The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, September 30, 1886, Image 3

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    • ©«ifj Reporter.
innville, Or.
Sept. 30, 1886
is is the end of the first month of
location of T he D aily R eporter .
norrow it will appear enlarged in
and otherwise improved. No ad-
„_>• in price. Nothing succeeds like
8U0C<- ; give us your
. everybody.
D. H. Turner is visiting in the city.
>n. J. H. Mitchell will be in Port-
on Saturday.
e learn that Hon. J. N. Dolph has
i a trip to Europe.
v. Pennoyer intends to reside in
land during his term.
cial meeting at 11 o’clock every
day at the Christian church.
|0K,dmpnd is selling off at cost, with­
out an‘y foolishness. Price his stock.
The Indian war veterans will meet
at tfte opera house Friday of this week.
C. Lienenweber 4 Co. are going to
put up a salmon cannery at Nestacca.
The Elmore cannery at Tillamook
put up 5,000 cases of fish this
e hundred dollars reward for an
able case of Hemorrhoids or Piles.
i. . -
! will take your order for a Victor
roof family safe. See advertise-
in Weekly Reporter.
is is a Jewish holiday, the closing
w Year festivals, which began on
esdny. One week from Saturday
a the day of atonement celebra-
F. Peterson intends to build a
building on his lot corner of D
'bird streets in this city soon. It
I of the best corners in the city.
The United States is placed by her
own authorities at the foot of the list
of naval powers in the essential mat­
ships and guns, there being
South American, two Asiatic
ifteen or sixteen European
which outrank us.
W. T. Logan of this city, and
Shelton, from Scio, called on
the Reporter, on Wednesday last, and
were;, greatly pleased by the manner
n which the lever of the world was
daced in presentable form. Come
Ufa in ladies.
Every lady not in health should
A recent land slide at Mount Hood,
consult Dr. Turner,International hotel, or rather a slide of rapidly decompos­
ing rock, referred to by Prof. Pilking­
Aslam going out of business this ton in the Rural Spirit, has destroyed
week I w’ant all who are owing me by ten acres of timber at one slash ; mak­
note or account to call and settle this ing kindling wood of trees 300 fret
week. L. Root.
Rev. Mr. Sellwood offers an acre of
Following is a list of ¿he grand jury
above Milwaukie as an induce
now in session at Lafayette: J. M.
Kelty foreman; J. J. Putman,«J. E. ment to a glass factor to locate there ;
Hubbard, A. P. Fletcher, M. Ramsey, or he will sell the land to a syndicate
to lay out a town site. He has made
W. H. Bingham and James Sparks.
At Frank Collard’s shooting gallery similar offer to the M dson cordage
you can sight across the prettiest Bal­ company.
Something should be done tn pre­
lard sporting rifle ever brought to this
city. Frank is preparing a splendid vent convict labor at home from ruin­
surprise for his customers. Drop in ing legitimate business investments.
Seatco penitentiary sash and doors are
and see him.
The Mackey-Ben nett telegraph line doing more damage to this industry
is being pushed forward as fast as pos­ than everything else combined, and
sible. A little competition will be there is nothing ‘smart” in it; as the
healthful to the public in this matter system is the only thing which causes
of telegraphing, but it will perhaps these results, and that is done by con­
vict labor at the low rate of fifty cents
make the WUCo. sick.
E. B. Fellows is prepared to give per day to do the work.
A good suggestion is made relative
people the finest surprise in picture
frames they ever had.
Frames that to the state fair, and that is this. Let
formerly sold for ♦10.00 he sells for a purse of $1,000 be hung up as a pre­
♦2.75; and the $2. $3 and $5 frames mium to the best county exhibit. The
sell for 50 cents, six bits and a dollar county winning it would find the sum
each. Call and see these fine frames. a snug fund for a county fair or
Oregon Supreme court will convene othbr laudable local purpose, and the
on Monday. The personnel of the interest which the competition would
court will now be, Hon W. P. Lord, awaken through the counties would
chief justice; Hon. W. W. Thayer, have a tendency to make the state
and Hon. R. 8. Strahan, associate jus­ fair something more than mere name.
The McMinnville public schools
tices. It is said that the court will
this fall started in better shape,
open with a lengthy docket.
The board of immigration are so in some respects, than ever before.
well pleased with the results of the ex­ There is, however, an insufficiency of
hibit car that they hope to be able to school accommodations, and conse­
keep it in the field twelve months. quently an urgent demand (or new
The New’ Orleans and London fairs, buildings. The enrollment at the be­
in view of results unseen at the for­ ginning is equal to the average daily
mer. are not looked upon with favor 'attendance for the last year. If it in­
creases as it usually does, there will
by the board.
It is indeed a very sorrowful loss not be seating for the pupils.
That was a hard hit at railroading
the death of Jas. Heath entails. His
death occurred at 12 o’clock Tuesday when a sick man was brought to the
night. He leaves a wife and three train at Beaverton in a buggy, and
children. His age was forty-six years. the conductor wanttai to know who
The funeral will be held this u. m. would look out for him at the Morri­
under the auspices of-the Masonic fra­ son street crossing in Portland, and
the driver of the team said : “ O. I’ll
ternity from his late residence.
Hodsons make their own window be there, I will drive in ami meet
Webster's eves opened to find
heads and cornices for the Cook hotel. you!
They are not imported, and A. H. the man and team there when he
Hodson invented the machine that stopped his train; ami it took him
forms them. They guarantee to make some time to get at the secret of the
anything in the line of cornices that matter which a study of tin* map re-
i veals, that the distance to Portland by
anybody will furnish the pattern for the wagon road is short compared to
and put up the coin to pay for.
the circuitous route of the railway.
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