r - wjv* ü . TU, Baity ft«port»r. . JUD!TyRIAL POTRS.^ y • MISCELLANEOUS. Hands of the OPR are caniped =*■ W -------- — about one mile from ’the summit of the »Cascades, where they are' putting up substantial cabins, preparatory to Successor to D. C. Narver, winter work. At present there are Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. about fifty men employed in the moun­ tains surveying and grading. The The Largest work of grading will continue both ways from the summit of the moun­ tains, and will be kept up until the In Yamhill County snow falls to such a depth as to pre­ vent operations. The hands employ­ ed are all whites except a few’ cooks. Dhlladtlphi« is going td pay her next mayor a salary of $12,000 a year. That figure ought to secure the servi­ Nubkcripliwn Hates. By Carrier per week.............. ■•••••• 10 0*nt* ces of a magistrate who won’t have to 1 . ,(Payable on Saturday.) Hingis Copy.......................... 2 *' . be impreached. By Mail MJ cents per Month (In Advance.) The United States supreme court Hates for Advertising Will be made sstisfiictory to all applicants. has decided that the stock holders of the insolvent Pacific National bank of Oct. 15, lXKfl Boston are liable for amounts of stock MtMinflVille, Or. I — .--------- subscribed to by them when the cap­ St’HST tS'TIA !. PROSPERITY. ital stock of the bank was increased It is with great forbearance that we from $500,000 to $i.oQp.QPo, in Sept­ A Business Proposition to In» vv listened to the report»* of unusual ember, 1881. Everybody. Activity in the rapid growth of our Henry George seems to be having lister towns, and the amount of home a grand boost up in the city of New laudation something quite remarkable. York, and judging from the enthusi­ Having the most complete and best It has, in fact reached such a fervor asm <»ver him as shown by the meet­ selected stock of goods on the west side, outside of Portland, as conceded that for want of a better champion ings held in that city in his tiehalf. wo are compelled to put facts ami Prom present appearances the work­ by all commercial men, and my’ fa­ fig tires on their own merits. It is an ingmen generally will support him for cilities for buying being equal to or Burial Robes and Sliroudt Open challenge that there is not two better than any house here, I am pre­ Con^tantlv 0» Hand. towns in Oregon that can make a bet­ the office of mayor, and it will require mighty efforts and much money on the part'd to furnish you with Dry Goods, ter showing than McMinnville, when Hearse Furnished. part of the capitalists to defeat him. Clothing, Gents ’ Furnishing Goods, we take intoconsiileiation the extreme dull season ami financial stagnation I he fight between the capitalists, irre­ Boots and Simes, Groceries, Glassware met with everywhere during the past spective of party, on the one sidi, and and Crockery, at prices as low or TO ORDER at prioes whiqh defy all year. The amount invested in sub­ the workingmen, also irrespective of( oompetition. lower than any house oiitside of Port­ stantial improvements during the past party, on the other, will no donbt be Make no parohases until you' priWutiy stool land, and if you buy upon same terms season, foots up in round numbers a fierce battle. E. H. FELLOWS. -U i. as you do when you go to Portland, twenty-four thousand unil eight hun­ I he bureau of agriculture is active dred dollars About sir thousand ly engaged in devising and putting in buy in quapities paying cash, I en­ dollars were expended in general im­ operation measures looking to the ex­ gage to compete with the retail houses provements making a total out put ol tirpation of pleuro-pneumonia among of Portland oq the same class of goods, I30.HO0 apportioned as follows : jfr <- to 4 ,U cattle in this country, and Mr. Cole­ save and except Sugar, Salt and such Ig HenryHohauk 2 story house..., 1 man has resolved to adojrt every legiti ­ »«I i It Q. Fkiwards Cot Inge goods as freight figures-upon so that 44 M im H iim mate means in his power to check the > s it cannot lie done. This does not ap­ 44 J. Wiaeoarver I’osloflkw building outbreak of the disease reported from r Heudemoii Bros Livery slablu ply to some cheney houses who would Chicago. Said he: People must be Jas. G. Turner Oottsgo • U. g3V £9141 I« John Rhodes crazy to think the department will al-, bait you by selling some special arti­ 44 Me«- >, l*«i»er ... . That-they, will) t » low any of these cattle to be sold. We. cle at a sacrifice, and making it up on it Mr. Goodrich some other articles. I t shall b K. have quarantined them, doubled our 44 J W. MoCullougli forces recently, and are going to’ send- straight business . Tespecially ifivite’ Mr. Happersslt. .2 story bouse purchasers, to Call and make an in-, Cottage ,,, J. W. Gault some of the meat to expert veterinary 44 spSctibn of the goods and price, be­ J. J. Collard surgeons. We have to stamp out the 4l also have a SMALL LOT of Jtidg« Cow Isa fore buying elsewhere. All goods A They • _ V-. ,'< n „. 4V disease and do everything the depart­ Mr. Mows ]t story boqjio.,., marked down during clearance sale 44 Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc., ment can legitimately do\ Mr. Sawyer will be sold at clearance sale prices. L. H. Cook M story briok hotel Tacoma has rid herself of the Chi- • 0' ‘ » ’• That will ,4,.p also ‘ be sold • Prices of all goods will be plainly- ¿yg Total nese, but appears to have a class of i marked on them, and no clerk is au­ The above statement shows aboht alleged white people in her borders thorized to make any cut or deviation what the drift of improvements has which are not much more desirable. on them, and will be discharged for S’ I >” e<- Tlw ba«W been in our enterprising and indus­ They live along the beach, near old doing so before he has authority.' PLOWS, WARROWS. trious little city. There bus been no Tacoma, in huts and shanties made of S mall P rofits and Q uick R eturns SEEDERS And Ware of trumpheta; noboom; no false drift wood and refuse lumber, some of is the M otto . CASH IN HAND RA IX WAi.OV inflation, but a solid, healthy growth, them with squaws as housekeepers. or SHORT CREDITS must be the denoting firm faith and confidence in That will be sold . A. J. APPERSON. There is quite a colony of them, and rule . the ultimate success of a live town it was by these beech combers that a at no distant day. Jonew Ac Co., When you want anything in that line you I'leaaure was derived in noting tin* man was tarred and feathered and Proprietors of will consult your own interest as well u nearly beaten to death a few nights many improvements that have follow­ ours to call and see us. We think we can suit you. Try it. A, H. & O. O. HODSON. ed one another in continuous sucres since. With such help as this Capt. Williams says it takes 135 men to do eion, and it is hearty congratulations MoMint.ville Saab, Door and Mould­ ing Manufactory, Dealers in ’They will the Reporter oflera to its energetic, the work of 50 Chinese. Stair Rails. Brackets. Builders Hardware, wide awake business men and citizens. work a tew days, and as soon as they White Lead, Linseed and Lubrioating oils, —OF— It is a natural outcome of pluck and l»egin to understand their work will Colors, Varnishes of all kinds, Paint " “ ti.t ■ -not r- !»'»!' 'ii in Brushes, aud F. and B. Roof paint. and iH'rsi'vcranee, and a determined draw the tew dollars they have earned Our saw null is now running at new loca­ •flor I not to l»e found lagging as and ate off, leaving their place to be tion, where we are prepared to furnish the best quality of lumber at last years prices. "westward the star of empire takes its filled by green hands. He packed l^T A Splendid Road to the Mill. way." True, that during the past year salmon last year at an expense of thirty* Parties wishing first class lumber will do well to call and obtain prices before purohas- we hay« lost the flue flouring hiill of nine cents |>er case. This year he ing elsewhere. JONES Jt CO. John X. Rai, but in the main the set- has packed 4000 cases at a cost of $r ticks raft l4nu Comparatively few, It« fashionable J yrhile dame industry has kept per- l>er cnse. 'This sort of thing may be Family Grocery Store. I iMbJ , -- ... petually clanging the musical chime good for a town, but it is rough on a cannery man. of hammer and saw. Come, you fel­ Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. »j üm r, lows with l*oa*tful tongues give us Cdos hay furniaW more ealmon Direct from Hew York. facia a nd. tig urea. ., thia fall than the packers can handle, - t 41 Tin my that Miss Cleveland is go­ If they can keep the shad fiend« Out (Suooeeeor taL. BOOT.) ing to bld Literary Life and affectionate of there it ia only a question of time n . « ... « .„Dealer in, wbyn pooa will excel the Columbia adieu, and then, perhaps, its publishers in aalmon ahipmenta. It ia «aid that All rmh endirOroMrioaTleu. lana. aal will conclude to rechristen theit infant J. W. Hume will make a clear 150,- ffhmn m A Cnctery. fall stock aeceived . th« Literary Death. 000 there thia year. a * - D. C. IRELAND i CO. PUBLIRHERH. E. B. FELLOWS, FURNITURE HOUSE Parlor anil Chamber Suits SELL FOR GASH VERY LOW. Low for Cash. Low for Cash.. Nestucca Steam Sat ad Fiaraj Mills, NEW STOCK CLOTHING M illiner ^ J. Harv. Henderson, Buy Fashionable Goods From tl Head-quarters of Fashion. V^oodBteUveeed to varohMen intbeeity. ■IM r. E. BISS, ■ *1