First National Bank. The Daily Reporter. I> <’ IKKI.AMl A CO. PVBI.ISHERS, M< Minnv ill«*. < >r Sept 29. 188f. CORRESPONDENCE. eery staph* Syndicates have been formed with ramifications in London, ----- OF----- New York, Havr«*. Rio and Santos, McMINN VII j LE. ORE but as .i tile their success even at the I J acob W ortman ................. Preside best I... - ls-en quest tonable, while often 11). P. T hompson ...............Vice-presitlei ............................ C’ashit large fortune« have lieen lost in them. I ■J ohn W ortman _____ In this question <>f coffee it must not Transact? a General Tan!' ng borine««. ho overlooked that nt quotations now Interest allowed on time depoeits. Collection« made on fav< rable terme. ruling it is a very dear beverage, much Sight Exchange and Telegraphie Trami dearer than tea These high prices or. New York. San Francisco and Portland. Office hours—from 9 a. m. tc 4 p. m. will not only in< i. asc the efforts of th«* producer to market the available coffee, but will als<> tend to restrict th«* .SOII\ WORTMAN consumption. Still, a reckless coffee Represents the following sterling Oomixfl corner is not a new institution, and les: London A Liverpool A Globe. Nofl prices may again !<«■ carried as they British A Mercantile. Commercial Unfl have been of old. to prices which, Fire Association, German American. Fifl when the reaction came, only added to man’s Fund. Hartford. Commercial. Anfl Nevada, State Investment. the catastrophe. Wheat insurance a specialty. NEW ERA < AMP MEETING A few w »rd« concerning the New Era camp meeting oi which 1 was an attendant, will interest some, if not all the readers of your paper. A goodly number were on the ground when we arrived, tents already up, and still go­ ing up all seemed animated and happy, and as the days passed by the interest increased, people came from all around until hundreds assembled, showing an interest in the spiritual philosophy. The number of ¡»ersons Mrs. H. P. Stuart. who have become adherents to this F AMI ION AHI.E faith in the patt year is simply won­ Dressmaking, derful. and the new adherents gained Millinery, forth«* .ause are the most intellect­ foia (,<»ori*, riunnixi.s, no ­ tion . kt < . ual and refined portion of our land. ItiAir UrHVinr and Mumping The spiritualistic matters are daily as­ Done to Order. suming more importance all over the Opposite the (»range «tore. McMinn , ills. Or. world, and thorn* who formerly were the most bitter opponents to the cause, are fast becoming its most ardent sup­ porters. There were several speakers preaeul, „nd a greater demand for evi­ dence of the souls immortality was never mon* eagerly manifested (1. P. Colby of Florida, occupied the rostrum every other day, and gave interesting and eloquent lectures, which were lis­ tened to with interest and pleasure. His eloquence stired the divinity w ith­ HIMHIIMH IBRO*. in us, and made us look from nature up Ample room tv care for honiM. Livery to nature's God and feel that we are teams at as reasonable rates as any where in an immortal entity The tests were J Oregon. New stable Third St, McMinnville. CITY I I STABLES. FIRE 1 NSC R ANCE! i NEW STOCK —OF— CLOTHIN Just Received at ST. IIOTE <11 ARLES F. MULTNEH. Prop.. Corner Third and B streets. MCMINNVII.LK - - OHKGI New house! New fumitnre! Unsr.rpan in the country. Rates—fl to $2 per day, cording to room. Single meals 25 m Lodging. 25 to 50 cents according to roi Board and Lodging. <4 to $6, per week. Ii Fine Sample Rooms for commercial m Give me a call and see for yourself. W. J. GABKIHOK. 1. H. OXWB ----- AT THE----- EURISKO MARKE Where the best of meats can always befit truly marvelous Through him I re­ and at the most reasonable prices, vb t. I). Hou aril, II. II. ceived the most consoling am! touch­ the loin of beef is divided with our cus'.J ere. Meats done up in the latest strt PHYSICIAN ANI) OPTICIAN. ing me-iages from departed friends an J good weights given. Give ns h K Al! defects of the eye ­ Yours truly, that < an never bi* forgotten The nies sight,namely. Presbyopia, W. J. Garrison & Ci rag'"' provi the affection that survives 1 * MyopH. Hyperroetropia, x i iplxpia ¡when glass «are earth life and watches over us. I can­ required to correct the de­ FASHIONABLE not Imt < x. lami ft c'tve eve j am prepared to meet. I test the sight and tit the proper lens to spei taeles and *' Tin- fetters breik ; the shackles foil, eye-glasses Give mea call and satisfy your­ The bum of death are riven; selves. Office Third Street. McMinnville, Oregon Nweet hope and mercy comfort nil, Direct from New York. And earth oommune with heaven.” S. C. FORCE. Mi Colby intends visiting McMinn­ C. 1». JOHNSON. ville ere his departure to his Florida| «home. Mrs. M. E. H oward . | JOHNSON Á FORCE. Buy Fashionable Goods From! MANVFACTVBKBH OF First -Claw? Referring to th< attempted corner in coffee, which (ailed as all other at­ ^AGON’S. HACKS. BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, Etc. Etc. tempts in this line have failed. Brad­ street says Then* have been mon*' , Third and Fourth. speculative movements organized fori I-» Carnage Painting and Repairing a Specialty. I erfect satisfaction guaranteed cornering coffee than any other gro- OIVE US A CALL. á a s il H 1!'in I >?-*i ■ -1* • i ai 1 y . a Head-quarters of Fashion !