rillC E , THREE CENTS MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. A fellow in Portland called Dr. Van- Th* Daily Reporter. | monciscar receives a rather severe THE (iREVT handling at the hands of the East KJCPOK1 EK DIKE' .'TORY. Oregonian. •» atm ornera». Apjwxrently the K of I. have resolved t Joe. N. Dolph United State" Senators ... I J. H. Mitchell to go deliberately about the business Representative in Congress ,... B. Hermann If they permit this . Z. F. Moody of their session. Governor ................................. Governor’» Secretary ........... .. .0. B. Moore» thing of having so much trouble among Secretary of State ............... K. P Earhart Assistant Secretary ................ F. E. Hodgkin themselves it will liable to disrupt the BEST! QUICKEST! SHORE-ST! State Treasurer....................... ... Ed. Hirsch organization at any moment. It takes A. F. Wheeler Assistant Treasurer E. B McElrov Hu pt. of Public Instruction strong adhesive principles to hold men W. H. ----- Bvnrs ntnte Printer • ■ ■ -- (Merk School Land Board E. P. M.jtxirnack together in civilized America. Am­ IIIMIIIIIIMIIt'FHE DINING C’AH LIN t^UHUtUUMU ........ Dr. .lottephi Sept, luaaue Asylum ... Geo, Collin» bitious leaders work themselves to the THE DIRECT KOITE! NO DELAYS! FANTEST TRAINS! Sept. Penitentiary Geo. K. Jackson Warden Penitentiary I W. P I^.rd front, and soon corrupt political organ­ - . ± T c T c HICACO and ail points EAST. • R. 8. Strahan izations, and all others united on the IRiltSS Ticket, »old to all PROMINENT POINT» Supreme Jadg»-........... J- L. Koger» this time. And see that your ticket reads via Portland and Marshal .............................. Geo. Kauffman 'I'he collection of mineral specimens Htreel Commissioner.................. C. A. Wallace COtTMCtLMMM. exhibited at the mechanics’ lair by J. D, C. Narver, Wm. t'ampbeii, W. Virtue, of Baker city, is calculated To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through J. 8. Sash Geo. W. Jotiea, Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full T. A. Turner. 8. A. Männin«, • to direct the attention of jieople to a Length of the Line. Berths Free. oocwrr ovneaas. field which they have long and strange ­ LOWEST KATES! ^3------ HT QUICKEST TIME! ) K P. Bird ------ o Senato ra.... I J. W. Watt» ly neglected. This exhibit is a de­ GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, |K. R. Laughlin monstration of the wealth of the gold .. F. N. Little Represent lives 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. fCbas. Lufollett D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent. Judge L Loaghary district east of the Blue mountains; a !.!>. part of Baker, Grant and Union coun­ Accoiumooations unsurpassed for comfort Close connections made at Ashland with and snfety. Fares and Freights MUCH of the California, Oregon and Idaho 1 am not old—I cannot ba old, ties. The specimens include ores of LESS linn by any other route between all stages stage company. Though three score year« and tan (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) various kinds, nuggets of pure gold in in Willamette valley and San Francisco. Hava wanted away like a tala that la told, East Side Division. great number, pans of gold dust; all BETWEEN I'OHTl.tVDA ASHLAND The live» of other man Mail Train. displayed conviently and marked with 1 am not old though fnenda and foee LEAVE. ARRIVE. the name of the mine from which they To Portland... ,7:3o a . m . Ashland San Francisco Ashland.. 4:15 a . m . Alike have gone to their graven; .9:30 p. m . Portland.........< 4:25 p . m And left me alone to my joys and my woe». were taken. A huge gilded pyramid Albany Express Train A« a rock in the midst of the wave» DAILY PASSENUEH TKAHS LEAVE. six feet or more in height and about ARRIVE. Portland... .4:00 p. m . Lebanon .9:20 p. M. 1 am not old I cannot be old. three feet square at the base, repre­ (Except Sundays.) Lebanon.?. .4:45 a . m . Portland 10:05 A M. Though tottering, wrinkled and gray; sents the yield of th« district up to the Leave Corvallis at '2 p. nt. Leave Ya­ Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars Though my eye« are dim, and my marrow ia quina at 7; 10 a. ni. daily between Portland and Ashland. Call me not old to-day! (oold, present lime, in round numbers, $29,- The O. Jc C. K. R. Ferry makes connection Oregon and California, West side, trains 500,000. Capital is needed to sink with all the regular trains on the east side F<>r early memornw round me throng oonnect at < orvnllis. division from foot of F street. Of timen, and manner», and men; shafts, to bring water,to buy machinery l he < ’regon Development Company's West Side Division. Aa I look behiud my journey so long, to employ labor and for a hundred RET. I'OltTI.AND AND CORVALLIS. Of three *o* was on her wedding day. LEAVE. I ARRIVE. of the camp. The < ompanv reserves the right to change Portland ...4:50 p. m . MoM’nville.-88k.) r. M. 'ORTHEOn ACIFICn AILROADI J ¡I j ...... (ItHIHHHI wifejlailiwij -------- -St PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS. R Only Route via Yaquina Bay 1 do not a«e yon, daughters and sona. In Ilia liksnraa of women and men; But I kiss you now aa I klseed you olioe. My fond little ehiklren then. And aa my own gramlm n rides on my knee Or (days with hia h>s>p or kite, I oan well reoolleot I waa merry aa he, 1 tie bright eyed little wight! “l ie not long aim»- it cannot t»e long. My vear» so soon were «pent, Binœ I was a boy. both atrnighl and «trong, But now I’m feeble and bent. A dream, a d ream -It la all a dream! A siren«*, sad dream, good aooth; For old aa 1 am. aud old aa I as*ui. My bear! is full of youth. hath not eea*n. tongue bath not told, And ear bath uot beard it sung, How buoyant and bold, though it aaam» to Is tbs heart forever yoon«' [grow old, For«*«» yoaag though life a old Hath ev*r nerve «netrnng, The bean, the heart la a heritage. That ’ aai nling days. Fares, between Corvallis __ _____ ____ and ivi Francisco, Rail — ..J Cabin, $14; « Kail a* -• San and and Steerage, $9,88. formation apply to fc ' HAS. C. HOGUE, Acting Gen. F. and Pass. Agent. Corvallis, Oregon popular Wankly n< I O' r i -otad ti» a.-mnci». mechanica. ria»- ring,' ------ - Intenlion« and - - ..renaa, •r r I 1 iblidi- ibltah- t. E>«rr aamnee il fa at rated -• ». - nu.d K ’not pahllcaiton, litro f»rnl I , - . , i. ■ r,Rr( - „ a. ■ n a i-ynuraimn. » I • « I *«i»«l,ieai inL>rn>u>< -, »ciurl ine; creloiwdi* cyeloimdia of inL-riuatii -i » „ «» .».--ia c- aithouL _LTT._. - Pll|arilj • I »rm. - n „uld ba Tna-------- 1 '■ ' ' Ava, -,s 1. a.i.l. b that __ its _ c ’ "- « a ni. thaï <tao< .... I ' •*“ ,-t bj all »»««taaiara. MVNN A ( " I obliabara, ,\u. hmadwa». N. Y. / AYrkITfl AI t N I MnnnAroI- »-> i .«. i 1 t i-• - |-r* I tha Titani Oflloa, and h«'ai'-ri n>- rati »n One Hundred In. , fnd «i-t’llealtvna L-r pa<*rt-* in r . n ad btatra and Cnraign c »»•- l »' ita. Trada-Marka C i k A»*i{ aianta. and all other ) •»coring to tarrnt-'ra their rtahia tn i I'uitad ttiaira, Canada. Enc'and, >r»r l-rruaan, aid other forale» e»»nnt»ie. ,• gara« At ah 1 • UM taa Mtd 00 raaaonat at»- l»formaiK-a •• to al taiaing patenta rl > - fall» gi>»a wit!.. ui charge 1 II informât ma arai fr»» Palante ebta 1 'i roe ah Muna A Ca. ar« a->tirad ia ll-e Si, t aa-raa trre. The advantage or an ch ao- I » >n*oed hr all pareoaa «ha wiah to do; ■r !-•••■>*__ a ht”IX A CO. OIM , *1 Vi a4«u. he« York. rding to room. Single meals 25 oents. Lodging, 25 t > 50 cents accordwg to room Board and Lodging. |4to $6. per week. Two rine Sample Booms for commercial men Give me a call and see for yourself. CITY STABLES. H BN DERSON I BROS. Ampi» room to car« for horses. LivaVJ at aa reasonable rates as any where J» °Te«on- Naw nubia Third 8U McMinnvilM.