DAILY REPOBTEK. I VOL. 1. NO. 35. M c M innville , O regon , F riday , O ctober 15, The Qatly Reporter. CORRESPONDENCE. * YAQUINA CITY. Work on the warehouse is now in Entered in the Postoffice at MoMinnvillefor Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ full blast. The pile drivers went to ond Class Matter. work last Friday driving piles, and a gang of men are following up sawing WOKVT REPORTER. off and capping. The steamer Yaquina city sailed Sixteenth Year of Publication. for San Francisco at 10 o’clock, a. m. M c M innville - - oregoy well loaded with freight and passan­ ---------- o---------- gers after a longer stay than usual D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. here. She had been undergoing some repairs. 1>. C. IRELAND & Co., The weather is fine and all the lit­ PUBLISHERS. tle boats are busy plowing the waters ------------ O------------- E. W. F. before a gentle breeze. Weekly Subscription Kates. One copy per year in adyanoe - - - $2.00 Judge Wallace of the United States If not paid in advance - . - - 2.50 To clubs of three or five, when accompanied circuit court, has decided in the New with the cash, $1.50 per year eaoh. Two names for six months each to count as one York cases that national bank shares yearly subscription. are subject to taxation. This decision The Daily Reporter. ’I he D aily R epobteb is issued every day in the week except Sundays, and is delivered in the oity at 10 cents per week. By mail, 40 oents per month in advance. Rates for ad­ vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb . Advertising Rate«. lw. 1 lm. SPACE. One inch ................. ♦ 1 50 3 00 Five inches X Col. 3 00 5 00 5 00 ti 00 Eleven in. M “ Twenty-two inches 10 00 12 00 3ni. 5 00 9 00 18 00 30 00 Olli. 7 18 30 («1 00 00 00 00 12ms 10 00 30 00 78 00 182 00 J.#“ Above rates slightly advanced for pre ferred positions; “Top of Column,” “Next to Reading Matter,” “Seoond Page,” or “Third Page.” t#"Local notices in reading column on Third page: One insertion, per line lOcents Two insertions per line 15 “ Three insertions per line 20 “ By the month per line 25 “ »bituary notices, resolutions of cou­ doiement, etc., to insure publication in the Reporter, must be accompanied with instruc­ tions: and the name of the proper person or persons to whom charges for the same are to be made. Book & Job Printing« We beg leave to announce to the public that we have just added a large stock of new novelties to our business, and make a special­ ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs! Pro­ grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ vinced. D. C. IRELAND & CO. YEWS AND NOTES. Frosts have nearly destroyed the to­ bacco crop of Kentucky. Another fearfully devastating storm has visited the gulf states. About all prominent republicans in the present house will answer to roll call in the fiftieth congress. The rain is here, promptly on time. Hear its “ patter, patter, patter no more dust in the roads this fall. The Henry George boom in New York has demoralized the democrats and opened the way for the election of a republican mayor. Baker city charges theaters and shows a license of $11 to $16 per night for enertainniente given in that city. Another case of making hay while the sun shines. The spiritualists of Oregon, believ­ ing that the time has arrived for a closer bond of union, have called a state convention to meet at 8alem October 30th. Arrangements will be made with the various transportation com­ panies for reduced rates of fare to per­ sons attending the convention. is upon application from a permanent injunction restraining the collection of taxes assessed. There remain in round numbers $90,000,000 of the three per cent, bonds to be called. The next series of bonds which will be subject to call are the four and a half per cents., which do not mature until September, 1891, five years hence. There are $250,000,000 of these. Then follows a gap of sixteen years before any other bonds are redeemable, with the ex­ ception of the Pacific railroad bonds, which the companies may or may not be made to provide for. The four per cents., of which there are $737.742.- 850, mature in July, 1907. It can be seen that until that time the bonds, unless they are purchased at a high premium in the market, cannot be re­ lied upon as they have been in the past for the purpose of absorbing sur­ plus revenue. There must be a re­ duction of revenue or a course of ex­ traordinary expenditure adopted to meet the situation, and it is not ditfi cult to decide which the people will prefer. Swiss and limberger cheese at the Bakery. Show the Weekly Reporter to your neighbor and ask him to become a subscriber. Two copies, to separate ad­ dresses if desired, one year $3.00. Gold miners who have been pros­ pecting among the sterile fields of Alaska, report no paying mines, and if there were the seasons are so short that they could not be profitably worked. Brother Bull is not taking much about the Bulgarian business, but is supposed to be ready for action if Rus­ sia should decide to provoke war. The chances are, however, that the rouble will be bridged over for the present. One night last week 1900 fine salmon were taken on the lower Siuslaw. The Eugene Guard thinks that at no dis­ tant day the fishing intereate A the Siuslaw will produce more money than all the wheat fields in Lane county. 4 issb . PRICK TWO CENTS. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. ------- (O' BANCASSER & KELLER, SnoeesHor to W. F. Bangnmer, I» BangaHHer’s building, Cor. B and Third Sta. YAMHILL CO., Here is where yon oan get your money’« worth in Third St., Opposite Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Tripe, YAMHILL CO. BANK. D on ’ t F orget the P lace , and everything in the line of meats, of th« beBt quality the country affords. Also the Best of Bolognas. Give uh a oall and be satisfied. — Where you will— W. T. BAXTER. ALWAYS KIND F. J. MARTIN. New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of — in Hazier 4 Martin ta tai tarns. SnooeHHora to Al. HUSSEY, Third Htreet, McMinnville, Oregon, the —- LATEST STYLES Furnishing Goods of all kind, nndjabove all I'HE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents A naw, nrat and clean stock. Everv article for the A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks, Colored BrowiiMvillc Woolen Hill, Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ bacco. Pijies and Cigars. Carrying a full line of all goods made by Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Season. these oelebrated mills. Give me a call. Insfiect iny stock, and I BUSS LOGAN. BILL LOGAN. WA IT HENDEBHoN. will guarantee prices to suit you. LOGAN BROS, i HENDERSON. Proprietors of the old established nnd well known >I<*3Ii mi vi 1 lo MBH. M. SHADPEN. M1HH MAT VF.HHEY. Shadden & Vessey, LIVERY, FEED AND SALE stable. We are prepared at all hours to furnish Fusililonablle Dressmakers Fine Carriages, liar L n and Saddle Horse*, t^F'The Taylor System of (lotting und Fit­ ting employed. And everything in the Livery hire, in good shape At Reasonable Rate*. Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay’s atore, McMinnville, Or. M hb . A. M c D onald . TRANSIENT STOCK LEFT with us will receive the best of care and at­ tention. Logan SroL & Hendornm. Fashionable Dressmaking. MCMINNVILLE Business College, Cor. 3d and C Streets, OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, Will open Ootober 18, 1X86. Attention is respeotfully invited to this BUSINESS M ish K. T hornton SCHOOL. In Mrs. H. P. Stuart's Millinery Store, OPPOSITE GRANGE HALL, M c M innvillb JAS. m ’ oain . - O bboo «. H. hublby . McCain & Hurley, ATTORNIYS.AT.LAW AND NOTARIES PUBLIC, Its facilities for thorough praotioal instruc­ Lafayette, Oregon, tion; aotual business department a specialty Especial attention paid to abstracts of titl« where currency, bank check, drafts, eto., are and settlement of entâtes in probate. used. Class, or private instruction day or Offioe Jail buiding, up stairs. evening. College Journal sent free on ap­ plication. C. F. Hot OHTON, Prin. P. O. Box 101. C. J. P atnb , Seo. E. E. COUCHER, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. M c M innvilln Oiieorr. nsm mi W. F. COLLARD, Dealer in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, Cutlery, Fine Fishing tackle, Cigars, Etc. Bralys Bank Building Third 8treet, Opposite McMinnville Baths. Offloe and reeidenoe, oomar of Third and D «tracta, n«xt to the postoffloa. M c M innvillr O rkooi .