M c M innville . O regon , T uesday , O ctober nt he Daily Reporter, i EnWrt d in the Postoffioe at McMinnville for Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ ond Class Matter. CORRESPONDENCE TIME TO SETTLE. r Reporter: line of us outsiders who lately in- ted capital to make our late county la success, wish to know how much inger we are to wait for that pro rata Please inform a C onstant R eader . NOT A BATCHELOR. r Reporter: school house on his premises tor the use of a select school, which is to be taught by Prof. Williamson, who I understand is worthy of the position. Alex Powell has sold his farm to William Laughlin for $5,000, and in­ tends to move east of the mountains. May fortune follow himself and family. We will miss their genial and pleas­ ant face, enterprise and thrift from among us. Rev. H. C. Morgan has returned from Sacramento. He looks as of old. He came home on the briny depths, and being rocked to and fro in the troughs of its mighty commotion, could not well perambulate on terra firma at first. PRI('E TWO CENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. CITY MARKET, (o W. F. BANCASSER, Propr. Successor to Rangaseer A Son. BmigaMer's building l’or. B and Third streets ------ OF------ YAMH1LLC0., Third St., < fpposite YAMHILL CO. BANK D on ’ t F orget the P lace , ALWAYS FIND L LATEST STYLES. LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON. First National Bank, FIRE INSURANCE. Business College, I rlM L allah R ooke . NORTH YAM ILL. B l . C. Tallman is moving into Bar-; nekoff's house in North Yamhill, hu^lr. King Fisher was in town yester- looking for J. L. Castle’s meat market, which sometimes savors of fish. ' "»J*. H. Perkins and wife have re- tW'Kd from a trip east of the moun­ tains. They as usual look hale and hearty. I’ould it not be well for the citizens to i repair the sidewalks by driving an the nails and replacing broken Ards with new ones. 3. W. Sappington is moving his ck of gcMxls into his new store which U a neat and convenient apartment. Overhead is the Odd Fellows’ hall. W’rank Houswirth is building a neat Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Trip« and everything .n the line of meats, of the best quality the country affords. Also the Best of Bolognas. Give me a call and be satisfied. W. F. BANGAS8ER. — Where yon will— our item with reference to the ap- R ara A vis . ching marriage of Secretary La- leaves the impression that he is a Prof. Proctor is about as fussy an helor. This is a mistake. His “old granny” man as we ever traveled bah -1 1 first love will become his second wife. with in a Pullman, but he is happy S ara J ane . when the earth quakes. He says it proves that the world is not near W1LLAMETTE BRI DOES. death, and that it is a sign of vitality ; ir Reporter: th it will be hundreds of thousands of hen writing about bridges across IN THE years before earthquakes cease and the ' IVillamette you seem to forget the the old thing dies. n Si I Harrisburg bridge. I helped to 1 it ; hence Albany and Salem one Postmaster Roby is informed ; by , and Portland one, will make Al­ telegraph (?); from the dudes in the Furnishing Goods of all kind, and above ike fifth. C arpenter . Washington head office that his $3.00. all THE LOWEST PRICES. Also agent» for the allowance for ice in December “ is GOPHER VALLEY. deemed excessive.” The officials at Brownsville Woolen .Hill, he school in this valley is again Washington do not apparently know Carrying a full line of all goods made by these oelebrnteii tnilla. risking under Miss Katie Casey’s that in this semi-tropical country De­ i management. cember is as pleasant as May so far as BUSH 1.0(1 AN. BILL LOGAN. WATT IIKNDKBHON. Iiillip Evenden has started for needing ice in drinking water goes. LSI Canada. All wish him God speed, and ““ a gp<»d time when he gets there. Proprietors of the old established and well known »«J Wheat hauling is about through. IXI<*LXIiiinvillBKOOS. Cor. 3d and C Streets, Fire Association. German American. Fire jas . m ’ cain . h . hiiblby . OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, man’s Fund. Hartford. Commercial, Anglo Nevada. State investment. Will open October 18, Ixs6. Attention is McCain & Hurley, Wheat insurance a specialty. respectfully invited to this ATTOIIMEVN.AT.LAW BUSINESS SCHOOL. ANO NOTAH1FN FIHI.1C, E. E. COUCHER, M. D Its facilities for thorough practical instruc­ Lafayette, Oregon, tion; actual business department a specialty Especial attention paid to abstracts of title PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. where currency, bank check, drafts, etc., are and settlement of estates in probate. used. Class, or private instruction day or Office Jail landing, up stairs. O bboon . evening. M c M innville College Journal sent free on ap plioation. C. F. H ovghton , Prin. P. O. Box 101 C. J. P aths , Hee. Offioe and residence, corner of Third and D atreeU, next to the postoffioe. H. C. VOBCB. C. D. JOHNSON NEW STOCK JOHNSON & FORCE. —OF— - MANUKACTUBKBB OF — CLOTHING WAGONS, HACKS, SWISS, CAMIAGM, Etc. Etc. First-Class Just Received at SYMQNS’ W. F. COLLARD, Dealer in Gun«, Pistols, Ammunition, Cutlery, Fine Fishing tackle, Cigara, Etc. Bralys Bank Building Third Street, Opposite McMinnville B Street, between Third and Fourth. fjFCarrisge Painting and Repairing a Baths. Specialty. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. O biqos . M c M innviluc GIVE US A CALL.