VOL. 1. NO. 26. Th® Dally Reporter. I M c M innville , O regon , M onday , O ctober I Funeral K qu«*tte Fr<>m St oidpoini. a Medical 4, ism > PRICE TWO CENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS ------- —-------- - —. - ;— - — In case of death troin a contagious Entered in the Postoffioe at McMinnville for Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ «lisorder, public iunerats are very prop­ erly forbid.ien bv Health authorities, ond Class Matter. although occasionally a "waw” is ------ (o surreptitiously held, with its uufortun- About Horse File«. ate but natural results; of this, how­ “ Speaking of hoss-flies,” said the ever. we need not speaK, as the wisdom oi thus limiting infect.on is acquiesced blacksmith as he brought his hand in generally bv intelligent people, an«l down upon a pioneer with green head tne law i* nsnallv ub« v< «1. There are ---- o> and blue-tipped wings, “ this isn’t a «•in»'- u; i <>r imr. clions ot the laws oi hea ih ¡fiat should be mentioned, winch first-rate year for ’em ; the idea that phvsic.ans have repeaiedy called at­ they can’t flourish and grow fast in tention to, but the higher laws of fash­ Third St.. « ippoHite this western country is all bosh,though ion and custom appear to exert a pre­ ponderating influence. For instance, I YAMHILL UP. BANK I do reckon they bloom earlier and there are very few «lavs in the year grow bigger in Minnesota. Look at when delicate women can ride long D on ’ t F orget the P i ace , distances in a close carriage, and then, ' that!” He smashed another which reaching the ©enoei«*ry. si:>n«l upon me , was fastened to the left shoulder of a «lamp, cold sod for a greater or less — Where you will— truck horse, and continued : “ The time during the final ceremonies at the I country hosses bring ’em in by the grav< without phvs cal injurv to them- ' se v«*s. dozen, and one the size of that feller A custom also to which especial at­ will bite to lift ’em right off their feet. tention sbou.d oe directed, in onier to I In June I sent my sorrel out to past­ nave it changed, is that oi men stand- | tug bat e-ima«t«*d in the open air, ap­ ure. I was out to see him about the parently inditi«*reni to th- burning sun first of July, and he was all right. I of July <»r me co.d w ¡mis oi Maron, went out again the 15th and he was without regard to the season or the weather. Taking into consideration all run down. He stood in green the associated conditions, the nee«»s- IN THF grass a foot high and I could not un­ sariiv depre-sing influence upon the derstand what the trouble was until I emotions of the sail dun which at the time s pre-eminent in the mind, th« hung around a bit. Then I saw it was pnvsical condition resulting from sit- hoss-flies. A drove of about seventy- t.ng in a cramped position during a Furnishing Goods of nil kind, mid above five of ’em tackled him while 1 was tedious ride in a carriage and t«.e un­ I HE LOW E*** I PRICES. \I ho agents there. The niinit they lit down, that [ accustomed exposure to the weather, it nil is not su prising that cases of ilines- for the boss started and run eight times resuit from the removal »if the head llrow ii«» ill«* Woolen Mill, around a ten acre lot before he let up. covering, particularly in elderly p» «»- nle with an enfeebled circn.alioti. On < arrvinir a full line of all i » oo <| n math* by Then I went over and clubbed them . a hot dav mere is dan rerot producing, th»'^e celebrated mH is. off “Clubbed?” “Exactly, voting I if no aetua. -nnstroK ■. at least a con­ tion oi e-lion o( me ttie metnor..n s ot tne ¡.ran. ItVKN LOGAN. BILL HUIAN. WAT H I N III IIHOK . man. wiich cause- per*«.stent and violent sonic of them Hies was as nig a- spring nea lacn s. and to to«1 ¡•se m.nisters an I chickens, and you’d bi tter have had-a those «dlieiating are |>. ..rt.eu arlv liable. Proprietors of the old established and well Wuetner the -t bull-dog bite you. Some of 'em act­ known or only witalv, let the sei v ces tie held MeM i n n v i I lt m<*n o ev able rales. In addition to first class outfits in It’s a hossfiy at work on a mortal spot. common sense ratner iii.m custom. and »■»III». ItUIKIM. A rit’IlM.. Keep on tneir h its when ;n»*v risk a We keep a wagon specially adapted to the Come over and examine." There were sieKness by their reinova..— Medtca delivery of paroeis. trunks satchels etc., for the accomodation of the public. Orders left seven big horse-flies drawing blood at the stable will tie promptly attended to nt from the animal, and the blacksmith reasonable rates. TRANSIENT STOCK left Finding Out if li Was »live. with us will receive th»- best of cure and at­ brushed ’em ofl’ with th»* remark : ••Have you had ;«nv experience in tention. Logar Bro». & Henderson. “ They’ve taken a clean pint o’ blood •perilling cireulai saw-?’’ Il qtlired me out of his system, and five bushels of proprietor of a sawing and turning M c M innville oats won’t put it back. It’s a wonder shop oi an applican: for emploi ment, Ui on giving an th ¡nativo an-wer to me that you newspaper men fool the man was eogageu and set to work. around so much with the eastern ques­ Half an hour citer liie emmover be­ Cor. .id and C Streets. tion, the Mexican afl’air, earthquakes thought himself to see i.ow his new hand was doing, ami found him gazing OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, and such, to the utter exclusion of the at the bleeding stump oi me tore- Will open October lb. I'Ml. Attention is hoss-fly. Where does he come from? finger of his right hand. respectfully invited to th»«« •‘How did iou do that?” inquired the What good is he? Why doesn't he BUSINESS SCHOOL. boss. chew grass or grain instead of hoss- Its facilities for thorough practical instruc­ ••How did 1 do it? Well. I was flesh? Jest you open up on these wondering if that thing was moving,’’ tion; actual business department a specialty 1 vital questions and you’ll increase he said, pointing to the circular n»w, where currency, bank check, draft«, etc., are ••and 1 put my finger down, just like used. Class, or private instruction day or your circulation by 20,000 in no time that. Holy Moses! There goes the | evening. College Journal sent free on ap (’ F. H o ’ ghtom . Prin. at ail. The hoss-fly subject is one of other one,” he shrieked, as the index plication. I’. O. Box 101 C. J. P avwk , Sec. finger of the left hand became a victim National importance, and I’ll vote for of his illustration. no candidate not pledged to keep •'Well, are you satisfied that the C. D. JOHNSON. H. C. FOW’B. down the green heads.” thing is alive?’’ asked tne proprietor of the saw. YAMHILL CO., CITY MARKET, W. F. BANCA88ER, Propr. Sticcesaor to Bangasacr A Son. ItMigaHDer*« building Ctor. H and Thin! streets, o— Her«* is where you can get your money** worth in Beef, Pork, Mutten, Sausage, Tripe anil everything u the line ot meats, it ths t»*st quality the country afford*. Also the Best of Boloer of the finest whisky hole in New York city, the murderer of Jim Fisk, that he should exclude Violet Cameron, the actress, from his hotel because she was traveling with anoth­ er man than her husband. JOHNSON & FORCE. Dio Lewis reaches the conclusion MANVKACTTTBlUiH OF that consumption ia found in every «li­ First-ClaM mât» Inhabitants of the fr »^ett re- wagons , hacks , buggies , carriages , giona and those who live under the Etc. Etc. equator die of consumption. As to the United States, there is no doubt I B Street, between Third and Fourth. that N> w England has the largest ratio (-¿"Carriage Painting and Repairing a of mortality from consumption. Bui Specialty. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. J/ •*•**'*• ta aH<*hL GIVE Ü8 A CALL. ( A new. nent anil clean *t. --k Every article A N<>. I. FruitJarn, Butler Crock*, colored Glassware, I’utlery, Cased <«< mm I», To­ bacco. Pipes and Cigars. Frosh Fruit and Vegetable»« in Soaaon. Give me a call. Inspect inv stock, and [ will guarantee prices lo suit von. MHH. M. NHAIH'FN. MINN MAY VKHNITT. Shadden m . H. HUHLBY. McCain & Hurley, ATTOKN RYN.AT>LAW AND »OTARIS« PI BI.IC, Lafayette, Oregon, Espe«tial Attention paid toabstractsof title anil settlement of estates in probate < iHioe Jail holding, np atnira. sms tram W. F. COLLARD, Dealer in (inns, Pistols, Ammunition, Cutlery, Fine Fishing tackle, Cigars, Etc. I Bralys Bank Building Third Street, Opposite McMinnville Bathe. M c M innvillk O brooit .