The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, October 15, 1886, Image 3

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    *’ FL
Th® D»Hy Riportar,
i’.' J..
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McMinnville, ’Or.
Good times, cabling.
The Albany Herald looks fine in its
six column dress.
Desirable town property for sale
cheap. Inquire of E. Russ.
The Brown Bear, the finest five cent
cigar in the market, at J. Harv. Hen­
derson’s city grocery store.
Mr. and Mrs. Phelps of the Yaquina
Mail reached here yesterday on a visit
to the metropolis and laid over to take
in the best of Yamhill.
Mattie Allison was acquitted at
Salem, upon the charge of murder.
The verdict was received with general
satisfaction on the part of the(public,
who have taken great in the trial.
John Shipley and family, of New
Philadelphia, who have been visiting
Mrs. Shipley’s mother, Mrs. W. S. Pow­
ell, in Portland, have returned home.
Several of our valley exchanges are
offering the Anierican Farmer as a
premium paper to, catch subscribers.
The Farmer is a sickly little monthly
filled with «dvertisments.
• • i •
Hon. I. W. Case, the pioneer banker
of Astoria, and J. B. David, ¡Esq., i of
Portland, Or., arrived in town yester-.
day and left the- same day for the
Henry Warren place near this city.)
The Columbia river waterway con­
vention met yesterday at Vancouver. a body that is charged with shap­
ing public sentiment upon the most
important of questions to the interests
of Oregon andt Washington territory.
We are pleased .to hear that the city
council is thinking about street work.
We hope that When this much needed
work is begun it will be thoroughly
carried through. In this connection
we-beg respectfully to remind them of
Macbeth’s recipe for cooking a beef­
steak, Or some such thing : •
If ’twere done, when it is done—
Then 'tia well ’twere done quiokly.
and says: “Whenever we mention a
bit of enterprise upon the part of our
Albany frie#nds, it is they who furnish
the item. If they were not enterpris­
ing we couldn’t mention their enter­
prise. They built a school house for
their district school that cost more
than $16,000 ; they have built a public
hall that is a credit to the city; they
have secured the railroad bridge and
car shops by liberal subscriptions. We
don’t puff Albany ; she don’t need it.
It is Corvallis we are concerned about.
Our two district schools are strug­
gling along with half the number of
teachers necessary, and with school­
houses that ought to be replaced with
something more in keeping with our
pretensions. We have a college prom­
ised us, with its accompanying expen­
diture of $10,000 a year among us, on
h condition but little .more expensive
than the Albany schoolhouse, yet we
are halting and palavering about rais­
ing the money. Our houses are all
full, so that there is absolutely no
place for a new comer to live; yet not
a single new house is building. Our
public business is done. in a court
house, old, antiquated, rotten and in­
convenient, The county judge has no
office furnished him in which to con
duct the business of his office, and the
jail would be a disgrace to a commun­
ity*'dTDigger IUflUW’
~ ■ -
Permanetly Located in Portland, Or.
First National Bank,
----- o—
M o MINNVI l LE, -
doctoh i. p. m
J acob W ortmax .................... President
D. P. T hompson . Vice-president
J ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier
Transacts a General Banking business.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Collections made on favorable terms.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfert
New York, San Francisco and Portland.
Will be in MdCNNVILLE, October 12,1S86.
Office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
----- o—
The Most Successful Physician
and Surgeon in the West.
PATIENTS will reoeive every necessary
and prompt attention until a cure is com­
plete. No incurable case will be reoeived for
treatment. Twenty years experience in the
treatment of Chronic Diseases, and Deform­
ities. New, Improved and Scientific Meth­
ods. Cures made in a remarkably short
time, and a positive guarantee given.
Represents the following sterling compan­
ies: London «t Liverpool A Globe, North
British «fc Mercantile. Commercial Union
Fire Association, German Amerioan, Fire­
man’s Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo
Nevada. State Investment.
Wheat insurance a specialty.
L. <». SUTER.
Proprietors of the
Asthma, Catarrah, Throat & Lung Wes LAFAYETTE MILLS,
Dealers in
Speedi) Corrected1,
Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney diseases, Rheu­
matism, Tumor, Scrofula, and all
skin affeotions positively oured.
WARD! flor an inourable case of Hemor­ We desire to inform the public that we have
lately added a line of Rolla to our Mill,to­
rhoids or Piles! No pain or detention from
gether with the neoesaary machinery to
business! Fistula, Uloera and all rectal
troubles a specialty.
, , A No. I Article of Flour,
” ,
1 * . f •
And have the same in successful operation.
While we do not olaim to m^jte
We have devoted our attention extensively
to the treatment of ail the different ailments
peculiar to the weaker sex. Afflicted ladies
are invited to call at oar office and investi­
gate our facilities for the speedy and perma­
nent correction of theirtroubtes. Suffer no
Ibngerj 1 Gome at once and reoeive immedi­
ate relief, and in a short time a radiosi cure.
The Best Roller flour
k >
In the State, „ olaim tamake-aa agtiole
Seoond to None.
—AS A—
Straight 6 ride
u .
Family Flw%
. .Eye and
And far better than can be made on
Stones alona.
We have been to much expense to make
We are endorsed by many eminent Ocu­ this
change, an’d believe we deserve a liber­
lists and Physicians in the treatment of the al share of public patronage, and ask a fair
, >
EYE. No severe medioines used. Surgical trial. We guarantee results..
, J,.» Firat-Claaa
operations performed on the eye without
WAGONS, HACKS,. BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, pain or the use of ohloroform, by the appli­
cation of the new and wonderful anemsthetic,
Etc. Etc.
hydroclorate of ooooaine, which has revolu­
B 8treet, between Third and Fourth.
tionized opthalmic aurgery. Dootor Turner
Third street, between D and E
will straighten cross eyes in one minute,
J^“We still have a few Buggies, Hacks without pain or after inoonvenienoe.
and Carriages of home manufacture on
^“Carriage Painting and Repairing a
ThM. Allim. Fnl.lV.IW, Ohio, feuM HBa .hMp wl,h ■ pMa
Specialty. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed.
vlUionl (rinding
»axmwa cvriut co,
Nervous Debility, Impotenoy. Urinary and
all Private Diseases speedily corrected. Call
and see us. No difference what your ail­
• . ----- AT THE-----
ments are. Thorough satisfaction guaran­
teed. Terms reasonable. All letters of in­
quiry should be addressed to
Our statement, on another page, of
the building season just closed, makes
a good appearance. It will be remem­
bered that the lumber market was ex­
tremely short during the spring, and
improvements necessarily hampered.
Mr. Adams, of Jones & Co., thinks we
private Diseases,
have placed a fair estimate on the
amount of capital invested. Another
year will tell a wonderful story in Me-1
Cranks are more numerous this fall EURISKO MARKET.
• r * . r v
■ *
than last. The latest batch is in Chi­
cago under sentence of death, “dieing Where the best of meats can always be found
Doctor A® F. Turner,
proudly, defiantly, for the cause of and at the most reasonable prices, where
the loin of beef is divided with our custom­
justice.” These are the so-called an­ ers. Meats done up in the latest styles,
archists ; murderers in fact; Speis and an ’ good weights given. Give us a call.
Yourp truly,
Consultation. Fraet
his chums. The blatherskites have
the brazen effrontery, in the very face
of death, to compare their executions
g A-M-rr-ffiT. coït
with Socrates, Glorando Brun, and
Late of Independence, having purchased the
T « . < t
-1 ¿I*.
Jesus Christ; and there is an addle* i . rr * i-v
pated fool in Portland who sits and Hair Cutting, Hhavtag and Sha ni-
_ . - rm I u » Parlor. _
stares and sings “ sickum” to this
15c 8HAYING AS«-
" cause for human rights.”) Great and
Of Logan Bros A Henderson, offers his
servioes in that line to the public, and will
avenging God? What a stock of
C. H. FLEMIS6, Proprietor.
• T. •
* •
» i 4 !’
“ leniency” the American people must
have instore.
f 'i
’ -
* I
A “ good friend” of the Benton
Leader objects th that paper .“ beckuse
is - aWajM ♦ puffing .“ Albany.'.’,-. >The
Leader denies the soft impeachment, rtreel
can learn the exact cost
of any proposed line of
advertising in American
papers by addressing
Geo. P. Rowell & Co.,
NewwfMipoe Advertising Bureau,
IO Sprueo St., New York.
•••»4 lOoto. toe lOOPago PemptUo*-
Ui I » Ji irtf»'
ÉfïWEBTIÇEDff ®* otM'».w*o with to.aemme
MW EH I ItoEHto the papw.or obtain MSmataa
>o*c. wM® IS Chtakgo, wtH fi«« H w *1. el
To all who favor him with their patronage.
He will keep a totfron specially adapted tolho
twe a aii I w ■ W a e»1 i »T w- r ■< , e ■*» -
delivery of
« eta., *<*
The Itopertar Job 'Baami never loee a pa­
ofthepublie. Orders left
•I the «table will be promptly attended to at tron. Onoe a customer always one.