The Paily Reporter. D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. ■McMinnville, Or. - Sept. 27, 1886 Capt. Lafollett is rapidly recovering lliis health in Salem. A. J. Apperson and wife, and Jacob Wortman and wife, took in the New- H» rg fair Saturday. We will take your order for a Victor ■ire proof family safe. See advertise- Inent in weekly Reporter. Show the Weekly Reporter to your neighbor and ask him to become a subscriber. Two copies, to separate ad- Idresses if desired, one year $3.00. A son of Hon. J. R. Sanders, living Lear Amity, met with a serious acci- ■lent by falling from a horse last Sat- lurday. The horse stepped on his head, inflicting a bad scalp wound. When letters of inquiry are address- led to this office upon topics interest­ ing only to the inquirer, a stamp for ■»ayment of postage on the return let­ ter is necessary to secure an answer. It is thought that Willis Skiff, the I missing Union merchant, was murder- I id at north Powder. Three or four ar­ rests have been made including Dr. ■'ipwet, lately employed by Philip Ktitz in the nursery trade. Mrs. I>r. Barclay’s visit to Yamhill County was occasioned by the death of her mother. Mrs. Catharine Pambrum, who died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Rogers, near west Che- halem. Mrs. Barclay had the satisfac­ tion of being with her mother when |he breathed her last. I One of Geo. T. Myers’ Indian fisher­ men caused a sensation in Seattle one day last week by drawing several liun- ■red dollars on a check at Horton’s bank. As he left the bank a reporter instituted inquiry when the Indian good naturedly established the fact that he and his fellow laborers were making an average per diem of $9 •ch fishing, at four and one half cents per fish. He said: “Sometimes we get 200 salmon at one haul, and some­ times 2000. Sometimes we make two hauls in one day and sometimes three or four hauls. Every few days Mr. ■vers gives me a paper, which I take to the bank and get all the money, and then I pay the other men who work for me.” Where is the white man in this valley who can show a better record than that this year? D. M. Caldwell and family paid Mc­ K ing of the R oad . By a combination Coy a visit Saturday, to return to-day. of springs on the shaft all jerking mo­ The sale of personal effects at the tion is done away with, and it rides as Fenton farm was well attended, and easy as a buggy. Over eighty have been sold this year. For full particulars in­ fair prices realized. Hon. John Catlin of Portland, is in quire of Henderson Bros., at the city attendance at court in Lafayette this stables. Fred Schwatka has been heard from week. in his Alaskan expedition. July 26th W. H. Bingham has gone to Lafay­ ette to assist Judge Boise in running his party got to a height of 17,020 feet above the sea level on Mount Elias, court to-day. Grover Simpson, W. F. A Co.’s route the highest climb above snow level agent paid the McMinnville office an ever made. One of his most impor­ official visit Saturday and O. K.d busi­ tant discoveries was an immense river emptying into Icy bay, a mere inden­ ness. A. H. Hodson has the finest Lima tation of the coast sixty miles west of beans we ever tasted in Oregon. Why Yakubat bay. The stream is from a there, isn’t more of these raised is a mile to a mile and half wide, SOO to a 1,000 yards of which is running water, mystery to us. the remainder being at low tide mud, Price, the artist, not only takes first class pictures, but he took also that sand and gravel. This great river is Winchester rifle, in the late contest entirely too big in every way to be draining only the seaward slopes of the at Collard’s shooting gallery. Have you tried Uncle Jim Fletch­ Mt. Elias mountains, from which it er’s Missouri pumpkins? They are apparently comes. It must head far fine, when cooked, and baked into pies beyond the range, and break through according to directions, and a man them. Its muddy waters, from glac­ who can't relish them and kiss the iers, discolor all the waters of Icy bay cook ; at home of course; ought to be and for many miles out to sea. It was named Jones river. disfranchised. Portland papers recently published E. B. Fellows is prepared to give people the finest surprise in picture an account of the death of a little frames they ever had. Frames that girl who had been sent to one of the formerly sold for $10.00 he sells for city hospitals from the vicinity of Os­ $2.75 ; and the $2, $3 and $5 frames wego. The parents of the girl were sell for 50 cents, six bits and a dollar poor people, and when she was taken each. Call and see these fine frames. violently sick with typhoid fever, in A team ran away Friday night near the absence of a neighborhood physi­ Newberg and badly wounded a girl cian, sent to Portland for one. The named Crawford. One leg was brok­ only one who could be found to go en, besides other injuries of a serious demanded $50 for three visits, which nature. Her brother was driving, and of course the poor people could not they ran into a rut in the dark, which raise and therefore could have ;lO threw him off the seat. The team physician. In their dire extremity fetched up all in a heap in a fence cor­ their only recourse was the city hos­ ner. pital, where she was sent with hopes The CPR is losing considerable traf­ that the skillful treatment might save fic from the sound on account of not her life. But the hopes were vain as having adequate steamer facilities be­ the removal was too much, and the tween Seattle and the terminus of its poor child died crying pitifully for road. The people of the sound are some hours before her death for her jubilant over occupying a position mother, who was left ill at home, and midway between two great transconti­ for whom there was not time to send nental lines. It is rumored that the ere dissolution took place. In view CPR will bring out their lake Superior of the facts in this case is it not per­ line of steamers to ply between Port­ tinent to inquire if humanity should not suggest that physictans attend land, Seattle and Victoria. the wants of such patients, even if L. D. Mulkey, general agent for the their salaries be assured by the people. State Insurance Co., Salem, is also Advertisers can take their choice, general agent for the sale of the best either daily or weekly, at the same old road cart on wheels. It is made at rate. No advance in the price. We’ve Independence, and is known as the come to stay, if you say so.