MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. % The Daily Reporter. L’ 7. 11 KFFUBTEB DIRECTORY. A t 1 '. •> r •V 8 F.N Ü f C I t J & 'J □ OimCKHH. i Jos. N. Dolph United StHtes Senator» ... j j H Mitchell Represeutativ« iu Omgreas ...B Heriuann ..Z. F. Moody v Governor........................... Governor’» Secretary......... . .0. B. Moore« Secretary of State....... .. ■ . R. P. Earhart F. E. Hodgkin Aaaistant Secretary........... End District... .................. Robert Benn ................. R. F. Boise Third I )iMt not . . Pon rf h 1 iiatrmt ......... E. D. Shattuck Frank J. Taylor Fifth District........ ........ M. L. Olinsterd Sixth District........ ...... OfTT Oi FICEHH Mayor................... ......... Hon. J. W. Co a Is Reoorder................ ...................J. .1 Spencer , J. L. (logora Marshal ........... ......... Geo. Kauffman Street Commis»i a continual source of trouble, and he gen­ erally made it ivuiyfor the unlucky in­ dividual who hud occasion to go within the mclosur»' in which he was confined. On one occasion Hancock went into the corral on some matter of business, but as soon a» the oid camel uaw him he started on the dead run for nis unlucky victim. Tho man who has since be­ come famous on many a hard-fought battle ground did not quail from the at­ tack of his formidable antagonist, and soon a Grtuco-Ruman wrestling match of lhe most approved style was taking place, that would cause eveu the re­ doubtable Muldoon to pale with envy. The hero of Gettysburg, with a haven’t- got-long-to-live expression on his face, : wa» first thrown into the air, his heels pointing straight toward the heavens i and the next moment hurled with irre­ sistible force to the earth. Several rounds were fought without Hancock losing his grin, but the camel was just gelt ng nto the right trim for an all- uay tight, and, being within a few feet ! of the fence, Hancock watched his op­ portunity and uddenly released his hold ami started for the house. How he got over lhe ten-foot fence has never been satisfactorily settled, and as Han- ! cock was always reti ent on the sub­ ject, it will probably never be explain- ' ed. unless, at ti.is late day, he unbo­ som-* him*.* i 1. < A . ¡elc.i Tuneti. t It 1’. Bird ........ 1 J. W. Walts IK. R. Laughlin Represent ii six hundred miles due west from Lis­ ' oroner D. C. N'arver bon, lies the beautiful island of St. Sheep ln«|M*ctor A J. Nelson Michael’ti, the largest of the nine is­ lands forming the archipelago of the lletnnrkithle Liinilnotix Shrub. Azores. It is beautiful in its variety of mountain, lake, and valley scenery, in There Is u most remarkable tree or the rich verdure of it.» cultivated lands, shrub iu a small gulch near some it’s equable, mild climate, and in its ■Hiring» about lwe.ru miles north of wonderful thermal springs. The prin­ Tusoaroru. It is about > x or sev ■•»1 cipal oommerce of St Michael’s is tho feel in In ight. wiih a trunk which, al orange crop. 1’he modeof picking ami it» huso, is throe times the siz>* size of a paoking remains unaltered since early minis w rl>t. li lina innumornble days. The city of Ponta Delgada, the branches and twjgs, and rusvinb e» »oniewhat toe barberry ir « <>r nush capital of the island, is set in the midst Indigeuous lo cerumi loci. Ilio.« in thè of orange gardens, and the air iu the Butera Statu. But it» unit rotnark- early mornings or late in the evenings ooiues laden to you with tho fragrance able charauturistic is it» foimge, wuich ol the orange blossoms. ni ■ criaiu »eaaons of the year la so Either in the town or suburbs you iuminotis that it can be plainly «listili- see the gates of many orange gardens guiahed in the darkest night for a dia- invitingly open, ami you will be polite­ tnnue of uiuiet han a miie, wiiile in ita ly invited to walk in mid help yourself immtallitto vicinity it emil sutlì'iem to flowers and fruit. If you are a JigUt lu enable a oersou Co rend tuo stranger the • ’ oabcoa," or head man of finest prink Its foliage is i ex remelv the garden, will bring you a buneh of v . e — , » i auk, nud its leave.« r, osnhoric nitit- ler. I lie In lieu» regarded il it with Comp un,i In 1 . .< Ami early mar- superstition. ami will uot nppoaeh il riu.es Hie xîcohi :ig < utoion .inong •ven in the day time if they can possibly «void IL Thev have a name tor it the novs uu üirÍN m ;he east end of -ii-,s of 12 ••Keen which, literally interpreted, signifies Lttnitni. B' ») h an •’witch ire«." An old Snosimne in­ com .mv," n t a. 14 or lu every lad- In a »ingle district formed the writer that there were but do .ins In« ... two others In the entire country, but a uov of « x.eeu rucenth married a _irl the closest questioning tailed to elicit of the same age. In a pr tiling office ths slightest information lu regnr.i to in oue district mere are tour married the lucaiiiius. He would ouiy shake buy». The eldest is only IV and re­ bi» head gravely and ej mu ate, "bad ceive# 13 ahHougs a week; the next is 18, has three years oi nia apprentice­ medicine. I‘u.» 16. and has a wife and The M.ohtgan uiau who counted the child to support uu 11 sniliinga a week. nnb»r of grams of wheat la * quart Another buy ia known whose age is be­ f»k«a /LaoteL uad that the prias waa only a clothe« .ru He has brought suit to ooowar The beet juiper on the West aide >• valu« of a Uu aaimaL and the cheaiieet. Senators ... SM Hancock Defeated. THE GREAT TRANSCONTINENTAL TJOUTE- “•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ X ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ N OHTHEHH HNM PM it I SHOKEST! inrtiiinitniiTHE dining car line . w . x 'WU mu THE T DIRECT -X L0V70SL ■■w TV w w TO NO HOLTE! DELAYS! FASTEST TRAINS! To CHICACO and all points EAST, I ll LLOS Tickets sold to all FHOVIINENT POINTS Throughout lhe East and Southeast. BOEAD_PA««EAGERS! EAST IF BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SURE -------TO TAKE THE------- arifir*|hilr0ad|( And see that your ticket reads via Portland and ——list. PAUL or MihlNFAPOl IS ==^~ - To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full Length of the Line. Berths Free. LOWEST KATES! QUICKEST TIME! ------- o------- GENEHAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. A. OnT" ver I>. CHAKI/I’ON, General Western Passenger Agent, acific ailroad oute. P opular icturesque R anges. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Fast Time, Sure Connection, New Equipment The Oregon and California R. R. And Connections. 225 Miles Shortest 20 Hours Less Time. TIME, 2| DAYS. Fare from Portland to San Francisco $32; to Sacramento, $30. Accommocations unsurpassed for comfort Close connections made at Ashland with and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH stages of the California, Oregon and Idaho LE88 than by any other route between all stage company. in Willamette valley and San Francisco (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) Only Rome via Yaquina Bay To San Francisco AII.Y p x «¡* ienger I K AIX* Eawl Side Division. BETWEEN POHTEkNUA ASHLAND .11 n i 1 Train. LEAVE. | ARRIVE. Portland.... 7:30 a . m . I Ashland Ashland.. .9:30 p. M.¡Portland 4:15 a . m . 4:25 p . m . Albany Expreau Train. LEAVE. I ¡_ ARRIVE. Portland.... 4:00 p. m Lebanon __________ .1... .9:20 r M. Lebanon ... .4:45 a . M. I Portland.. .10:05 a . m . (Except Sundays.) Leave Corvallis at 2 p. in. Leave Ya­ Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars quina at 7: 10 a. in. daily between Portland and Ashland, lhe O. A C. K. It. Ferry makes connection Oregon and California, West side, trains with all the regular trains on the east ‘side connect at Corvallis. division from foot of F street. rhe Oregon Development Company’s West Side Division. RET. PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Tlrtil Train. FINE Al Steamship Yaquina City LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland... 7:80 a . m .I McM’nville. 10:12 a . it. McM’nville 10:13 a . m . Corvallis.. .12:25 p. M. Corvallis... 1:30 p. m . McM’nville. 3:43 p. m . «AII.N From Yaquina, From San Francisco, McM’nville 3:44 p m J Portland.. . 6:15 p. M. At C< lorvallis connect with trains of the •sunday...........Oct. Io Monday ... Oct. 4 Friday .......... •* 22 Saturday... “ Iti Oregon Pacific for Wednesday...Nov, 3 Thursday.. “ 2s I'af/uina Kay. Monday........ “ 15 Wednesday Noy. 10 Ex pres» Train. Saturday...- “ 27 Monday... “ 22 I he 1 onipunv reserves the right to ohnnge sailing days. Fares, between Corvallis and San Francisoo. Hail and Cabin, ill; Rail and Steerage, sj.O.SH. For information apply to < H AS. (HOGUE, Acting Gen. F. and Pass. Agent. Corvallis. Oregon ffl? *T. < H ARLEM HOTEL, r MULTNER. Prop.. LEAVE. -• ! ARRIVE. uOf»h,nd ’’<---------------- 1----------- «.»-.«...oiwr. - 4:50 p. m . McM’nville. .8:00 p . m . I McM nville .5:45 a . M.lPortland ... .9:00 a . m . Local tickets for sale and baggage checked at the oompany’s up-town offloe, corner of t ine and Second streets. Tickets for prin­ cipal points in California oan only be pro­ cured and baggage checked at company’s of- °rner T ftnd Front Htreets Portland,Or. hnesht vyill not be reoeived for shipment ■i ter five o clock p. m. on either the east or W u1 E* P KOGERS, R. KOEHLER, q . p. A p. Agent. Corner Third and B streets, fit V11NNVILI.E . . OREGON New house! New furniture! Unsurpassed in the oonutry. Rates—* I to $2 per day ac­ cording to room. Single meals 25 oents. Lodging, 25 to 50 oents aocording to room. Board and Lodging. *4 to |ti, per week. Two Fine Sample Rooms for oommereial men. Give me a call and see for yourself. CITY STABLES Brewster's Patent Rein Ilolder. Toor Hne« ar« where you put them-not under horse« fret. On« ««ent »old It do*. In & day«, on« dealer »old « dot In IS dart Sample« worth Si. 4« r*r*. Writ« for terma 4 E. E. BREWSTER, Holly, Mich. t-sf For Mie at this office. *«’S«» PhllM.l.hU th* Nw wurmt Adru. HE\»ERSOA BROS. to oar* for hor**- Livery O tmoo ( xT rea«°,n,able rates as any where in Oregon. New stable Third St., McMinnvilir