i MIM EL4 a AE>'A g ■a4 L*o« U^ b Tt»i» Pictor# ait.-. « E. B. FELLOWS, »s<« i v»»r M V. <~ *anrr. Tuirt T-rvtr- kltJLn’-riha T m FURNITURE HOUSE ’4l’ ETTt* »M ** Larpeuf Z U-*“ t ’l M»r. M 1» IwM Conti e ♦».r* 1 R j>uaÌ *** Burrai Rebe« and *hr«u( < •n«tanll« on Hand. Hear«* > urni«hrd. ' ’1 1 ;* » » Parlor and Chamber Suit •t ;*-• B* n • X u» » r. ffaa' v, ~r -, 1 tit fc» rvrrta IO (MkDEK ti prist* wLjct iffrall r.A? Xtxr ii panitMt* roc. yon prtot n>v stua L JtA t. BU 1FLLOII It • - ?*.♦< »'./? *,*1»*' yr: b \ >jr*’ MM • MM*t •( M» ÜM» Urtmjr r■rt» > —«J'S* ** W/ ! MUf 4 n |M* fUf** iM a* «<•> d*5eri lb»e- id Bt a»4 pa y w r »•> **.4b trWYf > ail *-*•' f x: f V j 4 'J l * a * • * go a.o: Tür. *.-• Â î T à 1 Jti IW.: X4 • * *.»•*?•- ti B«Üt W» ser* a*’'»guv*>e ..tii *’e d.»;- ay vf grass» a at 'G* r>*a«« d ta»e gra**>/* ax K xaday Bi Ihr Way. E >> I>> » x retjss* **'Wt < steale •* • « *t «Muhmut V* y ova trad m A rm arbalive tz? w 1 r?w ;ei»* n Net ♦ *»tui* ‘r.m. «■ • up K&n sows* from |3 '• ep. SO SHODDY ■ the prrxxily *d O'*g g/»—tK-» w* wer* Lnt i .Mfttezr x Sr* arm* sto u>- ter- rrZ pr*p.r*4 t*< w»**t t»** g r.my » vxy tl.ua ♦ what aaorf ‘¡i the ki a » atxejt Th* «anugglen take big ■Ma »»•.A/t-za • lhart »-O** •>rpr.** • ' hancee to bnng .a num and rfl*» a od Tlk* Gx-d ’>«• nearly 9^) »pen »a* • rf aaUae .’>4 cultivated grnMM. 'latorady hate U> be chat an.ated Asatxig taw wild gra.M« >• abavi A beth*r they get neb >r bar* much I 'jin — Mair < «Klare •«4 'tea 15c SHAVING 15 c . C H FLEMING. Proprietor H.v* è Tr* HEATIN6 & COOK SELL FOB CASI IJ k <5 VERY LOW. Tbey also ba»* a SM ALL LOT of ■ Hardware. Tinware. Etc.. Etc advantage ha* eoovectkov with the S* » j «*x to A. C. •yuchare ' »** Th* contract esMta. the com- fearelm rk a «pe«u_xy Axr atytetrf «tta< i*®rec with xtt«i th* -Ml— *nF ■* hoond under heavy penaitie* Haar dye zt •' a i-w-i:«: znt »■».—»lies fraaa üx> m«er 1***1. v> the mmzw j e*rt“B ****■<• it d»«e. them and Fasey haw l-~»« ■ reri tv. H« ar hne In » -w ■»( the faer r» I r*tr* trt!i fire proof family safe. See advertise­ ceptMHi »rf immigrant. W. J. Garrison A Co. ment in Weekly Reporter. VKATHr.H hATA WAATKb. Advertiser. can take their choice, ar^uirwoMni. in th. r^^ite al weather philosophy Kvwn |n I *• ■ A. D. Howard. M, D PHYSICIAN AND OPTICIAN ■ - a ■ AU defect, of t*' - at “ r»**on»bl* rates aa any where ia At Frank Collard’s ahofrfing gallery Oregon. New «table Third St.. MoMinnviUe MM, their folk« men ,hould readily you can aight across the prettiest Bal­ make large allowance lard sporting rifle ever brought to thia them. cheeHully, foil eWit |of lh