M c M innville , |Th$ Daily Reporter, o r egon . OCTOBER 13, 1886. PRICE TWO CENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS BISHOP & KAY ♦ ^■tered in the Postofflce at MoMinnville for ^transmission Through the Mails as Sec- D, C. I reland A Co. ^Knd Class Matter. KIKE JOB PRINTERS CITY MARKET, WEEKLY REPORTER B ---- BANCASSER Sixteenth Year of Publication. ■ uiXMlll.E -------OF------ E. L. E. WHITE. —-o— Here is where you can get your money’s worth in Third St., Opposite Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Trip«, YAMHILL CO. 1*1 K1.1SHEHS. BANK. and everything in the line of meats, of the beat quality the country affords. Also the D on ’ t F orget the P i . ace , ------------ O------------ Best of Bolognas. Subscription On< copy per year in advance - - - $2.G0 If not paid in advance - - . - 2.50 ■ dubs of three or five, when accompanied IjSv'.th the cash, $1.50 per year each. Two ■tames for six months each to count as one ^Bearly subscription. The Bangasser's building, Cor. B and Third Sts. YAMIIILL CO., |l>. <’. IRFLA AD A Co. ■ Weekly Daily Reporter. ItLE D ally R eporter is issued every day week except Sundays, and is delivered m the 1 ixjt t he city at 10 oents per week. By mail, To .(■gits per month in advance. Rates for ad- ^■tising same as for T he W eekly R eporter . Advertising; Kates. r SPACE. inch .......... re inches ft Col. veil in. X “ enty-t wo inches I w . Im. I 3 m. (im. links SO 8 8 & KELLER, Suooesaor to W. F. Bangaaaer, OREGON DJ C. IRELAND. »HKD; S. Itttn. OBO. T. BANGASHER. 7 06 io 00 3 00 5 00 9 00; 18 001 30 00 5 00 fl 00 18 00 86 00 78 00 10 oo 12 00|30 OoJiO 00|182 00 Above rates slightly advanoed for pre ■Bred positions: “Top of Column.’’ “Next ■ Reading Matter.” “Second Page.” or If bird ■ •* Page.” L^”Local notices in reading column on [ird per line lOcents r . page: One insertion, ’ • - - o r<> insertions per line 15 fee insertions per line 20 [the month per line 25 >3 ks *'*'bituarv notices, resolutions of oon- d lement, eto., to insure publication in the porter, must be accompanied with instruc­ ts; and the name of the proper person or [sons to whom charges for the same are to [made. « Give us a call and be satisfied. — Where you will— W. T. BAXTER. F. J. MARTIN. To Oui* Binine^ Men. Merchants and professional men, now is vour opportunity to get fine printing at the lowest possible cost. We have lately receiv­ ed the largest invoice of printers stationery ever brought into the county, consisting in part of 12.(100 envelopes, 10,000 sheets of fine tinted and colored card-board, the leading styles of ladies calling a rds in great variety, bill-head, letter-head, cote-head, statement paper in large assortment; fanev ball invi­ tations: extra fine wedding stationery; 20 rheains white and pink linen, and best grades of cap and folio papers; shipping tags, colored poster paper, elaborate chro­ matic bill paper, an warranted to give satisfaction as we employ no amateurs in our job department Remember that I). Ireland A Co. will give von better satis­ faction for your money than any printing office in the county. Our motto:' Liberal dealings and an endeavor to promote the best interests of the community. i W. J. OARBIHON. A. H. GAUNT. look & Job Printing. New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of SucoeHHors to Al. HUSSEY, Third street. McMinnville. Oregon, — ’.N THE ta tai Sam LATEST STYLES Furnishing Goods of all kind, and above all THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents A now, neat and clean stock. Every article for the ! A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter < 'rocks, Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Caeed Goods, To­ ■Iron n*ville Woolen Hill, bacco, Pipe's and Cigars. Carrying a full line of all goods made by these oelebrated mills. Fresh Fruit and Vogetablea in Season. BÜSS LOGAN. BILL LOGAN. WATT HENDERSON. LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON. Give me a call. Inspect mv stock, and I will guarantee prices to suit you. MBH. M. HHADÜEN. MISS MAY VKHHKY. Proprietors of the old established and well known NILAW BUSINESS SCHOOL. AND NOTAR1KN PEHLIC, Its facilities for thorough practical instruc­ Lafayette, Oregon, tion; actual basinet» department a specialty Especial attention paid to abstracts of till« where ourrenoy, bank check, drafts, etc., are used. Clans, or private instruction day or and settlement of estates in probate. Office Jail buiding, np stairs. evening. College Journal sent free on ap plioation. C. F. Ho( ghton , Prin. P. O. Box 101. C. J. P ayne , Sec. SPORTSMEBS EM10M E. E. COUCHER, M. D PHYSICIAN McMnnmixa PHYSICIAN A bURÄEON Fashionable Dressmaking; « AND SURGEON. O bbgon . W. F. COLI^ARD, • If,. Dealer in Guns, Pistol«, Ammunition, Cutlery, Fine Fishing tackle, Cigars, Etc. Bralys Bank Building Third 8treet, Opposite McMinnville Bath«. M c M inntillb •* Jh <-• •■.Lt « • > «4 / f M* s * I ;