*¿8 »••• SS Th* DirHy Reporter. —CP— M c M innville , - . . n. c. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS, J acob W ortman ........... Bpt Olicei N "K y. 4 hompson , ............. Sept. 30, 1886 D. . P. . T .......... Vice-Ma“ J ohn W ortman ............... au P ——————————————— ( • ....----------- "^lilei Dr. Turner is performing remarka­ ¡Transacts a General Banking Interest allowed on time deposit«. ble operations and cures at the inter­ Collections made on favorable Unai national hotel, Portland Sight Exchange and Telegraphic 'ft New York is redeeming her reputa­ I on Now York, San Francisco and Pa^ tion She has already contributed Office hours—from 9 a. m. to 4 p. B more to Charleston than was raised I FIRE INSURANf from the whole country for the Grant JOHN WOKTBAJ monument, or some $130,000 Boston Represents the following sterling « contributes about half as .much as FRONT VIEW ies: London & Liverpool A Glebe, New York, although Boston has not British & Mercantile, Commereiil ' Fire Association, German America, more than a quarter of New York's man’s Fund, Hartford, Cornmerei»! ., population, and less than one-fourth Nevada, State Investment. Wheat insurance a specialty. its wealth Richmond, Va., refuses to help Charleston, despite the request of the leading citizens of Richmond. —OF— At the late Salem fair Yamhill ear ried off the prize for the largest and best jack in Oregon The judges had an elaborate report prepared to be read to the owner when awarding the prize and it was arranged that it should be . Howard. I>. staight and well, that the other now —O—• PHYSICIAN AND OPTICIAN. shows that it was also a little oil. Dr. All defects of the eye­ Turner will in a few days attend to sight,namely. Presbyopia, Mvopin, Hypermetropin, the other and will have both eves per­ 1 >i plopin ¡when glnsses are fectly straight. Young Kelly is al­ __ required to correct the de- a.1prpI’arvd to meet. I test the ready al work regularly. The doctor L. 1,1 UA* prol*>r I«»" to spectacles and has rooms at the International hotel, nelv.t______________________ "t"1 **tisfy your- rh'rd Stre6t MoMiunville, but will lw in this city October 12th. 'OrXn Oi^n J EURISKO MARK ■ Fr __ ___ lae Where the best of meats can always far and at the most reasonable prices , the loin of beef is divided with ers. Meats done up in tbe tateK he and good weights given. Give«" . Yours truly, W. J. Garrison Hoi FASHIONABLE M illineb It Direct from New Y g* Buy Fashionable Goods ft»» Head-quarters of Fash» £ an no wi a. ' BINS ». B. ®n * ’ ■tcMi««’111' W« Ch bu 11 p* ■