e» If you want a good overcoat go to MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. C. Symons. Jas. McCain was in the city on legal Permanetly Located in Portland, Or. D. C. IRELAND 1 CO. PUBLISHERS, business Saturday. O Black frock and sacque suits )U8t McMinnville, Or. Oct 4. 1886 ORKOON MoMINNYIuLE. received by C. Symons. ........ President J acob W ortman . Vestry meeting this evening at 8 THE VILLAÍJE Hl.ttKsillTH. Vic '-president I). P. T hompson .. o’clock at Dr. Johnson’s office. ............. Cashior J ohn W ortman . For the msn who makes the anvil ring. Boys' double breasted Chinchilla And shoes the restive gelding. Transacts a General Banking bum unta eoats and vests $9.00 at C. Symons', I fain would many praises sing, Interest allowed on tone deposit«. The Most Successful Physician While he sweats o’er his welding. las. Houck ami wife will spend Collections made on favorable terms. and Surgeon in the West. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic rranaf. Circuit court adjourned, all finished JOIIX HURTS 1A up. in time for Judge Boise to reach FOUNDER OE THE YMEKK’.AN SURGI­ Read Redmond’s new ad. to-day. Represents th< following stef'ing compan­ ies: London A Liverpool A <:lolie, North CAL INSTITUTE OF INDI \N- Desirable town property for sale home Saturday British A Mercantile. C.iini” reinl Union Luther Shofie sends regards to all 'heap. Inquire of E. Russ. APOLIS, INDIANA Fire Xssooiatiou, German Xm-ncan. Fire­ man's Fund, Hartford, Coiinw>*roial, Anglo The Daily Bulletin will hatch out the boys. He has located at Welling­ PATIENTS will receive every necessary Nevada. State '»vestment. in Albany to-day. Here’s to you. old ton, Kansas Wheat insurance a .-peeinlty. and prompt attention until a cure is oom Mr. Toney lost a cow by a collision plete. No incurable case will be received for man. We will take your order for a Victor with the lip mail train Saturday. No treatment, twenty years experience in the treatment of Chronic Diseases, and Deform­ &re proof family safe. See advertise­ further damage. —OF— Jones A Co., are turning out as ities. New. Improved and Scientific Meth­ ment in Weekly Reporter. ods. Cures made in a remarkably short Thistle down is blowing on the fine wood work and lumber as can be time, and a positive guarantee given. breeze in every direction, insuring a put into a building. o Blue vitriol is to be had at Baxter Just Received at fine crop for next season. The cash system of doing business A Martin’s cheaper than at any other is the correct way, ami people are real- pl*** regon. The Indian iiniiw essarv and t< >u liberal use of the A, - UIN j fn | N *l»o ha.i Thirty- HI I XJ» v«are' Doctor A. P. Turner • gent and officers of the land office public monies. 0,0 p tent Offlce, and have t»repar «d The funeral of Geo. Bangasser Sr., 1NTEKN ATIONAL HOTEL, V ll resign and come out. nw'etl mi Ona Hundred Thou»- fnd applioationa for [intent« in th* PORTLAND, OREGON , . I Stat«« and foreign <1 nintrir". Brother Halloran, of the Astorian is took place at St. James Catholic < a. Trade-Marks, t'op. riRtite. yesterday afternoon, Rev. Aeniauiuonta. and all other paponi for a grave joker. Just hear him : “ To church Becnrtna to invent<«ni their rig Io« in the Consultation Free. United HUO«. Canada. England, Franoe. ■hose know a hawk from a handsaw Father White officiating, There were German» and oOter foretW renntrlra. pro- many more present than the church pared at abort notie« and on reasonable term». ft begins to look as though Minne Information a» to obtamiug patenta cbaer- CHARLES HOTEL, would seat, and over sixty vehicles fnll» aiven without eherR". Hand-book» of HT asn’t going to sing in Astoria this information J»i»t free Y*'a!,,u through Munn A Co. are noticed IU the Bcientitic followed the remains to the grave. F MULTNEH. Prop.. ip.” >n Amencan free. Th« ndvantagnnd •Kh "".'‘‘"J! well nndaralood by all per«o«i» who Wiab to Ji«poM Corner Third and B streets, “ D------ the nails.” Drive down the The remarks of Father White were ,,f ^ddnol’MUNN A CO., Offino Scnumno .ntmi nn vii.i.fr; - • ohegon ails in your sidewalks. There is introductory to prayers for repose of AMMUCAX. 381 Broadway. ’ort New house! New furniture! Unsurpassed the soul, and were very appropriate in the oountry. Kata» — fl to $2 per Jay ac ­ Biothing more liable to make a man cording to room. Single meats 25 cents. BfllfEDTIQEDC o’««««w>w*»° •«•/»»**• forget his religion than to spoil a fine to the occasion. Rest in peace kind Lodging, 25 to 5t) cents according to room. AU V til I Iwtlld Ihn pip* -X obte.s «Marnai« neighbojr. Our deepest sympathies Board and Lodging, $4 to fb, per week. Two on odvortOinK «paoa wMn in Chicago *n« find it on IHa M boot or shoe on a nail that you should go out to the afflicted ones left to Fine Sample Rooms for commercial ypen. lave kept in its proper position. mourn the dead. Give me a call and see for youraelf. THOMS- First National Bank, FIRE IN’Sti R ANCE. NEW STOCK CLOTHING Asthmii CaUmhi Throat I Lunj Troubles LAFAYETTE MILLS, I «!