Tba Daily Reporter. HIGH RRED .V ARRIAGES. A Business Proposition to MISCELLANEOUS. Everybody. A story is floating through the pap D. O. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. ers that the eldest son of the prince of Having the most complete and best Sncceskar to D. C. Narve. Wales, who, if he lives, will come to Kates. st* levied stock of goods on the west By Carrier per week............................ 1" oenU be the king of Great Britain and Ire­ Third Street, McMinnville. < >r«| ( Payable on Saturday. 1 aide, outside of Portland, as conceded land and emperor of India, is about to Bingie Copy............................................. , - by all commercial men. and my fa- The Largest By Mail U) oents per Month In Advance.) marry an American girl. Me do not Hair, for Advertising The laws of monarchical ciliti«*s for buying being equal to or Wifi l*e made Mtiafactory V* all applicants. believe it. etiquette forbid any such alliance. Iw-fter than any house here. I am pre­ Oct. 1886 McMinn ville, Or. In Yamhill C The young prince will probably be re­ pared t<* furnish you w ith Dry Goods. stricted in his choi< e to those pauper Clothing. Gent' Furnishing Goods. ro ori: readers . 1 German families whose stock in trade Boot' iik I Shoes, Gr«H-eri«'>. Glassware is their various quaiterings and theii atxl ('rockery, at prices as low or stri< t a«ihrrence to the Protestant re­ lower ’han any house outside of Port­ ligion. It would be a ho|x?ful sign it land. and it you buy upon same terms the prince of Wales dared to depart from precedent so far as to permit his as you do when you go to Portland, son to marry plain Miss Smith of New buy in quanities paying cash. I en­ York or Miss Jones of Philadelphia gage to compete with the retail houses But the American public would be of Portland on the same class of goods, surprised to learn that the modern -ave and except Sugar, Salt and such Burial Roboanti «hro ideas had made such progress that goods as freight figures upon so that Constantly on Hand such a marriage was possible. In view Hearse Furnished. it cannot l>e done. This does not ap­ of the domestic infelicity existing in ply to some cheney houses who would the family of the Queen in c< nse­ bait you by selling some special arti­ quence of some of the unhappy mar­ TO ORDER at prices which defy/3 riages of her daughters, ¡yerhaps it cle at a sacrifice, and making it up on competition. I t sham , re Make no purchases until you price nival would l»e a ble-scd gixxi thing for 'onu- other articles. England could she im|>ort fresh blood < trai <; ht ri mxess . I especially invite E. B. FF.1.1.0' from America As the husband or purchasers, to rail and make an in­ her favorite daughter, Henry of Bat­ direction of the goods and price, be­ tenberg; brother of the de|x>sed Alex­ fore buying elsewhere. All goods ander: is more of an apjienuaye to the Have a Few marked down during clearance sale queen s apron strings than the prince i I I. ose r.ti.i. will la* sold at clearance sale price« of Wales evei was, and the latter has If If Browning, Portland agent >i Pi ices of all goods will be plainly th« Nl'KxCo, in company with i .Mi taken a pronounced dislike not only to marked on them, and no clerk is au­ LancaMei met with a -.erioue -tag<- ac­ Henry, but the whole low-born tribe. cident and thrilling excitement on the When the de|M>sition of Alexander thorized to make any cut or deviation 20th nit., while en route to Gard­ was announced the queen was in favor on them, and will be discharged for That they will ner. The break anapfied. then broke of interfering in his lyehalf at once, and doing so before he has authority. she might have carried her point th«* Mage tongue, and finally >nap|M*d had S mall P rofits and Q uick R eturns >. sc the rrine ; the bornea ds'hing along h\ not the prince of Wales come to the is the M otto . (.’ASH IN HAND the aide of an abyss feet high relief of the ministr)-. That lordly in­ and down the mountain like the wind dividual now makes no secret ot ti is or SHORT CREDITS must be the They also have a SMALL LOT of for five mi lei. Mr Browning lea|»ed contempt for his brother-in-law, and as R» le . A. J. APPERSON. from the stage before a half mile had to Alexander, he seems to be glad Hardware. Tiiware. Etc., [ been run and imdained a few bruisra. rather than sad over the dethronement. and wending hi« way down the road Albert Edward, who is nearly fifty eventually found latncnater badly cut years old, proliably feels as though ami M«*v«iing, the stage overturned They have a few ami th«* «Inver ami horw- gone. Soon he was getting to l«e a big boy now after the driver returned, and by himself, and his impatience with some HARROW*. of the vagaries of his august mother C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. pab'hing up th«* coach and harnessing SI.EDLRS And a i-onpie of old nagi to it. they reach- may be |>ardoned. particularly when • Snooessor to A. C. Wyndham.) RAIN W1W ' e«l limit destination It wns a most they take the form of championing Lsdie' and children’s work a specialty. Knv That will be sold thrilling adventure. and «*.K-a|»e with |HK>r relations at-law at the risk of run­ «trie of Hair Cutting desired.with neatnem. !1 dr dyeing <•« all description* warranted. I if«* was a miracle Low for Cash. ning foul at the Russian liear, and Fancy hair dressing a sjiecialty. Hot or cold t>aths always ready, onlv 25««. Thin) when it comes to marrying an Ameri- «treet between C and D. McMinnv lie. Or When you want anything in that lint i editorial votes will consult vour own interest as w I can girl into the family there is liable oursto call aiid see ns. We think wect: Gov Moody h.i«l as little or leas to to l»e much more kicking. With sen­ W. J. oAnnos. you. Try it. A. H. A O ". HOM I X. H. OAirNT. do with th«* pardon of lack Powers ----- AT THE----- sible |>eople it is a question whether ; ———, ami ( arri«- Bradley a« did the «*dit«>rs American girls have not had their day A. D. Howard, Yl. D of the Walawala Statesman. Dalles in Europe; their happy hunting ground PHYSICIAN .¿ND OPTICIAN Tnm-a or Sunday Welcome. Rea«i up All defects of th fl on th«* law and rules of pardons, boys. for some long time, and yet it is said Where the heat of meats can alwn vs be fonnd sight.namelv.Presby there are several on hand; waiting for and at the most reasonable pries. wh-r> Myopia. Hvperruetr ' Bismarck recent «tatement that the lorn of beef «divided with -or custom titled nincompoops to marry them Diplopia glass- I ers Meats done up in the latest styles Austria has little interest in th« east required to correct th 1 an good wights given. Give ns a oali 1 ours truly. fective eye I am prepared to me* t. I w J of Europe, is a transparent subterfuge, <>ur breakfast table Sunday was »up- sight and fit the proper lens to -i-ectacl* | for he has Iw-en arranging for years to plied with tine fresh trout from the w. J. Garrison & Co. eye-glasses Give me a call and satisfy!® selves. Office Third Street. McMinifl give Austria the Balkan |H*ninsula mountain streams near Idylwild, < lregou supremacy, having in view tin* anexa- caught by our worthy friend John tion t<» German speaking provinces of Baker H« and Mr. Shartzer caught FASHIONABLE Austria 113. .Mr S caught four: Baker 109. Bismarek is credited with trying Pretty g.xai catch. very ban! m keep Ruwla and Austria Direct from New York from flying at ea«?h other’s throat«, but he baa ordered the German news­ In HilUhoro. Septembr 23. to the paper« to administer so much taffy to wit<-<>f T H Tongue. a daughter. I '■ Russia that he has overdone the busi- n IHKIF.D. ar - neaa. and is offending Austria, whose H F A DERMIN Near Schools Ferry. Sept. 16th, views are filtered through the Vienna Br*>ks and J. W. Griffin, Ample room to «vare for horam. papers .of Klickitat. v M*“0"*bie rate« as an* E. B. FELLOW FURNITURE HOU! Undertakers G on U-J on Parlor and '-Chamber A. H. & 0. 0. HODS ¡2 T il is HEATING & COOK Stsvii* SELL FOR CAS VERY LOW. LX 55 Ä •3 I 15c SHAVING 15c. ti c. i » I x f T 4 c r < : EURISKO MARKET. ?* - * si 3 » CITY ... - ¡4 STABLES. M ILLINER Buy Fashionable Goods From Head-quarters of Fashion. — Oregon. New stable Third 8t.. Mo] ■HISS r. E. av«. HrWinarlll''’