FOL. 1. M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , O ctober 14, NO. 34. [The Daily Reporter* t, red in the Postoffioe at McMinnville for fransmission Through the Mails as Bee­ fed Class Matter. W eekly reporter . ■ — Sixteenth Year of Publication. ■elf INNVIL.LE Cj- - OREGON ---- o----------- C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. ». C. IRELAND A Co., PI BEISHERS. ----------- 0----------- I Weekly Subscription Kate«. ku copy per year in adyanoe - - - $2.00 fnot paid in advanoe .... 2.50 L dubs of three or five, when accompanied with the cash, $1AO per year eaoh. Two names for six months each to oount as one yearly subscription. The Daily Reporter. T hl D aily K epobtbb is issued every day the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered the oity at 10 cents per week. By mail, 40 nts per month in advance. Rates for ad- rtising same as for T he W heels K epobteb . Advertising Rates. 1 lw. liu. i 3m. i 6in. i 12ms SPACE. le inch............... fl 50 3 00 5 00 7 Ao 10 00 ve inches A Col. 3 00 5 00 9 00 18 00) 30 00 5 00 6 00 18 00 36 00 78 00 even in. X “ venty-two inches 10 00 12 00 30 00 60 00 132 00 ■ ¡3^“ Above rates slightly advanced for pre ■erred positions: “Top of Column,” “Next K Reading Matter.” “Second Page,” or third Page.” !:<■ i. ocal notices in reading column on ■hird page: One insertion, per line ¡Ocents Kvo insertions per line 15 ■irvi- insertions per line 2<> By the month per line 25 “ I»bituary notices, resolutions of oon- Iniement. etc., to insure publication in the Reporter, must be accompanied withinstruc- ■ons; and the name of the proper person or L rsons to whom charges for the same are to le made. Book on will ba, but its beneficont effects re saeh that it has ths sympathy and ¡pport of the best people in the citv. ividson claims that it has already red hundreds of men from ruin.— ia*»wv»4» Commercfol-f/asette. We will take your order for a Victor fire proof family safe. See advertise­ ment in Weekly Reporter. THE FLOOD MANSION. 1886. miscellaneous . MISCELLANEOUS. Deoeription of One of California’s Bo- uanxa King's New Palaces. After many month s of study, plan­ ning and elaboration, the plaus for tiio Flood mansion, to be erected on the brow of Nob Hill, have been perfected, and another proud palace will be erect­ ed. But unlike most of the railroad magnates’ “huts,” their new neighbor is not to be a compendium of all the styles of architecture already discover­ ed or yet to be invented. It will not fiaunt to the world planing-mill bric-a- brac of all known or unknown orders. It is to be built of stone, and like Solo­ mon's temple, the stone is to be ob­ tained and cut abroad, and like Solo­ mon’s temple once more, every stone when cut will be numbered an 1 sent to our city, there to be placed in position on Nob Hill as part and parcel of a mining magnate’s domestic monument Connecticut is the land which will fur­ nish the material, the brown stone which New Yorkers love to see in the fronts of their dwellings, and Connect­ icut will shape and cut it. But al­ though the Connecticut brown stone may be a reflection upon California’s mineral resources, and while the man­ ner of its preparation may give offense to California workmen, tne bonanza king does not intend to inflict upon the public an idiosyncratic pile of stone. 1 On the oontrary, the style of the build­ ing is to be as severely pure and una­ dulterated as is conformable to modern notions of eleganoe and architectural beauty. THE EXTERIOR. I’RICE TWO CENT8. EBBI». 8. K8LLHB. OXO. r. BANOAMKB. CITY MÂRKET, •*Q3B ----- (o' BANCASSER A KELLER, Successor to W F. Bangasaer, >r Bangasaer'« building. Cor B and Third St*. YAMHILL CO., Here is where you can get your money’* worth in Third St.. Opposite Beef, Pork, Matteo, Sausage, Tripe, YAMHILL CO. D on ’ t F orget ’ the BANK. P lace , and everything in the line of meat«, of th* beat quality the country affords. Also the Best of Bolognas. Give us a oall and be satisfied. —Where you will— W. T. BAXTER. ALWAYS FIND F. J. MARTIN. New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of Basier i Martin — IN THE— LATEST STYLES. Successors to Al. HUSSEY, Thin! street, McMinnville. Oregon ta ta Sim Furnishing Goods of all kind, and above all THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents A new, noat and clean stock. Everv article for the A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks, Colored The front of the building is to be but two stories in height, the lower Doric I Brownsville Woolen Hill, and the upper Ionic, both modified by Roman suggestions of ornamentation. Carrying a full line of all goods made by The building will form a parallelogram these celebrated mills. 107x127 feet in size, the only break in the even lines of the four walls being a BÜSS LOGAN. BILL LOGAN. WATT HENDEBSON. portico and a square central tower, containing the vestibule in its base at LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON. the front and a similar portico extend­ Proprietors of the old established and well known ed into a port cochcre in the rear. The front and rear portico will be alike. vi I le Both will be supported by fourteen col­ LIVERY. FEED AND SALE umns, purely Doric, carved out of sin­ stable. We are prepared at all gle stones, and supporting a balcony hours to furnish oi corresponding design. Everything about the portico is to be of brown Fine Carriage*, Hack* and Saddle II or *<■•-. stone, with the exception of the floor, which will be laid in marble. From And everything in the Livery hire, tne ground to tne top of the tower the in good shape distance will be seventy-five feet. A At Reasonable Katew. stone wall, fitted with an elegant iron TRANSIENT STOCK LEFT railing, between the massive piers, will , with ns will receive the best of care and at­ surround the building. Logaa Bros. to Hendsncn The interior of the house is to be di­ tention. vided by a series of nails, separated by architraves supported by two columns MoMINNVILLE on eacn side, one of which is to be square and engaged, the second to be rov ud and stand free. 'J hese will be in the Ionic order, as are to Be all the Cor. 3d and C Streets. columns, pilaster*, wainscoting, banis­ ters and balustrades in the interior. ! OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, What the cost of this establishment Will open October 18, 1*<6. Attention is will be cannot be ascertained. But i respectfully invited to this when it is considered that all the stone ( BUSINESS SCHOOL. has to be shipped from the east, that it Its facilities for thorough practical instruc­ will require from two to three years to tion; aotual business department a specialty construct the building and perhaps an­ where currency, bank check, drafts, etc., are other year to fresco its extensive wail*, it may be safely assumed that it will used. Class, or private instruction day or College Journal sent free on ap­ require the expenditure of a consider­ evening. c. F. Hot qhton , Prin. able portion of J. C. Flood’s accumu­ plication. P. O. Box 101 C. J. P ath ». Sec. lated millions.—San Franouco Chroni­ cle. _____ _ _____ E. E. GOUCHER, M. D. The following is said to be the *et form of instructions that Missouri hus­ bands give to new wives: “My dear. I'm a bad man from away back, when PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. aroused, but, genUy treated, I’m a* do­ cile ”s a lamb. You just induce mo to McM CM VILL* . - - Oaaoo*. do always as I p.ease, and there 11 never be any trouble i> th« family.” Advertisers can take their choice, either daily or weekly, at the same old Office and residen**, comer of Third and rate. No advance iff the price. We’ve D streets, next to the postoffioe. come to stay, if you ¡jay *o. , Business College, Glassware, Cutlery, Case»I Goods, To­ bacco, Pij>ea and Cigars. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Season. Give me a call. Inspect my stock, and I will guarantee prices to suit you. MBS. M. HHADPKN. MISS MAY VES8BI. Shadden & Vessey, Fashionable Dressmakers tvfThe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ ting employed. Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay’s store, McMinnville, <)r. M bs . A. M c D onald . M iss K. T hobnto * Fashionable Dressmaking*. In Mrs. H. P. Stuart’s Millinery Store, OPP« »SITE GRANGE HALL, M c M innville . - O bboos . - jab . m ' cain . h . hub lx y . McCain & Hurley, ATTORNEYN-AT-LAW %>!» VOTARIES PI!, Lafayette, Oregon, Especial attention paid toabstraotsof till* and settlement of estate« in probate. Office Jail binding, up stairs. W. F. COLLARD, Dealer in Gun*, Pistol«, Ammunition, Cutlery, Fine Fishing tackle, Cigar*, Etc. Bralys Bank Building Third Street, Opposite McMinnville Baths. M c M innvill * - O bkqov .