The Daily Reporter, gether. It takes :i pretty severe earth- quake to destroy one of these build­ il. (!. 1ICEI.AN11 A CO. I-CHI.ISIIEKS. ------ 0- - ■ Subscription Kate«. ings. Congressman Hermann is taking a look at southeastern Oregon, inquir­ ing into the expediency of removing the military forces now there. 1 he secretary of war had ordered the troops removed and the fort dismantled, and the reservation thrown open for set­ tlers before Mr. II left Washington, but he got the secretary to counter­ mand t.h<‘order till the meeting of congress. He will also make an in­ spection of Crater lake during li is By < farrier per week........................... 10 cents (Payable on Saturday.) Single < ooy By Mail 10 cents |>er Month In advance. Kates for 1rtentious about it. The ne­ gro« accept it as a fulfillment of the prophecy that there shall be signs in the Heavens before the end of the world, which event they now claim will take place on the 29th. Grotesque exhibitions of superstition, which took place toslay at virions places of w<»r- ship for the co hired ]H-<>p|e, were almost If ) olid belief, A slight earthquake shock was felt .(>) up, and Boys' from $3.50 up. NO SHODDY JA8. M'CAIN. McCain & Hurley. Jj ATTOKM'.VS- IT-l.AU AM» NOTAU1F.N 1’1 HUB Lafayette. Oregon, Espeoial attention paid toabstr. ot«nf and settlement of estates in probate Office Jail buiding, np stairs. NtMli 3&U& VOTAX Karthquake* ind storms are about Hair Cutting. «tinviiig and '*>“ pooiug Parlor. all papers .-.nt of the Mississippi have Burial Robe* and Shroud« to write of lately They would soon < oiiManiiy on Hand. c . get u>ed to it if they lived in Peru. Ilrarwe Furnished. In lama there is a constant »baking C. H. FLEMING. Proprietor : of theearth. The house.» are uniformly Snooewor to A. C. Wyndham.) three stories in height. The first I.tidies and children's work a specialty- style of Hair Cutting desired,with ne» • lory is of brick or atone, with walls TO ORDER at price* whioh defy all Hair dyeing of all descriptions wsrrsnt*i| competition. fully three feet thick. The upper two I Fancy hair dressing a ajsscialty. ** Make n<> purchase* until you price my stock. cold baths always ready, only Ï5 <’U. storioa are made of hnml»oo lashed to­ I K. R. iEl.I.OW*. street between C and D, McMinnville. (> 15c SHAVING 15 I’arior ami Chamber Suits ■ «? * i ; s-? s I *. th