. - y--- -, ,, r * TH© Daily fttportor ander were to come to the United States to live. In a letter t<* his attor­ ney last June the prince said : “If n. c. I reland à co. ptblisherr ever it is the divine pleasure to release Mubacription H h U1». By Carrier per week............................ 10 oenta us from the harrassing responsibilities i Payable gii Katarday.) which now rest upon us, it will he our Hir.gle Copy....................................... - choice to find a home in that great By Mail Mi oenta per Month (In Advance.) Hntes for Advertising country beyond the Atlantic, where, Will be made aatiafactory to all applicants. removed from the intrigues of court and state, we may enjoy that quiet McMinnville, Or employ ment and peaceful meditation for which we have always yearned.” MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Look Upon This Picture S. B. FELLOWS SueccMkor to D. C. Warver Third Street, McMinnville, < *regon The Largest FURNITURE HOUSE In Yamhill County. Undertakers Goods 7W*A I Tl MULE \\ , -taml confounded win n we read in tin National Republican the report of the seventh national convention of the American uni a ultiiral aud dairy association which met at Philadelphia ■ hi the Lilli, in “the interest of our fanning induMr;.— forsooth. There were prveeut u long list of eminent men. ami letters of regret from govern­ ors. 'Citators and congressmen. Even Mr. t 'leveland availed himself of the opportunity, "as the representative of an, interest so important and valuable as that which the farmers and agricul­ turist'of the country have in charge,” to sa\ that he I io | h <1 " that the con­ vention may be productive of the best le.'tilt' to the agriculturists, a> well as to all the people <»f our country, and though plans already made ami en­ gagements already agreed upon will prevent my accepting your invitation to be present, 1 shall be much inter­ ested in its objects and purposes.” wag< in Now what did the convention do? It in As- tacitly indorsed the oleomargarine • »» fraud. We have space for but one resolution excerpt from the rest. The re|H»rt reads as follows: "Advising agriculturalists to support all congress­ men. irrespective of party, who aided in securing the passage of the oleo­ margarine hill, and to oppose all can­ didates for congress who are not in harmony with them on this measure.” Farmers; isn’t that a hopeful prospect for your cows, to come into competi­ tion with dead hogs. Parlor anil f hnnil-^r H’uits TO ORDER at prices which defy all competition. Make n" purchases until yon price mv stock. E. B. FELC.OWS, BACK VIEW. After which call at A. J. Apperson's and take a look at the goods- A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON Conger’s Double Seated Drawers and Chest- Shield Undershirt. Have a Few Do vou realize the astonishingly low prices at APPERSON’S. Men s Suits from fti.oti up, and lioys Suit' from f3.5o up. NO SHODDY. That they will finir Cuffing, ^having and pooing Parlor. hum 15c SHAVING 15< C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. They also have a SMALL LOT of Hardware. Tinware. Etc., Etc. That will also be sold (Si’ccessor to A. C. Wyndham. I Ladies and children's work a specialtv. Any style of Hair Cutting desired.with neatness. Hair dyeing of all descriptions warranted. KDlTORl.il. SoTKS. Fancy hair dressing a specialty. Hot or cold baths always ready, onlv 25 cts. Thiro Frank 8. Tha\er. of Denver Col. »treet between C and D, McMinnville. Or. has just issued a pamphlet of half a W. J. GARRISON. H. GAUNT. dozen pages, arranged as a tribute to ---- AT THE 1'hat will be sold the memory oi the late Helen Hunt Jackson rhe first page contains an f? ex-client (Hirtrait of the distinguished When you want anything in that line yot writer, ami a picture of her grave in Where the best of meats can nlw; vs be found will consult your own interes’ as well st and at the most reasonable prices, where nnrsto call and see us. We think we can sail I in«' hill forest. Cheyenne mountain, A. H. A O '. HODSON the loin of beef isdtvided with our custom­ you. Try it. ami of the late residence of H. H., ers. Meats done up in the latest styles, an good weights given. Give us a call. beautifully finished. Yours truly. A. D. Howard, >1, l>. EURISKO MARKET. w W. J. Garrison A Co. CITY PHYSICIAN VXD OPTICIAN. defer*- of the eye , sight.n.-'.re r-.'i'npiv • Myopia. Hvpermetropie. reip fective eye I am pr> ¡wired to meet. I test the sight ami tit the proper lens to SjiectaclesuBdl eye-glasses Give me a call and satisfv vow-® selves. Office Third Street. McMinnvilk] < Iregon FASHIONABLE iimiin*o\ E. E. COUCHER. M PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Mc M no« tills 0U4OM Offlce and ramdence. corner of Third and I> «traete. next to the pootoffioe. bico * Ample room to care for horses. Liverv team- at as reasonable rates as anv where in Oregon. New stable Third Ht.. McMinnville M illiner T 'H Direct from New York. — Buy Fashionable Goods From the Head-quarters of Fashion.