McMINN VILLE. PRICE TWO CENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. The D ally Reporter BISHOP & KAY. CITY MARKET, Entered in the Postottioe at McMinnville for Transmission Through the Mails as Sec- I on A Cl uss Matter. = V/ It > noth b: r> > 1.1 th ;. 1 v /> Legul advertising at this office eo-ts the litigant no more than the same »pace[costs the business man. Fift\ Oil cents‘per inch (solid minion type) per month There is an average of one ^hundred words to the inch. Count it ^?up for yourselves, and send your or- ‘ m tiers t< thi' office. | num I «. ITM ie tn tali P. A N( IAJ r. rcial ’ _ riCAL ■«al (MTOBI'.K. Ootoi-er comes across the hill Like some light ghost, she is so still: Though her sweet cheeks are rosy And through the floating thistle-down Her trailing, brier-tangled gown Gleams like a crimson posy. The crickets in the stubble chime; Lanterns flash out at milking time; The daisy's lost her ruffles; Thu wasps the honeyed pippins try; A film is over the blue sky, A spell the river 11mflies. Th< golden rod fades in the sun; The spiders' gauzy veil is spun Athwart the drooping sedges; .. Th e nuts drop softly from their burrs, ■J No song bird the dim silence stirs, W t ** * A blight is on the hedges. Cl 101 ! L 1U ’P" eets. . H. But filled with fair content is she, As if no frost could ever be, To dim her brown eyes’ luster; And much she knows of fairy folk That dance beneath the spreading oak I With tinkling mirth and bluster. 8b< i listens when the dusky eves 8tep softy on the fallen leaves, KAs if for message cheering; d it must be that she can hear, yond November grim and drear, , The feet of Christmas nearing. —Susan Hartly, in St. Nicholas. MISCELL \ NEOUS |.V/< V/111111 villo LIVERY, FEED AND BALE Isn’t it rather rubbing it in to in Í , 'stable. We are prepared at nil elude in the design for oleomargarine ' 2_h ■ us to furnish tine Carriages, stamps, intended for packages, “a nice Hncks and Saddle Horses, and everything in the Livery hire, in good shape at reason­ device in black ink, representing a able rates. In addition to first class outfits in farmer and a mechanic on either side - lIVIICY, THItKIXG A 14AHIM., We keep a wagon specially adapted to the a shield bearing the Stars and Stripes.’’ delivery of parcels, trunks satchels, etc., for the accomodation of the public. Orders left As the farmer is the injured rival, and at the stable will be promptly attended to at the mechanic too often the deluded reasonable rates. TRANSIENT STOCK left ns will receive the beat of care and at­ victim of the bogus butter makers, it is with tention. Logan Bros. Sc Henderson. not exactly a happy conceit to unite M c M innville them in holding the national emblem over the stuff. W. E. Gould, a bank cashier, Port­ Cor. dd and C Streets. land, Me., defaulted to the extent of OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, $87,000. Much is made of the fact that the criminal is a son-in-law of Neal Will open October IB, 1MS6. Attention is respectfully invited to thia I)ow, and also that he has long been a BUSINESS SCHOOL. man of apparent eminent piety. Pos­ Its facilities for thorough practioa> instruc­ sibly when the truth is all out, it may tion; actual business department a specialty be discovered that neither the incident where currency, bank check, drafts, etc., are used. Class, or private instruction day or of his relation to the aged reformer evening. College Journal sent free on ap C. F. H oi ohton , Prin. nor his religion had anything to do plication. P. O. Box 101. C. J. P atnk , Sec. with making him a thief. YAMHILL CO ALWAYS I IM) CLOTHING W. F. BANCAS8ER, Propr Successor to Baugasaer A Son. Bangas-er'a building Cor. H and Third streeAe. Here is when’ you xiu worth in get yoiFr money's Beef, Pork. Mutton, Sansage, Trip« and everything .11 the line of meats, of th« best quality th«’ country aftonl». Aho the Bost of Bolognas. Give me a call and he satiefioil. W. F. HANGABHEH. W. I. it x x i i:t; K. J. WARTIN. New Firm, New Goods, New Prices \t the New Store of Basier i Mariis A new, neat and elean stock. Kvrry article A No. I. Emit .InrM, Butter <'rochr, fVlorrd Glawi.Tarc, Cutlery, Caned Good», To­ bacco. Pipes and Cigar*. Trcsh Fruit and Vegetable« in I mm « Give me a call. Inspect mv stork, «nd I will guarantee price« to suit you. MHS. M. HllAIinrX. Shadden & Vessey, K hn h ion it ‘b I e íD rcHufttakcFN t^f’l’he Taylor System of Cutting and PU ting employed. AMITY. Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay’s »tor«, McMinnville. ()r. Our village is quiet and trade lively. Front the way the stores were thronged Mas. A. M c D onald . M ihm K. T hobmto « last)Saturday one would think the farmers have money. Fashionable rica otri The body of Wm. Cooper arrived Dressmaking We* here yesterday from San Francisco, Mi In Mrs. H. I'. HtunrCa Millinery Htore. when he went but a few days since OPPOSITE GRANGE HALL, p i for health. The bereaved family have Me M inn vin,r. - Oanooe. our Sympathy. E Mrs L. attended another quilting. JAH. M’cAtX M. numi. It was at Wm. II. Harrisons, and she speaks in the highest praise of the McCain & Hurley, gathering, and especially of the dinner. 4TTOHSEYS.AT.LAW Yort The work was somewhat Anatrateti l»v AXO MOTAH1EA PUBLIC, ere accident which happened to a Lafayette, Oregon, Especial attention paid toabetraetaof title son of Hon. J. R. Sanders. The little and aettleroent of eel a tee in probate. sill thown from a horse and so Ortioe Jail binding, op at a ire. badly cut and bruised about the head and/ face that it was feared he could not live. His physician thinks he h . c. roam All the judges of the supreme court C. D. JOHNSON. will beco ver. W. F. COLLARD, f Mr and Mrs. Bunting treated us to of the United States will be in attend­ •JOHNSON & FORGE. ar* * ni* ride last Sunday evening. We ance at the commencement of the Dealer in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition MANUK ACTUBXBH or Cutlery, Fine Fishing tackle, Cigar ’’|l' went to Bellevue, where we learned a term. October 12th. Chief Justice First-Clam Etc. ‘Church was to be dedicated at 3 p. m., Waite spent his summer vacation in a WAGONS, HACKS, BHŒGIES. CABBIAÖE8, but *< found the services had been at trip to the Yellowstone national park, Etc. Etc. Bralys Bank Building 11 k in. 'We next drove to Ballston, and to Alaska, and is much improved Third Street, Opposite McMinnville B Street, between Third and Foorth. pausing some fine farms on our way, in health and strength. Justice Field l-^TCarriage ------ Painting and Repairing a ...... . Baths. and Justice Matthews spent most of Specialty. r_. ¿heaei ¡e by \ Broadmead* ___ 2 ‘ farm, the ‘ finest “ Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. ‘ " ~~~ O bfxxjn GIVE U8 A CALL. - Jbuntry home we have seen in the | the summer in Europe. Business College, B*