*‘o <1 bluehujg widow .of Macon. There is mqfh poetical sentiment incidental to c, |^LASD*(*4 co. JM.-BLfHHEHB. thia match as the lady in question was his first love. By Gamer per we»*k'.■■■■........ ■■■■■ lo oeutH Astoria and Salem want to be con­ (Payable on Saturday.) ( By^ail Wisent« per Month (In Advance.) nected by the OPR since the tourna­ ment. The Statesman says : Lotus Hmo t"r tdv erti»i*>K Will Is* made satisfactory to nil applicants. hear from the Asturians on this point. Can't we build the road on paper McMinnville, Ol least? Hepui ler. ro oil: /.•/; id • do Hi*! ex peel a liy who mi1 pal- ton* '•! thi1* pnpi'i to lake Loth I IIE D aily anil Tur W eekly liEi’oitt eh . That would be tinleit'Oliafile. X 11 who are Inking T he W i . i ki . y in the city can order it tli.M oiitinneil at any time, and tin* balaiici • tine upon it ran he credited t<> th< account oi T he D vii . v . W e receiv* • three m four new iiauies from the cuimtry fm every one dis­ continued in til«' city under this nr- rangemant, thcremie otu friend* need have no hesitation whatever in asking McMinnville will never tin* favor, again le* without it* own Daily papei, and H will la* all printed at home at that. No extra charge is made lot' T he ItErmnn: in its enlarged form to-day. We paid loi the privilege of coming t<* thi» lovely city to reside and do business, and we propose to »tay ; and pay oui way as we go along. cut » On renewing our connection with the pre«— ul Portland in 187<*. after “experimenting with a country -beet' in Oregon city ; uni Faber worn to the length ol about one inch, and “our­ self " more picture*que than prepos­ sessing from long exposure to the fric­ tion o| the rugged edge ol interior journalism ; we were thrown into the society "i Win. Wadhums ahoiit the first evening ol *»111 new deal to report a meeting it which he wa* to preside. Observing the unfortunate cireum- stain-e <>t the short pencil in our hand lor 11 long 1 e| m >11, and like the good Suniaritiiii that he is. Mr W .-iiIhaiiis called II* to one side and remarked " Here. In land . it that is the best you cun do tin a pencil take this," shm mg 1 line <>m- into uni pliist. \ nd he s tlppleim-iitoi the act by a len him at any VV Ill'll W I • needed a gì>od I' aher. M oih I u v in I'oitlaud we again caught oil Flout street u I mhi I so I long (--------- ) laTing om friend :u liunied him up Will W 01 d aft ci list 1.1I g lee! ill) bit ol a | H'llCll ollt ill till paint <>t <>nr hand wluii Mr W* immediately phu ed liesidt it tin one we now Use. and we w ute till* Io *.iy that it ii the Iwst pencil w< have I ail «invc the death of Faber. It is K Gill A Co. \o 2. iml Hurt ha* order- ed a du .*n *peciallv torus. Thank* to Ihi*. W iilliain* lor putting u* at last upon track ut the l>< *t pencil* now in u*e. Donald Macleay has just returned from a three months vacation trip to hurvijH*, ksvking brutued and hearty, with his large and liberal views con* ceming buiunea» matters brightened by contact with the coinmvrcial giants of the old world. " fiscèlla veous . * —t ¡Look. Upon This Piciure Miccemor to D. C. M»r, Third Street. McMinnville. od The Largest FURNITURE HOI In Yamhill Tin* fourth bridge across the W il- latnette “ will surely la* built.'' Every­ thing i* ready, and the projectors art* only waiting for permission from tlu* legislature to go ahead with the rail­ road bridge below the Willamette iron works. The face of thi* part of the earth is covered with beautiful colors now. It i* the sere ami yellow leaf of autumn. The tree* are throwing oil- their spring ami summer suits, ami will soon ap­ pear in the barrenness and bleakness of winter. To fully appreciate the autumn colors, one should go up to the mountain home of some of our friends, Idvlwild lor instance: and drink in the beauties which nature ha* *pr< ail out before you. Truly the scene i* one. the contemplation of which is conducive of much pleasure. To one who loves find appreciates tlu* beautiful, the *cem* is well worth til** trip. There is a feeling of sadness, 1 however, that steal* over one, in the cuntemplation of this scene, when thinking of the dying summer; yet when winter begins to come, the same thoughts till one’s mind, while he re­ members the beauty of the season, and then he savs Why is it autumn leaves? front view Then Upon This; Burial R o I m ‘ n and Nh Consta nt |y on Ma,. Ilearwe Fui-nhiu Parlor mid Phaiiiberi TO ORDER at prices which d/ competition. Make no purchases until you priw K. «. FEI.C BACK VIEW. After which call at A. J. Apperson's and take a took at the goods A. H. & 0. 0. HOD Conger’s Double Seated Drawers and Chest- Shield Undershirt. By (I k * Way, Do vuti realize the astonishingly low prices at APPERSON’S. Men's Suits from #<>3*1 up, »nd Bovs' Suits from $3.50 up. NO SHODDY. Have a Few HEATING & COOK That they will KO1< A. In Dayton, to the wife of Dr. Dale Kirk- wiH'd. a son. At Grants l‘»ss, to the wife of Scott Wil­ cox, iui eleven pound boy Sept. 2-Sth. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA The Oregon and California R. R. SELL FOR C Hair < lilting, 'having mid pooing 1‘nrlor. 'limn* They also have a SMALL LO 15c SHAVING 15< C VERY LOW Hardware, Tinware. Etc H. FLEMING. Proprietor. That will also be sold Successor to A. (', Wyndham.) Ladle* and children's work a specialty. Any TIME. *2A DAYS. styl< of Hair Cutting desired,with neatness. Fare from Portland to San Francisco *32; Hair dyeing of all descriptions warranted. They bave a few to Sacramento, |t30. Fancy hair dressing a *)iecin)ty. Hot or Close connections made at Ashland with cold h I w . ivs ready, only 25 i*ts, Third l’ILOW*, IIAKKOU stages of the California. Oregon and Idaho *treel hi,lh- I h 'I wcisi C and D, McMinnville. Or. stage company. And Connections. IiOW for Cas; DA1IA EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) I »«»1 side Division. HI I W I I V I'OHI I IMI A I'llI.VVIl flail Tritili. i.r tv >.. ABKIVk. Fort land ... 7 M. Ashland....... 4:15 a . M. Vshbind.. ,t»:.'W« i», m . Portland....... 4:25p. M AlbiiH) LKAVIC. Pmtland.. ♦ :**• i*. Letnnon ...4:45 1 Ivpiis. Tritili. AKRIVK. m . m Lebanon . !»;2U Portland... 10:115 I* M. A. M. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily 1s t ween Portland and Ashbiud. I he • >. A < . R. |;. T, rry uiakes connection with all the regular trains on the east side division from fIH>t of F s reel Uesl Hide 1*1 vision. HI I. I'OltlllMi I Ml < OKI« Ills, Hail Train. M.ii t:-. AHRIVK. Port laud . . 7:3" a . Mc.M'nviUe. 10:12 a . m M»M'nville 10:13 i. Corvallis. . , 12:25 p. M. Corvallis... IsiOp. Mo.M nville. 3:43 p. M. ... .Meal'll Ville 3:44 p Portland.. . B:l*> p. m . \t (orvallis connect with trams of the < begun Pacific for Wit/tuna ,, Huy. lipreM Train, LMAV*. IKHlVr. W. J. IHIlKliiON. -----AT THE----- V. H. GAUNT. M i ni lo And BAI\ WV That will be sold EIRISKO MARKET. Low for Casi When you want anything intleH | Where the best of meats can always be found will consult your own interest and .,t tlie most reasonable prices, where ours to call and see us. We chink -R * A. H. A (>. " R the I lilt of beef is divided with our custom­ you. Try it. ers. Meats done up in the latest styles, an 1 good weights given. Give ns a call. i. I>. Hou a rd. II, Yours truly, W. J. Garrison & Co CITY STABLES ,¡itía¿á¿gLt PHYSICl \N AND OPTIC; All defects I sight,nmuelv.l- Kj Myopia. Hyi»1 I Diplopia ;wlier: H required to con ■ fective eye I am prepared to meet I sight and tit the proper lens to vp*11 eye-glasses Give me a call ands'R selves. Office Third Street. VtW Oregon. FASHIONABLE V . L"1?.!’"' 1 r. m McM'nville. .Sam p. m . himhrmh brom MoM ville ,5:V> a . m Portland ... **:(>> a . g. lesj.il tickets tor sale and baggage checked Ample room to care for horses. Liverv at the company’s up town oftioe. corner of team* at as reasonable rates as any where in I me md Second streets. Tickets for prin­ Oregon. New stable Third St.. McMinnville cipal points in California can onlv be pro­ cured uid baggage checked at company's of­ Brewster*» Patent Rein Holder. fice. t onier t and Front streets — L— 7. B '» victim Portland.Or i oniRnu.MT. ^T.wfc,r*“ r00 P“> tbem-not ieuht will not I m » received for shipment S°?i ***"1 *old 11 drtt- in after fly o dock p. m. ou either the eant or 4 day», one d«»l»r »old « dor. In 15 day. west »ide divisions SamplM worth »1-50 ra»v. Write for terSJ K. P. ROGERS, K. KOEHLER. O. F.A r. Agent. K. E. BREWSTER, Holly, Mich. I-**- For Mie at thia office Direct from New Vt Buy Fashionable Goods Head-quarters of Fa MISS F. E. * i vicini»"