TRAVELERS’ GUIDE Tb»Daily Reporter, j nor brilliant* Dante was either taciturn or sactirfcaL1 Bullet was either sullen IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS ot ’ biting. Gray seldom talked or Oct. 2, 1886 smiled.. Hogarth and Swift were vary McMinnville, Or. absent-minded in company. Milton very unsociable, anu even Irritable, NOTICE TO LITIGANTS when pressed into conversation. Kir- wan, though copious and eloquent in Legal advertising at this office pflttic addresses, was meagre and dull the litigant no more than the •Ln colld^uiai disdodrses. Virgil was spare costs the business man. heavy in conversation. La Fontaine appeared heavy, coarse and stupid; be could not speak and describe what he had just seen; but then he was the model of poetry. Chaucer's silence was more agreeable than his conversa­ tion. POUT! transcontinental , , j I JORTHERNTIACII'ICBAILKOAi •«••« *•*•«««•■ •«. »,»«, QUICHÉS SHOR EST! ! Dryden’s conversation was slow and dull, his humor saturnine and reserved. Corneille in conversation was so insipid that he never failed in wearying; he did not ever speak correctly that language of which ue was such a master. Ben Johnson used to sit siient in company anu sip his wine. Southey was stiff, sedate, and wrapped up in asceticism. Ad-nson was good company with his ; intimate friends, but in mixed company be preserved his dignity by a stiff and And see that votir ticket reads via Portland and t reserved silence. Fox in conversation never flagged, his animation and Bent- variety were inexhaustible, also |’o avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Th ley * as loquacious, as Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Fi wrote like an tsroiiua. Length of the Line. Berths Free. and tailed like poor poll” ange RATES! ¿1------- QUICKEST lj LOWEST eutliu-iaslic. Burke was intertaining anu eulerestuig in conversation, Cur- ran was a convivial deity. Leigh Hunt was "like a jdeasant stream” in COD- vursaiion. —-=St PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, = On the Cœur d'Alene TrtiL REGON an ACIFIC POPULAR ICTURESQUE the lake-dwellers Daily PawMfiiKer Train* Except Sunday* Corvallis at 2 p. m. Leave Vaquina at 7:10 a. m. Oregon and California W eat Side trains connect at Corvallis. Oregon ant 00,111001 wRh stages at Albany at 12:05 p m. KOI NI> 1 RIP 1ICKETS at excursion rates good till SeptemberS FIAE A !,«.«. YAQI I.YA CITY. Railing Dates From From Yaqnina. Thursday........ Sept, t Friday.............. Oct. R Tuesday.......... Sept. 1« Wednesday....Oct. m Sunday .......... « y FARES : RAIL AND CABIN. $14. For information apply to From Sen Francisee Wednesday...Sept. S Thtirsdt? Monday.............Sept. 20 Tuesday Saturday.......... Oct. 2 RAIL AND STEERAGE, F C. C. HOGUE, Act’g. G. F A M I I to 500 Miles the Shortest BETWEEN- Whege^jrçur «hake upî Portland ami the East. Rates of fare from $8 60 to $12 35 cheap*’ ' r " ’ >n’aha. Kansas City, and other points than via any line. Emigrant sleeper, s with *'* free * ‘ berths ‘ * hauled _ ‘ on’ entirely press trams. All accommodations first-class Time fro11 U to hours quicker than any other route, Write for rates,! maps, --------- time-tables, - •* guides and full informa- . . . .. . f,on frw of charge >. Trains leave Port- land daily at 3 p. m.. B. CAMPBELL, General agent. No. 1, Washington St., P°*‘