AILY REPORTER. Presidi ort land., . m. ^CEl V ol . 1. no . 22. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, iSMi AN The Daily Reporter K compì be, Nd liai Un; can, Fi ial, An Le red in the Postoffice at Me Minnville for Proprietors of the old established and well 'ransmission Through the Mails as Bee­ known nd Class Matter. ; k t S’ '•» 18, HEG isurparf 1er dal to ia reek, fl rcial 11 f. HILI. I.'XIAN. WUT HENDEB8ON. LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON. innville Subscribe for the Reporter, ami pay I it when yon subscribe, and we will kige ourselves to give you more pvs, for fess money, than any other per in the W illamette valley. The Lily will help the weekly 100 per ht. See if it don’t. initiatory steps have been taken to t prosecution of parties who sent It the bogus reports concer ning the jeged new fishery treaty. Their of- kse is indictable, and because of the pular indignation over the nutner- |s impositions practiced lately it. pus that the industry is to be put to end for a time al least. ISHOP & KAY -------(«;• THE CLOTHIERS OF Third St.. Opposite YAMHILL (X). BANK D on ’ t F orget the P lace , & RUSH LOGAN. i — Where yon will— IAVAYS FIND E. J. MARTIN. New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of LIVERY. FEED AND SALE stable. We are prepared at all hours to furnish fine Carriages, Hack« and Saddle Horses, and everything in the Livery hire, in good shape at reason­ able rates. In addition to firHt class outfits in LIVERY. THIIKHI. A rEAYllWG, We keep a wagon specially adapted to the delivery of parcels, tranks satchels etc., for the accomodation of the public. Orders left at the stable will be promptly attended to at reasonable rates. TRANSIENT STOCK left with ns will receive the tient of care and at­ A new. neat and Clean stock Every article tention. Logar B tol & Hcaàersor. A No. 1. Fruit Jars, Butter Crocks, Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ bacco, Pipes and Cigars M c M innville Business College, lista & Martin Frosh Fruit and Vegetable* in Season Give me a cal). Inspect inv »lock, and I will guarantee prices to suit you. Cor. .'id and C Streets. OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK. Will open October 18. 1SS»1. Attention is resju-ctfully invited to this Third street, opfsisite the Marble works. BUSINESS SCHOOL. Mrs. G. II. Goulet., Its facilities for thorough practical instruc­ McMinnville. - - Oregon. tion: actual business department a specialty At ill sell present stock below cost, to where currency, bank check, dr ifts, etc., are make room for fall used. Class, or private instruction day or evening. College Journal sent free on ap TIUJ.MIIH (.(HIDA, plication. C F. Hot ghton . Prin. P. O. Box 101 C. J. P avne , Sec. To which she invites the ladies inspection. Whilt goods I have I represent as they are, and ihe goods will sjimik for themselves Miss K. T iiobnt - in M ks . A. M c D onald . Fashionable Family Grocery Store. Dressmaking'. In Mrs. }l. I’. Stnnrt’s Millinery Stori'. OPPOSITE Gli ANGE HALL, M c M innville < Jltl OON. Third Street. McMinnville, Oregon. L. ROOT, Proprietor, Dealer in t CITY MARKET, |W it All Fresh Goods, Groceries. Flour, Bacon, and Glassware and Crockery. J j ?'.’ 'Goods delivered to purchasers-inihe ch W. F. BANCASSER, Propr. IN THE •«< ,e’ Successor to Bangasscr A Son. Bimgaaser’s building Cor. 1! and Third street«. — o— Here is where you can get your money't worth in ---------- I Beef, Pork. Mutton. Sausage, Tripe rnishing Goods of all kind, and above and everything in the line of meats, of the rHE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents best quality the country affords. Also the h? fero»n«vill<* Woolen Ylill. Best of Bolognas. Owijitr a fall line of all goods made by thMftee'ebrated mills. Give me » cal) and be satisfied. W. F. BANGAS8ER. MBH. M. HHAMPFN. MIKS MAY VKHHKY. Shadden & Vessey, Fashionable Dressmaker« The Taylor System of Cotti ng and Fit ting employed. Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay's store, McMinnville, (>r.