The Daily Reporter. ---- ------------------------------ r_r^,------K-p---- D. Ç. IRELAND i. CQ. PUBLISHERS, McMinnville, Or. Oct 2, 1886 Summer fallow sowing is sprouting MISCELLANEOUS. fine in all moist places. The gentle breezes softly sigh among Peftnanetly Looated in Portland, ( >r. the treeses ; promising rain. o Mr. Sawyers' new house begins to present a very nice appearance. Desirable town property for sale cheap. Inquire of E. Russ. That was a good joke on us at Ap- person’s yesterday ; but* didn’t we gob­ The Most Successful Physician let? Ask’ David Wallace. and Surgeon in the West. Jesse (’lark is messenger for Unde Sam at the post-otiice in this city, and Will be in MCMINNVILLE. October 12,18S6. carrier for the Daily Reporter. MISCELLANEOUS. First National Bank, —OF- MoMlNNVlLLE, - OREGON ......... President J acob W ortman . J. W. Townsend is moving to Sheri­ D. P. T hompson . Vice-president ..............Cashier J ohn W ortman . dan. R. Cutter of Gaston has tine grapes Transacts a General Banking business, this year. luterest allowed on time deposit*. Collections made on favorable terms. Chas. Casteel has moved into the Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers city from Bellevue. on New York. San Francisco and Portland. Office hour*—from 9 a. in. to 4 p. m. Boiity Sanders may now be consid­ ered past the critical point. The state school of spiritual educa­ A foot race at the track yesterday tion in Oregon will hold its anniversa­ attracted a crowd of sporting mem JOIIA WORTMAN FOUNDER OF THE AMERICAN SURGI­ ry meeting at Salem October 28th. It Mr. Tate of Pennsylvania, a brother Represents the following sterling oonipau- CAL INSTITUTE OF INDIAN­ ies: London A Liverpool A Globe, \orth will be an interesting session. of Mrs. Hindman, is on a visit here. British X Mercantile. Commercial Union APOLIS. INDIANA. Fire Association, German American, Fire­ • Uncle Tom Shadden's case, called in ‘ Racquet is building another steamer man's Fund, Hartford. Commercial. Anglo the matter of the harvester, was dis­ at east Portland for the OPRCo. She PA T1ENTS will receive every necessary Nevada, State Investment. Wheat insurance a specialty. is to draw 16 inches of water when and prompt attention until a oure is com­ missed. Wm. H W arren is now purser on light. The company also intend or­ plete. No incurable oase will be received for the steamer City of Salem running dering another when this one is done, treatment. Twenty years experience in the treatment of Chronic Diseases, and Deform­ —OF— and also a tug boat for the Yaquina ities. New. Improved and Scientific Meth­ the Dayton and Portland route. John Sax, Sr., was in the city this bar. They need a tug there to take ods. (lures made in a remarkably short week. His health is not robust, He the place of the thing called a tug, time, and a positive guarantee given. stays on his farm this side of Portland now employed at the bay. Really we Just Received at do not believe the Favorite could pull most of the time. Miss Fannie Musgrove was called a setting hen off her nest. It is the home yesterday from her post in this nearest a deliberate and injurious Speedily Corrected office in consequence of sickness of’ stratagem of anything atioat on Ore­ I.. «. MJITKB. H. H. DANIEL. gon waters; Theresa May excepted. her mother. Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney diseases, Rheu­ SUITER & DANIEL, C. P. Bishop was let oft’ from the matism, l’umor. Scrofula, and all Proprietors of the Funeral Notice. skin affections positively oured. jury at Lafayette yesterday, and Geo. Bangasser Sr., breathed his last streaked it home without waiting for MT FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS RE­ Dealers in at 3: 40 p. m. yesterday. The funeral WARD! for an incurable case of Hemor­ a team car or carriage. rhoids or Piles! No pain or detention from L Bettman has just opened a fine will take place at St. James (Catholic)' business! Fistula, Ulc rs and all rectal line of new dress goods and gents church at 10 a. m. to-morrow, under! troubles a specialty. furnishing goods. It will pay you to the auspices of the Masonic fraternity.' Friends of the family are invited to call and inspect this stock. —o—— LAFAYETTE. Yamhill Co., OREGON. Our friend (’apt. E. J. Lanning, of attend. We desire to inform the public that we hav* lately added a line of Rolls to our Mill,to­ Mr. Bangasser was an 1852 pioneer j the Crown mills, has growing in his Female Complaints. gether with the necessary machinery to Albany garden, Peruvian pumpkins of Oregon. He has always been an . make an active business man here and at Port-[ which weigh oue hundred pounds. have devoted our attention extensively A No. I Article of Flour. The Victor safe which we offer is not land, highly esteemed by all who knew to the treatment of all the different ailments And have the same in successful operstioa. While we do not claim to make strictly a burglar-safe. A burglar safe him, and it may be truthfully said in j peculiar to the weaker sex. Afflicted Indica are invited to onll at our office and i n vesti- his case that none but the kindest re-1 is all very well in its place, but a safe gate our faoilitiea for the speedy atid perma­ burglars place is in the penitentiary. membranees of him will survive in the | nent oorreotion of their troubles Suffer no The Indian Veterans were in the minds of people generally. He leaves i longer. Come at onoe and receive immedi­ In the State, city yesterday in large numbers. We four daughters and two sons, all grown . ate relief, and in a short tjme a radical oure. We do olaim to make an artiole acknowledge calls from several, in­ persons. FIKE INSURANCE. NEW STOCK CLOTHING ., Corner Third and B streets, ■ CMIfKNVILLE - - ORHCl«* New house! New furniture! Unsurpassed in the oountry Rates—tl to per day ae- oording to room. Mingle meats 25 aenta. Lodging, 26 to 50 oenta aooording to room. Board and Lodging, |4 to |6, per week. Two more than One Hundred ThouB- Cnd application« for patent« in the mtM Btetee and foreign countnee. Car-it\ Trade-Marks. Copyright«, AftMkCnmente, and all other paper« for «ectirinf to inventor« their rights in the United Canada. Ragland. France. Germany and other foreign countries, pre­ pared at short notice and on reasonable terms. Information as to obtainin< patents eneer- fullr given without charge. Hand-books off information sent free. FatenU •Stained through Munn A Co. are noticed in the Rcientiftc American free.. Th« advant«etof «uoh aoty U • di understood b? all pereous who wish to diapoe« ■ the.r pateota. __ • __ _ \-lr-.« MUNN A Op., O®~ *coum»*> ___ __ . •*! f. >*dw»r. Kvw Tort SS: I aba * ft TMMft. Give £?£di me a «all and *M £ for v°^r yourmlf. “ “*•♦»**• *■**. *««*»•< LUKII I RUM*»