7:00 p m ; Sunday school at 9:30
a m. All are cordially invited to at­
tend, these services.
M. E. church, H. P. Satchwell pastor
Services Sunday at the usual hours,
a. m. and p. m., Sunday school at 9:30
All are cordially invited to attend.
The first quarterly meeting for La
fayette circuit will be held at, Lafav-
ette on Saturday and Sunday. Preach­
ing both da vs at 11 a. m. and 7 ».• m.
by Dr. Harrington and Prof. Starr, of
Willamette university.
C. P. Church, T. H. Henderson pas­
tor. Services Sunday forenoon and
evening. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
All are cordially invited to attend.
Morning subject: “ How to feed the
hungry, clothe the naked, heal the
sick and wounded and set the prison­
ers free.” The congregation will join
in the union temperance meeting at
the opera house in the evening.
The National Woman’s Temperance
Union have designated Sunday, Oct.
17th, as a national temperance Sab­
bath ; responding to this call the W.C.
T. U. of McMinnville have arranged
for a union temperance meeting to be
held at Garrison opera house Sunday
evening at 7 o’clock. Addresses will
be given by the pastors of several
churches, also by Rev. E: G Wheeler,
of Portland. Music will be furnished
bv a select choir. Every oue invited.
Peterson’s Magazine - for. Novem­
ber is on our table, the very queen of
It has a o charming steel
* ’s-books.
pjatej “ A message from the sea,” a
mammoth colored fashion-plate, a por­
trait of Ann S. Stephens, some fifty
other illustrations, and several origi­
nal stories of unusual power. Every
lady should take this magazine. It is
really a household necessity. Now is
the t'me to subscribe. Address Charles
Steel crt oat meal.
¡New Cal. walnuts.
Steel cut corn meal.
Kerk’s soap.
J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut street, Phil­
California comb honev Sultana raisins.
Split n .¡s.
Orange Hnd lemon adelphia, P p .
Specimens are sent
rear Harley
Can inches (new.)
Vermicelli and maoa- gratis, if written for to get up clubs
Pef ' me washg powder rony.
Yeast gema. Triticum
A Commercial “ Tea Traveler” who
has been all over the country the past
three weeks left the up train last eve­
ning at no station, the conductor stop­
ping to put him off in the darkness
and gloom of the forest. His consci­
ence must smite him, as his only ex­
cuse, related to our informant in confi­
dence was that everywhere he went he
saw Miles Hendrick, from Portland to
Idaho, from McMinnville to Astoria,
by land and by water, and he conceiv­
ed the idea that Hendrick wae a de­
tective, camping on his trail.
Among those of our good neighbor
who have been abroad, the following
returned yesterday : Geo. W. Jones,
wife and daughter, Miles Hendrick
and/:rs. Detmering, front Astoria;
H1V* J. A. C. Freund, from an inspec­
tion C* county schools; Mrs. Anna
Turner and Miss Anna Turner, front
The Dalles and Portland; J. W. and
J. O. Rogers and Uncle Billy McDon­
ald, front La Camas; Beverly Apper-
aon, rienry Beebe, and others from
Pemianetly Looated iu Portland, Or.
First National Bank,
M c M innville , ....
O regon
J acob W ortman .................... President
D. P. T hompson .Vice-president
J ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier
Transacts a General Banking business.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Collections made on favorable terms.
Sight Exchange ami Telegrapi.ic Transfers
on New York, San Francisco and Portland.
12,18S6. Office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
The Most Successful Physician
and Surgeon in the West.
Will be in MclCNNVILLE, October
Represents the following sterling compan­
ies: London A Liverpool A Globe, North
British A Mercantile. Commercial Union
Fire Association, German American, Fire­
man’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo
Nevada, State Investment.
Wheat insurance a specialty.
PATIENTS will reoeive every necessary
and prompt attention until a cure is com­
plete. No incurable oase will be received for
treatment. Twenty years experience in the
treatment of Chronic Diseases, and Deform­
ities. New. Improved and Scientific Meth­
ods. Cures made in a remarkably short
time, and a positive guarantee given.
g . m
it. it. nANiKi,
Proprietors of the
AsttaiiCitah, Throat & Lung Troubles LAFAYETTE MILLS,
Dealers in
Speedil Corrected.
Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney diseases, Rheu­
matism, Tumor, Scrofula, and all
skin affections positively cured.
LAFAYE 1 I E, Yamhill Co.. OREGON.
• HUNDRED DOLLARS RE We desire to inform the public that we have
WARD! for an incurable case of Hemor-
lately added a line of Rolls to our Mill,to­
lhoids or Piles! No pain or detention from
gether with the necessary machinery to
make an
business! Fistula, Ulcers and all rectal
troubles a specialty. •
A No. I Article of Flour,
• •
. *
• . •
----- O----
And have the same in successful operation.
• • o
While we do not claim to make
Female Complaints.
The Best Roller Flour
We have devoted our attention extensively
to the treatment of all the different ailments
In the State,
peculiar to the’weaker sex. "Atllicted ladies
r* • We do claim to make an nrtiole
are invited to call at our office and investi­
gate our facilities for the speedy and perma­
Second to XT one.
nent correction of their troubles. Suffer no
—AS A—
longer. Come at once and receive immedi­
ate relief, and in a short time a radical cure. Straight Grade
* er
. • •
----- O-----
Family Flour,
And far better than can be made on
Stones alone.
X . .
o -
We have been to much expense to mnke
We are endorsed by many, eminent Ocu­ this change, and believe we deserve a liber­
lists and Physicians in the treatment of the al share of pnbiio patronnge, and ask a fair
EYE. No severe medicines used. Surgical trial. We guarantee results.
operations performed on the eye without
pain or the use of chloroform, by the appli­
cation of the new and wonderful aneivsthetic,
bydroclorate of eocoaine, which has revolu­
d ,^ ond
tionized opthalraic surgery. Doctor Turner
will straighten croBS eyes in one minute, 4IIKWTH
** glvo |(
without pain or after inoouvenienoe.
sheep 'Ustrini.
.Eye and Ear.
Write for
Private Diseases,
Nervous Debility, Impotency, Urinary and
all Private Diseases speedily corrected. Call
and see us. No difference what your ail­
ments are. Thorough satisfaction guaran­
teed. Terms reasonable. All letters of in­
quiry should be addressed to
Doctor A. P. Turner,
Consultation Free.
SAircsL coff ,
Late of IndfqwndenOe, having purchased the
Thos. Allison Point Vsllqy, Ohio, sheared IttO «hoop with a pain
without grin<lio<.
MKYBQt'K CTTLBKY CO., Holjokr. A m
can learn the exact cost
of any proposed line of
advertising in American
papers by addressing
Geo. P. Rowell & Co.,
Newspaper Advwrillino Bureau.
IO Sprue« S»., New
Send lOote. for lQOPag« PaarpMe«-
Of Logan Bros & Henderson, offers his
services tn that line to the public, and will
To all who favor him with their patronage.
He will keep a wi
wagon specially adapted to the
trunks satohels, eto., for
delivery of
f the pnbiio. Orders left
promptly attended to at
at the
INvVbH I IwCnW'th'i pap»', or obten •»ti'T’.ive
on a<v»rti»inf »paca whan In Chicazo. will find it on fl » at
Mvadiaing Afane, of