The Daily Reporter. D. C. IKKEAND A CO. PUBLISHERS, McMinnville, Or. I let Desirable town property I cheap. Inquire of E. Kus». 6, lS8fi for sale Black frock and sacque suits just I received by C. Symons. Note paper and envelopes, only 15 ■ cents per box at Miss F. E. Russ. Boys’ double breasted (’hinehill* I coats anti tests $9.00 at ('. Symons'. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Rediiionu’s salt1 is to continue for a short time. Read his new ad. this week. We will take your order for a Victor fire proof family safe. See advertise- inent in Weekly Reporter. W illow baskets, whisk brooms, and children's lace collars on the ten eent counter, at the store of Miss F. E. Russ. Read Geo. W. Burt's new ad to-dav. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. If you want a good overcoat go to (’. Symons. I.. <;. m iiek h . k . uaniki ^ Pumanetly Looated in Portland, Or. Hook and Ladder Co., meeting SUITER S PASTEL. this evening. Proprietor« of the Remember the opening at Mrs. Stuart’s to-morrow. Dealers in Try prepared Cocoa for breakfast. Delicious and the Bakery. Fresh tiax seed, tar and hourhound The Most Successful Phvsician candy—best thing for a cold ; at tne and Surgeon in the West. Bakery. Geo. Howe returned home from We desire to inform the public that we have Will be in McMINNVILLE, October 12.1S36. lately added a line of Kotts to our Mill,to­ Salem Monday evening, bringing his gether with the mxs'saary machinery to bride w ith him. make an o----- Rev. J no. C. Fair has moved into A No. I Article of Flour, Mrs. Redmond's house formerly oc- FOUNDER OF THE AMERICAN SURGI­ And have the same iu successful operation. While we do not claim to make cupied by Mr. Mathieu. CAL INSTITUTE OF INDIAN­ .1. W. Gault has moved into hi» new APOLIS, INDIANA residence and Mr. Mathieu has moved PATIENTS will receive every necessary into the house recently bought from and prompt attention until a cure is com­ In the State, Mr. Gault plete. No incurable oase will be received for We do claim to make an article Rev. Mr. Boyd, of Dayton, has been- treatment. Twenty years experience in the Second, to None. engaged as Presbyterian pastor for . treatment of Chronic Diseases, and Deform- —AH A— North Yamhill and will remove his i ities. New, Improved and Scientific Meth- i ode. Cures made in a remarkably short Straight Grade family there soon. LAFAYETTE MILLS, The Best Roller Flour Q A tine assortment of new goods for the ten cent counter, just opened at the millinery store of Miss F E. Russ. time, and a positive guarantee given. Family Flown, Editor Halloran’s reply to the A carload of coal oil just received And far better than oau lie made on by Baxter & Martin The best oil in Statesman shows him to be a self-re­ Stones alone. the market, at a small margin of specting journalist, and credit to the. We have tssm to much expense to maka this change. and believe wt> deserve a littér­ profit. fraternity. We feel a pride in our] al share of public patronage, and aak a fair Speedily Corrected. trial. We guarantee résulta. L. Bettman has just opened a tine successor upon the Asturian. line of new dress goods and gents The appointment of Hon. Quincy I Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney«, Rheu­ si ill« a nniLL furnishing goods. It will pay yon to A. Brooks as collector at Port Town­ I matism, Tumor. Scrofula, and all call and inspect this stock. skin affections positively cured send gives perfect satisfaction to all ST. CIIARLKS HOTEL, Show the Weekly Reporter to your neighbor and ask him to become a subscriber. Two copies, to separate ad- dresses if desired, one year $3.00. There will be an opening of the latest styles of millinery good' at Mrs. H. 1’. Stuart’s on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. Bangasser market will be again op­ ened to the public on Monday next. Thankful lor past favors, a contin- I nance of the patronage of years is res- I pectfully solicited. but the mercenary brigade of blood rW^PIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS RE­ suckers and vampires of the Folger WARD! for an incurable case of Hemor­ rhoids or Piles! No pain or detention from stamp in (»regon. business! Fistula, Ulor« and all rectal Oregonians traveling abroad report troubles a s|>ecialty. as an amusing tact that on the conti­ —o----- nent Columbia river canned salmon is] sold in the drug -lores. This con­ firms the reports from Liverpool thati Female Complaints. 'almon is “a drug on the market." E. B. Fellows is prepared to give] \\ e have devoted our attention extensively people the finest surprise in picture! to the treatment of all the different ailments peculiar to the weaker nox. Afflicted ladies frames they ever had. Frames that , are invited to call at our otiioe and inveati- formerly sold lor $10.1)0 he sells for gate our facilities for the speedy and |ierma- $2.75 : and the $2. $3 and $5 frames lient correction of their troubles. Suffer no sell for 50 cents, six bits and a dollar longer. Come at onoe and receive iiuiuedi ate relief, and in a abort time a radical cure. Thinking that perhaps some might s be misled with regard to prices at his I shop, S. C. Force invites any man to each. Call and see these fine frames. call and inspect his work and prices Never since 1840 has the party ■before letting out a job to any other which named the president been able Iman in Yamhill county. to return as many memliers to the The Daily Reporter Inis been en- congress elected in the middle of the Ilarged and now compares very favor presidential term as to that which ■ably with dailies of larger towns. Its was elected at the same time with the ledi torial department is fnll and com­ president. There is, at this date, plete; and from a local point of view scarcely a possibility that the present it shows very well. We wish the democratic majority in the house will daily success. Telephone. be maintained. On the other hand, S. A. Manning A Co., were opening there is more than a possibility that a new stock of hardware yesterday the presidents party will be the min­ ■ which was purchased and shipped up ority in the fiftieth congress. ■on terms which enable them to sell ■cheap. White knob rim locks only ■25 cents ; Hunt's genuine Douglas Saxe, handled, only $1.25; best apple Ks’eier and corer only 75 cents; and |Bother articles in like proportion. “The greatest sensation ever known in Hartford" occurred on the 22d, when Geo. W. Bartholomew, of the (’barter Oak life insurance company was FoimiT to be a defaulter for about $127,(MID. As in all such eases: He Miss F E Russ will not have a reg was one of the city’s most respected Millar opening this fall, but has opened citizens, and was connected with its Ba tine line of the latest fall and winter most important business enterprises, Bmillineiv direct from New York citv and was supposed to have a large and will have her place of business» property, though it was not in sight.’ (open to her many customers and I He is now at Montreal a refugee. Did ¡friends from this date to enable all to| it ever occur t»< policy holders in com- visit the head quartern of millinery.| panics brought thus to ruin toinvesti- So ¡Third street, McMinnville, inspect the gat»* the depth of the scheme, nuality of the goods and price the many cases so very «¡miliar lead us to ■fame. The lieauty of the goods offered think that perhaps the sacrifice of a is such as to cans** many pleasant sur- Bartholomew enables the manage­ Jirises to the ladies of Yamhill county ment to avoid paying large sums to »’ho may call upon Miss Russ, and all holders of policies, and Canada is a Bare cordially invited. very convenient cover to the iniquity. ... F. MULTNDR, Prwp.. Corner Third and B streets, . Vf< nmVll.EE - OHF.tiORf New house! New furniture! I'nsnritaased in the couutrv Rates—■! > $2 per uay ac­ cording to room. Single . —als 25 cents. Lodging, 25 t > '«< cents accoi. .ug to room. Board and Lodging, $4 to $t>, per week. Two Fine Sample Rooms for commercial meu. Give me a call and see for vourself. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA The Oregon and California R. R. And Connections. TIME, 2| DAYS. Fare from Portland to San Francisoo 83?; to Sacramento, $5A). Close connections made at Ashland with stages of ttie California, Oregon and Idaho stage company. (DAILY EXCEP1’ SUNDAYS.) l.aal .‘«ide Division. BEIMELA EUHII. ANI» A UHLAN* Hnil Traill. I.KAVr. We are endorsed by tunny eiuineut Ocu­ lists and Physicians m the treatment of the EYE. No severe medicines used. SnruiCHl <>|*erations performed on the eye without pain or the use of ohloroform, by tile appli­ cation of the new and wonderful iuv«enllietic, bvdroclorate of coooaina. which has revotu t ionized opthalmic surgery. Doctor Turner will straighten cross ayes in one minute, without pain or after inoonvenienoe. ABHIVB. I Portland .7:3»! a . m J Ashland........ 4:15 a . m . Ashland.. 9:3" r. m .I Portland....... 4:25 p . m . Albini) Expro». Train. ABBXVk. L.KAVK. Portland.... 4.-IX) P. M. Lebanon... .9:20 Lebanon.... 4:45 a . m Portland... 10:09 p w. A. M. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily l»etween Portland and Ashland. The O. Jr C. it. R. Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains oi. the east side diviaion from foot of F street lil.l. Wr»t vide Miviaioii. « >1» % Ai» l UHI Al l IN. »1 Mil I riti 1«. LKAVE. Private Diseases. AHHIVK. Portland . . 7:3“ a . m . McM’nville 10:12 a . m . McM’nvilte 10:18 a . m f'orvallia ,12-25 p . m . Corviillis .. 1:30 p. m . MoM’nVille. 3:43 p. m . Nervous Debility, Impotent». Urinary and MuM'nville 3:44 p m . Portland . tèi1, p. m . all Private Diseases speedily corrected, (tall At Corvallis oonnecl with trains of thè Oregon Paoitic for and see us. No difference what, your ail ments are. Thorough satisfaction guaran­ teed. 'Terms reasonable. All letters of in l-.xprea« Triain. LKAVK. AHHIVX. quiry should be addressed to Portland . 4ui0 p . M. Mo.M’iiville *ili» p. M. MuM’nville .5:45 a . m . Portlaud . 3:00 a . m . Looal tickets for aale and beggHge checked 1 at the company’« up-town office, corner of Pine and Second street«. TicketH for prin­ cipal points in California can only be pro- POKTLAM). OREGON j oureil and baggage checked at oorupany’s of­ fice, Corner F and Front street»: Portland,Or. Frieght will not be reoeived for shipment Consultation Free. after five o’clock p. iu. on either the «aat or west «ide divisions. E. P. ROGERS, R. KOEHLER. G. F A I’. Agent. KO’-MX, Manager. Lit I IO l II w this p*o-