W. F. Collard has moved his resi­ Circuit Court. Albany has secured the car shop' dence to Third, between A and B Good again for that live burg. i The following cases have l>een acted streets, Mr. Cozine’s house. Advertisers can take their choice, upon during the past week, and the O. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS, One who has used them pronounces general giest <»f business completed. either daily or weekly, at the same old .i -i i '■ ■ Up to 1:30 p. m. Thursday, many of rate. No advance in the price. We’ve McMinnville, Or. Oct 1, 1886 the self-revolving churn dasher a fraud the jurymen had been excused, and the come to stay, if you say so. Not so with the Missouii steam washer. grand jury weir ready with their re­ II. S. Maloney, of Sheridan, a civil H. C. Manee’s Japanese cleansing THE bAli.Y HEriHtTEK port. Several new cases wen« spoken engineer of note, paid us a call to-ddy, cream is the boss. A drop or two of it of on Thursday, hut as their character From the Daily Sspt. 30th. will cake the spots out of your coat. was decidedly sensationill, nothing and placed his name down lor the This is the end of the first month of Daily Reporter. i deli nite could be obtained: publication of T he D aily R eporter . Try it. The Oklaliama boomers have gone The white turnips sent to us by Benton Hembree vs. James Morri­ To-morrow it will appear enlarged in son. Action for money. Continued. to work on the railroad ami will await Wm. Roof are tine. We can relish size and otherwise improved. No ad­ James Shirley vs. II. (’. Burch, et al. ami respect the decision >f congress in vance in price. ’ Nothing .... succeeds like I ’ such fodder as that raw', cooked, masli- Foreclosure, Submitted to be argued their case, They always have been , « verybody. «■d or in bulk. Buy some. success , give us your at Salem. respect fill, ami oppressed by the gov- In having preparations compounded R. Harris vs. E. I’. Bower, et nl. eminent. Grant Turner has been very sick, di«l it ever occur to you that there is Foreclosure. Continuili. Joaquin Miller grows enthusiastic a great saving in calling upon Burt, but is now jaist danger. Blackburn Peckham vs. Samuel over the entrance at Siuslaw. It is a bet-' An observatory should lx- added to the prescription druggist,Third street. Hayes et al. Action for money. J mig­ The Telephone’s “B street Catastro­ nient to be as per stipulation to be ter point lor commercial enterprises Cook’s hotel. It’s way up. than either Newport or Vstoria in his J. W. Henry has opened a tine new phe" happen as well on C street, or D tilled. Marietta Gilbert vs. D.J.Cooper et al. estimation : still Im doesn't pre-empt stable in Newberg. Give him a call. street, or E, F. G, H. I. J, 1st. 2d. 3d, Foreclosure. Dismissed. any land over there apparently. J. Harvey Henderson will he sue-i i lib, .'ith, in fact anywhere in McMinn- R. W. Kiugsburry vs. A J. Baker. (’ P.Church. Services next Sunday, •cessor to L. Root in the grocery trade, j villi', which hasn't got three blocks of Suit for damage* Verdict for plain­ forenoon and evening Subject tor Mr. Stowe is putting up a tine resi­ decent streets within the corporate tiff. forenoon discourse : “ An answer to . Ruth C. Unger vs. Al J. Unger. Suit dence on First street, west of B street. limits, for a, fact. the question. “Who will show us any \\ . E. Collard’s Lmsincss in this city for divorce. Granted. The new postal delivery service be­ good." Subject for evening discourse : James R. Sears vs. T. S. Ratty . Ac ­ gins all throughout the United States is an evidencx'of w hat "business sense” tion for money. Default judgment. “Gems of truth from the Poets, or leads a uulu to. He isobligcd to leave to-day. Joan Pugli vs. Chas. W. I’ugh. Suit poetic aid to Divine revelation." Sun­ C. C. Booth is going to Yaquina; his small sbu-e on C street to aeeomo- for divorce. Granted. day school 'J :30 a. m. All are cor­ Miles Hendricks has hetm heard from ¡date his panrons. and will open tlu' Henry Parrott vs. John D. Shearer dially invited to attend these services. new place with the finest range for el al. Foreclosure. Default and or- at Colfax. T. 11 Henderson, Pastor. Detmeriug intends to have his show target shooting in the state, < ’all and der of foreclosure. ----------- -.................... — Breyman Bros. vs. Lucy Hurlburt, windows photographed, The «re finely take a sit< at his latest. IInd mi OpcrHtloii Perl'orined. Teliiiesee has begun * war of the Foreclosure. Continued ioi service. displayed John A. Sinimondk vs. A. ’ N. Symons Nearlx all the hotel men in the city l>ie as Hiis emblem, and his brother If so, av heli? James Bewley vs. Lee I .aughlin. ber how er«»s-eyed lie was. Those A wagnu wood worker is wanted at ami livid. Bob, a whim me. The idea j Dismissed. who know him, among whom is Mr. has spwad over tin- whole state, and Lafayette. A line opening tor perma­ i Janies F. Brwle.v vs. Yamhill county. Lewiston, ot the International hotel, fli«- tw <• parties are now distinguished I Verdict nent husiwess. Tims. Houston vs. Nathan Westtield. . used to think he could not possibly ••very wiiere by tile ki,( Briedwcll lor favors, for which he will I II islon repeats itseh. Ruben Harris vs. John R. Millican. right in to his nose. About h weel | llliimy has no «'inbei' 16th, atjliim one, anti which ha- left the eye. whie jitieiil at Washington., w here the Joule <>nt- o’chn’k p. m. Boai'd «J Commissioners vs. .1. S. was really very much crossed, s be ex-| • x-jnHw |«niM iiiiis iaiis appear to arnogiite aningat«? to <»>'m- tU-mi- ind E. J'. Kower. Continued. S. Al Kelly was found to he J. L. l*»«lliugs vs. G. W. Coltharp. staight anti well, that the otliel no. tremeli kusy, hence no oj pportuii ty tojss lve* the right <»f d-osniatically docid- shows that it wiis also a little oil Ih ■ -’ ■■ . ing that they know ¡better than (|H. M «•liat while at Lafayette yosterday. II. Hu.rk*y vs. W. E. Poole et al. Re­ Turner will in a lew days attend l< Bishop Morris aeeonquinied Mrs. Xilm'i'iy postulaste) wóat is «niitid in port tiled.. J'«tin ti tilled. the other and will have Ixitll eyes |H«r Stamp etw «»ut. Sail'-m. Bushnell and Master Leonard east-: Alliawy. John \X iIliamson vs. Eìiza William- fectlv straight. A’oiing Kelly is »1 jt orvnilis and other postofiices <«f the war«l tr««»i Portland on Wednesday. son. Suit f«Mdivorce. < 'ontinm-d. Mis. Bedwell has r« iuinod to North !'e<>ui*try ar< withoirt stamped «•»"vel- Smit li St.«tydiens vh . Marion Town- rcatly at work regularly. The «ha lo: send and i'L .). Cnoja-r. Yamhill from a very pleasant visit at •epos :n»r thè sanie rem-Mii. Action for ha-rooms al th«- I nt«•rii.itiona 1 hotel but will be in this city Oetohei 12th money. 4 'imsjiiiied. 1 te«'» Eugeni'. She was prese.wt at the « 11« Air. Eair beli! servire Geo. i_ Lt a is vs. Fannie E. Lew is. < «< tplfr l Liine county fair. valici -s leali house last JS> in- Divorce gianied. B. B. Branson, on«' of the leading • lay. \ltendance wio good. S. two cViil- J. Elyw+u.!. H. Carse. Action for and influential farmers of Polk, pai«l • ir<’ii were baptised. money, 'lie be settled. \ > li is ncxl mvice us a pleasant visit yesterday anil sub Out. ORV.tiG IL Wolf -vs. John N’endre. Fore­ Mi'MIXW 11.LE. Siili, tour moie w» ili he baptiod. The settlement is iaigjely composed of closure decree. scribed tor the Daily Reporter. .1 \< or. Woiiru \N........................ Presides D. I. C«.»rker says that th«' farmers church people from i/ngland, and <>ve State of Oregon vh . W. E. Poole. I). 1*. T hompson ,... \ iee-presidm Jolis W «II,'I MAN............................ f'llshie .can learn of something to their advan­ undeistand that the prospects are Conti lined. AV. J. Sii<»*mds vs. Dan. Hays. Ac­ tage by (joining to his store at Lafay­ fa voluble for the c«m*t rucl ion of a Trali-ucti* a < •■• iiitii I Buiikmc iiiaun1^ tion Ioi money. Dismissed. [Settled.] church edifice at no distant day. Mir. Interest allowed on lune settlers direct from England. on X<-w York, San Francisco and Portland. tied. Office hours— from !• a. tn. to 4 p. m. The Missouri steam washer, sold by J. C. lhaly vm . J. D. Shearer, Ac- but is to-dav himself again. Mrs. Johnson and Mis- Belle expect to re- Mr. Alex button in this county, i> 1 tion for money. Continued. Board of Commissioners vs. Win. turn to-day. just what it is recommended to lie. Wess et al. Fotvclosiise. Settled. A. .1. In the case of the stale v. JOHN WOKTHAA Everybody who uses il indorses it. Geo. Watkin* vs. Geo. Landess. Ac­ Bilker, a fine of $300 was imposed. Dr. Linklater, of Hillsboro says : “Per-, Keprest-iits the following sterling Oompitn tion for money. DismisHcd. ie<- Load«« A Liverpool A Glol>e, Xortl Jas. Bewley was acquited of obstruct- sonally I observe that washing day, The Oregon Mfg. Co. vh . C. IL Burch British A Mercantile. Coinraeroinl (Juioi ingii highway. Uncle Shaddeii s case seems very much shorter since I ' et al. Sale confirmed. Fire Asmx'iation, German \inerican. Fire inan’i Fund. Hartford, ('ommerainl, Angli went to the jury last evening. brought it to the house, and that it is I John Emery vh . Nicholas Cailin. N«>vadH, State Investment. Wheat insunuioe n specialty. Forbid your child from drinking not nearly such a formidable event as, Sale continued. water at the public school pump. it used to be. My wife and girl seem i Board of ComtuiHsonerH vh . C. H. There is danger of the stinking waters to get through with it very much, Burch et al. Sale confirmed. Board of Commissioners vh . C. II. there creating a pestilence. Fill up sooner and more easily.” It is in-i Burch et al. Sale confirmed. —or­ that well and dig a new one. dorsed by Mrs. M. Baily of Willamina; A. M. Florey vh . A. L. Fiorey. ín- As soon as the roof is on Cook’s Mrs. L. E. Hanna, Carlton; A. J. vorce granted. * •— — ■■ hotel, O. O. H«*dson will lite out for Killen and wife, North Yamhill; E. E. Brooks and John Rowell, Sholls ferry ; Show the Weekly Reporter to your America. He is gathering a tine col­ Mrs. Mary A. Schmeltzer, Mountain neighbor and ask him to become a Just Received at lection of Oregon products with which side, and others. Mr. Sutton Jill be subscriber. Two copies, to separate ad- to astonish the Hoosiers. If you have in the county some time; give him dresaen if desired, one year $3.00, any nice samples give them to him. your order. The Dally Reporter, First National Bank, FIRE INSURANCE. NEW STOCK CLOTH IN C. SYMONS